

I slowly back away and my back rests on a tree bark as the approaching wolves close in on me. They aren't baring their fangs but they sure as hell scare me. With the cold tree surface pressing against my back and approaching wolves at my front, I had no way of escape. I look up the tree and an idea pops into my mind.

(If I can climb this tree, am sure I'll be safe. Wolves can't climb trees.)

Taking in a breathe, I jump from the ground and grab the nearest tree branch hoisting myself up. I climb three branches before sitting. The wolves jump trying to get to me and I let out a sigh.

(Am safe for now, there's no way they can climb this high.)

My eyes land on Black and Kahiki who are fighting Leo and Finn. The wolves growling below me catch my attention and I recoil backwards.

(Why won't they just give up?)

As if reading my thoughts, the wolves stop trying to get me and lay on fours and I look at them confusedly.

"Miss Nine, please get down from there. What will we do if you hurt yourself?"

"Who said that?"

I look around me and scratch the back of my head.

(Am I going crazy?)

"Please get down from the tree Miss Nine, we promise not to hurt you."

I swallow hard and look at the wolves below me.

"Are you talking to me?"

The wolves raise their heads and look at each other before looking my way and I hold my head leaning back.

"Miss Nine!"

(This is not happening, maybe all this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up soon.)

"Miss Nine! The branch-"

The tree branch under me creaks threatening to fall and I frantically grab onto the top branch saving myself from plunging to my death. The branch falls to the ground snapping into two.

(That's a really long fall down. Boy am I glad I didn't go with that branch.)

"Miss Nine hold on we'll try and get you down safely."


Kahiki's shout grips the attention of everyone and I look at Black who is rushing towards my direction panic creasing his brows. I try to hoist myself up but the branch creaks under my grip and a gasp escapes my lips.

"Miss Nine!"


The numerous voices sounding in my head are overwhelming and I shake my head trying to clear my brain. Carefully using my hands, I drag myself to the edge and grab the tree bark my arms and feet crossing it.

"Am okay!"

"Sister! Stay right there am coming to get you."

"It's not like I can go anywhere Black."

He effortlessly scales up the bark and seconds later, he's above me.

"Whoa, very impress Black, can you teach me that sometime?"

"Sister, this isn't the situation where you adore my skills."

"Right, sorry."

He stretches his hand down to me and I entwine my fingers in his and he hoists me up onto his arms.

"Hold on tight."

Snaking my arms around his neck in a firm grip, he leaps down from the tree and I bury my head onto his neck.

"Very impressive rescuing my pet, now hand her over," Leo says and I slowly lift my head from Black's neck.

"She has a name you stupid dog," Black replies and the anger in his tone makes me shiver.

(I've never seen him this angry.)

Leo, Finn and the wolves stand infront of us and I can feel Black's grip on me tighten.


"Don't worry sister, I won't let them take anyone else away from me."

I nod and lean against his shoulder feeling secure in his arms.

"Thank you Black."

The words leave my lips in a whisper and some of the tension from his body lifts. He slowly sets me down and holds onto me as I struggle to stand. It takes a second to get my legs stable and Black carefully withdraws his hand from my waist.

"So how are we getting home? Am tired of this place."

I hear Leo's growl and I choose to ignore him.

"You're not going anywhere. You are MINE!"

"Again with the mine nonsense? Hey, she said she's tired of staying here and I for one will fulfil her wish of leaving this dump of a place," Black replies standing protectively in front of me.


"Yes? Do what you must I don't care if you kill them but you must bring her to me!"

"Of course Leo, wolves! Get her!"

Like dogs released from their collars, the wolves race towards us and Black and Kahiki move to fight when I hold a hand up stopping the two.


I shake my head and walk past them.

"What's she doing?" Kahiki asks and Black ignores him his gaze on my back.

(Hope this works.)

Taking in a deep breath, I go down on one knee my arms outstretched.

"Miss Nine?"

(Come give me a hug. Am still shaken from nearly dying you know.)

The wolves race towards me and jump onto me pushing me to the ground.


"Good, now bring her to me."

"Stop- that tickles."

I let out feats of laughter as the five wolves lick my face playfully.


"A little help-"


Black walks towards me and the wolves stop playing growling at him causing him to stop in his tracks. I slowly sit up and let out an exhausted sigh.

"Calm down guys, he's not going to hurt you," I say scratching one wolf's ear.

The wolves stop growling at him but stand protectively around me. I stand up and dust my skirt the wolves tugging at my feet like kittens.

"What's going on?" Finn asks his tone a mixture of both surprise and confusion.

"Let's go," I say walking past the two still confused guys.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Finn asks and runs towards our direction.

I close my eyes readying myself for the incoming attack.