
Chapter 11: Intriguing Interactions

Rose woke up early that day, her mind focused on the tasks ahead. Despite the reduced workload, certain chores remained her responsibility, such as laundering the clothes and dusting the enormous mansion. After washing the clothes, she made her way to the kitchen, where she found Becky.

"Rose!" Becky squealed in happiness, enveloping her in a warm hug.

"Becky!" Rose returned the hug, a smile adorning her face.

"Let's sit for a while," Becky suggested, leading Rose to a chair.

They sat in the kitchen, their hands wrapped around warm cups of tea. Rose began sharing her story, her words painting a picture of her life. Becky listened attentively, her face a mix of concern and admiration.

"I grew up in an orphanage, Becky," Rose started. "Life's always been a rollercoaster. Highs, lows, twists, turns... you name it. When Zedon Sir offered me this job, I saw it as a chance. A chance to finally stand on my own two feet."

Becky nodded, her gaze sympathetic. "Life does throw us curveballs, doesn't it? But it's admirable how you've faced it all."

Their conversation took a subtle turn when Rose brought up the topic of Zedon. "Becky, you've been here longer than me. I was wondering… you know… about Zedon Sir… and his...uh...guests?"

Becky sighed. "Yes, Zedon Sir does bring women home occasionally. But I keep my nose to my chores, Rose. After all, we're maids, not investigators."

Rose couldn't help but smile at Becky's practicality. Despite their roles, the women shared a camaraderie that defied the lines of duty and personal lives.

Meanwhile, Zedon was in his study, engrossed in a book when Rose walked in with a tray of tea. He looked up, his face brightening at her sight. "Ah, the bringer of warmth," he exclaimed, setting aside his book.

Rose chuckled, setting the tray on his table. "I hope you're talking about the tea, sir."

Zedon grinned. "Well, the tea certainly helps. But I was talking about your presence, Rose."

Rose couldn't help the blush that spread across her cheeks. Deciding to change the subject, she pointed toward the book he'd been reading. "What's the book about?"

"Ah, this?" Zedon picked up the book, a twinkle in his eyes. "It's about mythical creatures... mermaids, to be exact."

He watched as Rose's eyes widened. "Mermaids? Do you believe in them, sir?"

Zedon laughed, his eyes meeting hers. "Would it be strange if I said yes?"

"No, not at all," she said, shaking her head. "I think it would be wonderful if they existed. A world beneath the sea, untouched by human folly."

Her imagination brought a knowing smile to Zedon's face. He was amused and charmed by her openness. "Yes, it would indeed be wonderful," he echoed.

Their conversations often took such unexpected turns, veering from reality to fantasy. It was in these moments that Zedon felt a strange mix of joy and sadness – joy from their shared dreams and sadness from the unspoken truth that lingered between them.

With every passing day, the truth of his identity was becoming more of a burden. He didn't quite understand why he felt that way. Why had he come to Earth for her? Perhaps it was her charm or the fact that she was the only human who could enter his kingdom. He was searching for answers.

He found himself carefully studying the girl standing before him. Her beautiful eyes, soft lips, and enchanting face held a captivating allure. He slowly rose from his seat and approached her, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. This simple act startled Rose. She looked into Zedon's eyes, intrigued for a moment. Then, as if regaining her awareness, she hurriedly replied, "S-Sir, I'll take your leave. Becky must be waiting for me in the kitchen." With that, she quickly collected the empty cups and departed, leaving Zedon standing alone, intrigued, fascinated, and lost.

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