
My Mutant Army Is Limitless

"With the right tools, curses can be transformed into blessings. I am but a commoner from a cursed surface city, an ant to the mutant overlords leading the human civilization to another era of glory; even less than ant to the apocalyptic monsters that terrorize all seven planets of our solar system. But I have a cursebreaker artifact, and I have a goal. Whether you're the centuries-old rulers of mankind, or the thousand-meter tall monster-beasts, or even the transcendent, invincible architects of the galaxy, I will tear apart your body with my hands, raze down your spirit with my soul, and conquer your world with my mutant army!" Additional Tags: Cautious and Ruthless Protagonist, Smart Side Characters, Scheming, Politics, Wars, Beast-taming, Slavery, Duels, Violence, gore, Supernatural abilities, mutation, evolution, Cultivation, Modern-Setting, alternative technology, Advanved technology, Bloodlines, Sci-fi, Weak-to-strong.

nosinundersun · SF
67 Chs

54: Meet The King


Darkness as smooth as velvet seemed to have been wrapped around his eyes like a silk-soft veil, constricting Mir's vision no matter how hard he tried to see. Strangely enough, there was very little panic in him despite feeling powerless and detached from his five senses. The ever-present sense of clarity gave him the opportunity to think and reflect on how things had come to this, which was probably not a luxury most Transcenders exploring a sacred ground could afford, that much he was sure of.