
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · ファンタジー
64 Chs

The quest ( Part 2).........

In the dimly lit passages of the ancient underground temple, Lei Xian, accompanied by his newfound allies, embarked on a perilous journey. The weight of centuries hung in the air as the group ventured further into the labyrinth of forgotten secrets, guided only by the flickering light of Lei Xian's lantern.

As Lei Xian pressed on, the stones beneath him betrayed a hidden mechanism, sealing the path behind him with a thunderous crash. Trapped in the heart of the temple, the air became suffocatingly heavy, and an oppressive silence settled around him. Sinister whispers echoed through the corridors, and ghostly figures emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing like malevolent stars.

Fighting with every ounce of martial skill, Lei Xian found himself confronting spectral entities that seemed to embody the very essence of the abyss. The struggle intensified, and despair threatened to consume him as he faced the relentless onslaught of otherworldly adversaries.

In the midst of this dire confrontation, a celestial radiance burst forth, heralding the arrival of Lei Xian's master. Cloaked in robes that shimmered with cosmic secrets, the master commanded the shadows to retreat with a mere presence that exuded ethereal power. With a voice resonating like thunder, the master dared anyone to touch their disciple, unleashing celestial incantations that banished the malevolent spirits back into the temple's depths.

Before Lei Xian's left side, his master bestowed upon him a pendant containing a tiny part of her essence, a protective charm ensuring his safety. The reflection of the master manifested herself, intervening to save her disciple in the direst moment.

The celestial display continued as the master's movements unfolded like a dance of stars, a symphony of celestial might against the backdrop of darkness. Threads of astral energy wove a protective barrier around Lei Xian and his master, shielding them from further harm. The air crackled with celestial power, a testament to the mastery the master had achieved.

In a moment of respite, Lei Xian expressed overwhelming gratitude for his master's intervention. Their bond transcended the conventional teacher-student relationship, forged in trials and illuminated by the brilliance of the cosmos itself.

As they pressed onward through the treacherous labyrinth, the echoes of their footsteps resonated through ancient halls. Together, they uncovered the elusive relic Lei Xian had sought – a gem pulsating with celestial energy. Emerging from the temple's depths, Lei Xian reflected on the profound experience, the memory of their shared triumph etched in their hearts.

In the aftermath of the celestial battle, a conversation unfolded between the master and the malevolent force they had expelled. The malevolent entity, still lingering on the fringes of the temple's shadows, hissed in defiance.

Master: "You dare intrude upon this sacred space, disturbing the balance that has endured for centuries."

Malevolent Entity: "Your disciple sought power. I am but a manifestation of the darkness within this temple. We are part of its ancient legacy."

Master: "Darkness cannot prevail where celestial radiance illuminates. Your time here is at an end."

The malevolent entity writhed in response, its form contorting with residual shadows.

Malevolent Entity: "Your disciple cannot escape his destiny. The silent system's secrets will consume him."

Master: "Destiny is a path shaped by choices. Lei Xian's journey is not defined by the shadows but by the light he carries within. The silent system's secrets will serve him, not consume him."

With those words, the master unleashed another wave of celestial energy, severing the lingering connection of the malevolent force to the temple. As the darkness recoiled, Lei Xian and his master continued their journey, the mysteries of the silent system unfolding before them.

The relic they had retrieved pulsed with celestial energy, a tangible symbol of their shared triumph over the abyss. Lei Xian, now more resilient and enlightened, embraced the destiny that lay ahead, his master's teachings guiding him through the uncharted territories of sects, martial arts, and the cosmic mysteries that awaited them. The ancient temple, once shrouded in darkness, now echoed with the footsteps of champions who had faced the abyss and emerged stronger on the other side.

To be continued....

Hello there guys i mean my readers i really appreciate that you guys are reading it and i have nearly completed 50000 words of this novel but it is a little bit disheartening for me that i only got one comment -_- it is really not good as every one wants to be appreciated for their work so i request you guys to leave atleast your comments so i can atleast know if you are liking this or not. I will really really appreciate your support.

Imagination_7creators' thoughts