
My Marvel Random Power System

Follow the journey of Alexander(Alex) Knight, as he tries to settle in the marvel world, but what if his reincarnation created problems for higher beings right from the start!!!!!!!

The_Dusk_Ninja · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs


*3rd POV*

"...You seriously think I'll just stay here?" Saying this, Hannibal's grin turned wider, putting the Vampires on guard.

"You are foolish to think that. This will be the last night of you so called Empire, because your Slaughter starts now!" Hannibal yelled as loud as he could, while the vampires went completely on guard frantically, sweat dripping from their foreheads. After a moment of silence the guards got confused but still remained vigilant, yet didn't spot anything. They looked towards Hannibal expecting any action from him, just to find him sitting with his eyes closed and a smile.

Hannibal slowly opened his right eye only to find four confused vampires looking at him confused.

"Uh... ,*ahem*, I said the Slaughter starts now!" Hannibal repeated only to be followed by a awkward silence. The vampires finally realized that he was just trying to fool them or look cool. The female ones glared while the male ones started laughing at him.

But just after a second, 2 silver arrows shot from above right at the 2 female vamps and turned them to dust. The 4 male got confused but got stabbed by something invisible and turned to dust as well.

After that, 2 people dropped from above in front of Hannibal, one carrying a bow in hand. Hannibal immediately recognized them as Abigail and Ghost Spider. Behind them, Arachnid decloaked as well, showing his 4 silver spider legs attached to his suit above the piles of ash.

"Took you long enough" Hannibal grunted, while Ghost broke his bindings. Abigail sat beside him and him drink the potion Enigma had given her. Hannibal silently drank it and waited for the affects to kick in wile the other two came near him.

In a minute he healed enough to talk comfortably and walk. He put his finger near the ear to pull out something invisible, which decloaked showing a metallic bug. "A tracker? Really?" Hannibal asked with a raised brow. This tracker was one of the complicated things Enigma had made, combining technology and magic to a large extent, making it invisible to Morax as well.

"Hey it ended up saving your life." Arachnid quipped back, making Hannibal shake his head.

"And pray tell WHY did you not attack when I specifically said NOW?" He asked again, in annoyance.

"Oh, that's simple." Arc said showing a holo-screen above his arm, which started playing Hannibal's embarrassing moment. And Hannibal did get embarrassed seeing it and immediately leapt at him, "Delete it, NOW", only for Arc to sidestep.

"Hmmm,...nope." Arc said in amusement.

"Why you little--" Hannibal was about to leap again, when they got interrupted by a cough, followed by a sudden decrease in temperature.

They turned to see Ghost spider looking at them with squinted eyes, showing her annoyance, while a layer of ice started freezing on the floor around her.

"... Done?" She asked.

""YES MAM"" Arc and Hannibal replied in unison.

"Good, Enigma has started the attack. Let's join them before those bastards come to check on you" She said to Hannibal and started moving to the exit, while the other three followed behind.

Outside, when Enigma received the conformation of Hannibal's rescue, Oracle immediately shot several railguns powered by space energy, specifically made to breach the magic or dimensional shields. What followed after that was a space lockdown array through the drones preventing any forms of escape and bomb drops filled with holy dimensional energy eliminating all vampires present outside.

Though the base, which looked like a haunted mansion, seemed to have runes engraved on it, preventing much of the holy energy to leak in. He didn't blow-up the castle as there were several reports of hostages much like the factory they had raided. All teams landed and went in while Enigma started finding the hostages to heal them and teleport them to his basement for Oracle to look after them. The Defenders with Blade went in like a drill turning any vampire they face into ash before they could react. Enigma had given Blade a bracelet preventing the holy energy from affecting him.

Near the basement, they encountered a group of vampires with demon bulls and wolves, which Phoenix, and Scarlett Witch immediately took to the Mirror Dimension, clearing the area in one go.

"Damn, that's a cheat!" Arachnid yelled seeing them disappear. The other's also realized how strong they really were since Enigma had constantly said more power brings more attention, and it's never the good one.

"Let's focus, he is probably ahead. We should expect a similar or a more stronger team ahead." Blade said, bringing everyone's focus back to the main task.

"Let's do this" Jewel yelled and flew towards the door breaking it and the others followed the suit.

They reached inside and the sight left them extremely vigilant. The enemies in front of them were vampires who seemed to be mutated. They were hunched with 2 bat-like wings growing from their backs, red eyes which showed power yet an animalistic nature devoid of intelligence. With them stood stood mutated wolves standing on the legs rather than all fours. Their fur was charcoal black and their eyes were the same as vampires. Both of them also had red glowing veins flashing from time to time. At the center sat Dracula on his throne with a glass of blood wine in his hand.

"Great, now we not only have gargoyles and werewolves, but minotaur's as well?" Spidey complained seeing his opponents

On his both sides stood 2 minotaur's, but behind him stood the biggest one of them. They could sense his aura and knew he was the biggest danger in the room. Dracula was good at hiding his aura hence they weren't sure about him. The minotaur in question was Oclyx, who Morax had left with Dracula. He stood 5 meters tall, blood red colored eyes and horns with brown skin, covered with armor made out of bones and a great sword strapped on it's back, but unlike them the end had a blunt rock attached to it like a hammer (Daruk's weapon from BOTW).

Sensing them enter, Dracula took a sip and opened his eyes. "Well, well, well. I didn't expect bugs to crawl their way in. I'm surprised you could find this place, and enter as well. Guess you are the more annoying type of cretins. Maybe I should consider turning you into Vampires as well. Or maybe capture and torture you till you become the last humans on this planet and then finish you" Dracula said in a thinking position to rile them up.

"Spider's, crowd control. Katana and Electra, make sure to finish them off. Power man and Jewel, the two minotaur's. Rest focus on Dracula. Leave the big bull to me." Nightclaw ordered taking the lead.

"You sure?" Blade asked a bit unsure leaving the giant to her.

"Yes, get ready." On the cue everyone got ready to fight.

Seeing this Dracula sighed, "*sigh* Now-a-days people had gotten rude. Back then we and the knights had full on speeches for honor you know? Well, doesn't matter." Saying this, the suit Dracula wore ripped off by spikes protruding out of him which turned into a bone armor. But unlike the one in the mansion on the outskirts, his armor was gray colored with red glowing marks all over like runes. He turned into a 2 meter tall monster.

Dracula's hands were mow claws, with a curved spike over his knuckle, arms covered with a spiky guard with elbow blades. His chest was filled with spikes and a symbol of horned skull with demonic fangs could be seen on it. Dracula's legs were covered in same spikes as his arms, with knee blades. He now wore a Viking helmet with the horns curved like a goat, with multiple smaller ones around it.

Rather than a vampire, he now looked more like a demon with the ability to manipulate bones.

"Now, it's you all shall feel a world of pain! HAHAHAHAHA!" Dracula said laughing maniacally and one the cue, both sides charged at each other. The Spiders immediately started with flashbangs filled with silver and UV light, also mixed with holy energy, which did a lot of damage to it

They immediately fired webs to tie them and brought out the Spider-legs and wolf claws to attack. Nightclaw and Daredevil moved together spearing through the wanna-be werewolves and gargoyles straight to Dracula. The two minotaur's stood in ahead of Dracula seeing this and Oclyx came forward seeing this as well.

Behind them Jewel had lifted Power man, spun him around and threw him at one of the minotaur's and flew towards the other one.

Nightclaw was in the lead and seeing this Dracula rushed ahead with a burst, cracking the floor below with a feral grin on his face. Both were just 5 meters away within a second, but to Dracula's surprise she disappeared and he felt a someone above him. Then he felt a sudden force on his head, which broke much of his armor.

Dracula couldn't stop himself, and the change in momentum crashed him into the ground, while Dracula was still stunned. He could tell if he wasn't strengthened by Morax, the force was enough to explode his head into bloody mist.

What Nightclaw had done was precise use of chi, gathering some at her feet, she produced a sudden acceleration, almost as if teleporting. And with her heightened perception, balance and training, she could maneuver swiftly even in high speed. She used it to get above Dracula's head and for a slight change of momentum, she repeated it by using his head as support, resulting the explosive force produced under her feet to almost break his neck and destroying his helmet.

With a slight change in trajectory, she lunged towards Oclyx, who was barely able to see her, but covered his eyes on pure instinct, leading her claws to dig into his hand and also push him back a few steps.

"MUOAAA" Oclyx yelled in pain. The impact had also almost broke his hand. He got fueled with rage and slammed his hand to the ground, but Nightclaw already left it and jumped away.

"MOOUA" Oclyx raised a war-cry and slammed his weapon vertically towards Nightclaw, who sidestepped it, but she suddenly felt some danger and coated herself in an invisible layer of chi and dimensional energy. Though not the best at sorcery, she was still considered one of the best combatants without her meta-abilities.

Oclyx's sword generated a shockwave fueled with heat, which she resisted easily. She wouldn't be effected by it that much either wat because of her suit, but as a warrior, she considered even flinching for a second a shame. She again rushed and punched him with a glowing fist under the jaw, breaking it and the shockwave sent him flying to the corner of the room breaking the wall and she accelerated towards it.

*With the Spider's*

The Spider's cleaved through the minions easily. The flying enemies were brought back with web-grenades, while the enemies rushing at them got trapped in webs only to be trapped by webs and impaled by the spider-legs. Other than that, Arachnid sometimes shot bio-electricity towards them and Ghost Spider threw icicles. But they were also scared. That's because of the blood. Unlike normal vampires, these didn't turn into ashes. They at first tried to simply trap them, but they behaved like mindless zombies. Not even losing limbs stopped them and they kept rushing.

Figuring out no other way, they had no choice to deal with them lethally. The only reason they weren't puking was because of the filtration system in the suit blocking any smell. Electra and Katana had expected this hence were looking out for gaps till they had adjusted, and then started mowing down the beasts. Though it was only possible because of the spider's trapping them, since each one of them was stronger and faster, about Kraven's level, and that's compared to their size of about 1.8 meters.

Their numbers reduced from about 30 to 15 when the beasts showed some form of intelligence opposite to the zombie like nature they had shown so far. 3 gargoyles and 2 werewolves attacked headfirst while the other 10 retreated. This surprised them a bit and hurried to kill the five to prevent whatever they were doing.

But it turned out to be too late as by the time they had finished the 5, they had merged into the ground with stony cocoons over them.

"Stop whatever they're doing." Spiderman yelled as he threw some explosive bombs he had. other's followed the same suit and the cocoon was surrounded by a massive explosion. The explosion broke the floor and the cocoon went tumbling down. They looked at each other, then at their friends.

Seeing them holding on, Spiderman and Arachnid jumped, other's behind them. They reached the bottom to find a lab, much like the blood banks Enigma had showed them, but much bigger.

"You know, I just removed people from where you just crashed down." Enigma, who was transporting one of the last batches said without looking back.

"I blame the gargoyles!" Silk said, trying to lighten the mood, but still kept their eyes on the crashed place, where instead of one giant cocoon, now laid 3 smaller ones.

"... why does this give me the Jurassic park vibes?" Spidey asked with a shaky voice hoping it's not true.

The other's turned all the glares to him as if saying 'Shut up, don't jinx it.'

Right then one of the cocoons cracked and a layer fell down, showing a closed eye. But the eyelids seemed to be made out of stone and burning coal. The eyelid opened up showing a bright red eye, which then moved towards them.

".... I hate you." Arachnid could only say this at the absurd situation.

*Cliff-kun steals the content and runs away.

A- Nooo, come back here!!*

*Stay tuned for more chapters!!*

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