
Chapter 10.1 ( His lovely sad Past)

It was 3 years back...


Colton's POV

"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?? I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY LIFE. YOU BOTH DISGUST ME" Gosh these old geezers are getting on my nerves...

"Son, please try to-"

"STOP! DON'T CALL ME YOUR SON WITH THE MOUTH OF YOURS. And you! You old man! Don't get your hopes up cuz. I won't be walking in your path. Find someone else to be your puppet"

I went towards the door to open it as it kept ringing which quite annoyed me.

As soon as I opened it, there stood a girl.

"Who are you?"

I asked. Already furious with my situation

"I-I am Rhythm. Mrs-" The girl said stuttering

"Ooh... Rhythm dear, come in." cooed my so-called mom.

Author's note

I just started this episode off... I'll complete it in the next episode..

Bye bye