
Happy mom

Once upon a time there is a girl named kaushalya, she was brave and have no any tension in her life. She was 13 years old, ain't love going to school rather do the work related to household. She was everyone's favorite from her neighbour and they use to love her because of her kindness, innocent and caring. People named her "kausa" the short form of kaushalya. she never loved school because of the education facilities of the time. She barely goes to school when her parents forces her to study. She was happy and everyone from her home loves her because of her good works. She was so talented that she cook , serve and washes utensils everytime when her mom suffers or an ordinary day. She was from village so there's nothing to do much. She was hard working and use to cut Grasses for her domestic animals like cows, goats, buffalo etc. She was happy with her life.

One day she was returning home from school and her friends decided to go home late and roam the market., she saw many new things and happy to see clothes, bangles, tika and the things that teen love to see in the market. She was so happy to see the market and she forgot that it's late and said her friends, it's being late guys we have to go home real quick. Everyone apart from the market towards their home. Kausa and her friends were leading to their home suddenly an old man saw kausa and said to his partner isn't she beautiful to marry one of my sons. The other person replied yes she is beautiful and hard working too. The wise man told everything about kausa to the old man. The old man was impressed and thinking about his son's marriage to her. The old man was told by the wise man that many people visited her home for her marriage but her family gave her to no-one, the old man decided to go with her brother to ask for their son's marriage. One day kausa was playing in the garden, suddenly she saw 2 new faces comming towards her home and after seeing that she called her dad who was a very loyal and have a good reputation in the village.

The two old man was scaring to talk to kausa's father about her marriage. The were drunk and had shaking voice, one of them told that we are lost and have to stay their because it was dark night. Kausa's father welcomed them by providing food and place to sleep over night. In the morning one of the old man apologized to kausa's father that they came to their house drunk and we're not lost. We want to ask your daughter to get married with my son. They thought that due to their behavior kausa's father will take action towards them. After knowing how great was the person they told the truth to him. Kausa was turned 16 so her father thought it'll be right time to get married. Her father was happy but it was kausa who ain't happy of her father decision, so she was ready according to her father's decision. After some days she got married to the old man's son who was educated and have a good personality. Both the family were now in relation. Everyone was happy.

Kausa was feeling the new sensation because she is now not with her family. She was now leaving with her husband and his family. She was hard working but who knows that their mother in law wasn't happy to kausa. Kausa always tries to make their parent in law happy by doing all the works of home and cleaning the house, but her mother in law who always use to beat her and scold her for no reason. She was getting tortured everytime and her family taught her that no matter what you have to live their so always talk to them polite and happily. She always respected them as their own father and mother but they never loved her and always use to tell her to go far from their life. A happy lady was now sad enough due to their behavior towards her.