
...a big load comes


QUAYS 8: 45 PM

- Who the hell are you? -

- Me? Someone who won't leave this child alone! -

Mr. Parker? Why is he here?

- Can you get up, young lady? -

- Yes... I think so...

- Listen, I've already called the police, they'll be here in less than a minute, so get out of here if you know what's good for you -

Mr. Parker tried to warn them that the police were already on their way, but the criminals ignored his warning.

- You got yourself into a lot of trouble, old man...

The criminals were prepared to attack Mr. Parker, he looked nervous, but completely prepared to protect me no matter what, it seems that this heroic profile...really is a family heirloom.

One of the criminals tried to attack him head-on, and in an unusual move for a 40-year-old, Mr. Parker grabbed his arm, lifted him by the neck and returned him to his companions

- because... Why is this old man so strong?

The other criminals did not stand idly by, one of them began to turn red, thorns were sprouting from his joints as if his bones were breaking and coming out of his body.

The guy hit Mr. Parker and stopped him in his tracks, as if he were mocking a bull, and diverted him from me by crashing him into one of the walls.

"Because... Why is Mr. Parkes so strong?"

How you'll remember "super powers" appeared quite a few years ago, Uncle Ben is 40 years old. He lived when the superpowers started to come out of nowhere, he and his brother developed different powers, but at first sight they were not noticeable, the gift of Peter's father was that he got a great intellectual capacity, but Uncle Ben got a superpower that made him have a physical power greater than the rest, was not strong enough to be called super strength, but something developed enough to help him in his day to day life, thanks to that Uncle Ben was pretty good at physical jobs, so it was easy for him to get into a job like that, plus he was pretty well known for being very good at it....

All the criminals went after him, but he didn't intend to take them down one by one, he took me in his arms and ran away, left some obstacles to gain time but the warehouse was like a maze, and the darkness of the night didn't help at all, it would be a miracle to find the electricity switch so easily.

- Ahh, this old man... it's not normal -

-We must find him... -quickly? -

Mr. Parker had lifted a steel cabinet by himself, I calculated about 74 kilos, practically the weight of an adult person, with a density 3 times higher.

The wardrobe landed on 3 of them leaving them completely out of action, we wanted to take advantage of the situation to run away, but we forgot the difference between them and us.

- That's enough, honey, we've got to get out of here fast -

- Thank you, really thank you, I thought... I thought that...

- Now... it's all right, let's get out of here and get the police right away. -

A shot was heard from afar, the bullet passed by Mr. Parker, it was just a warning shot.

- Well... it looks like you managed to get rid of those useless -

- Mr. P. are too many -

From one moment to the next we were surrounded by more criminals, the leader had called in the whole gang, Mr. Parker made an attempt to take refuge behind him, but it was not certain that we would both get out of here alive.

- There's no way out now... old man, you bring her in! -

- Stay back! -

Mr. Parker took a steel bar that was next to him, tried to get them to move away by using it as a bat, but they had no intention of giving in.

- Ha, you think an old man like you can stop us? -

- I'm not old... I'm only 40 -

- And who cares, there are 15 of us and only one of you, don't you see that this has already been decided? -

What could we do? We were literally between a rock and a hard place, only a miracle could save us... only a...

- Huh? What the hell is this? -

- Boss! HELP US! -

Only a hero could help us...

A kind of threads took the criminals and pulled them back, disappeared in the darkness of the corridors and new threads appeared.

- He's got me! -

We did not understand what was happening, the criminals one by one were falling, until only a small number of them remained.

- What the hell is going on?! -

A thump was heard in front of us, something or rather someone had fallen in front of us, a male figure stood up, it was a man had a suit with blue and red spots. His face was covered by a black mask.

Everything went quiet, until one of the criminals decided to talk to him.

- A hero? No hero ever thinks of coming here!

- Do I look like one? Well, if you do, then I'm flattered -

The guy was shooting those nets, "Do I look like one?" that's what he said, and if I was guided by his sarcastic tone, that meant...

- Ha, now they're not so tough, huh? -

...that we were face to face with a real vigilante.

- Ahh stop wasting time you idiots shoot him -

- Hey! Masked man... watch out!

Mr. Parker tried to warn him, the watchman seemed careless, yet his reflexes were not a joke at all.

-But... Can't anyone dodge bullets like that?! -

The chief of the criminals attacked him, shot directly at the watchman, but dodged the bullets as if nothing had happened.

- Mr. P; let's get out of here! We can leave it to that watchman. -

- Watchman? -

Mr. Parker did not seem familiar with the term, the vigilantes, are a kind of unsung heroes, inhumane people who use their powers to bring about justice on their own.

They are treated as villains, as the law indicates, but end up being more helpful than the approved heroes themselves.

- This is it! We're finally out, now Mr. P, we have to quickly...

- You get away from here and call the police, I have to get back to help him, he needs my help -

- Mr. Parker, this is not your fight! -

- I know, but if you have the capacity to help, you have an obligation to do so! -

Those words... I remember them perfectly

-Peter... -Why are you always confronting the Flash, one of these days he's really going to hurt you. -

-I don't do it just to confront him, he's always bothering those kids and someone has to do something. -

-I know, but in the end they don't even thank you. -If someone has to do something, you shouldn't do it. -

-But it's very difficult, you know? -

- Keeping you from death is not difficult at all! -

- What I mean is that my philosophy is based on the fact that if I have the capacity to help, I have the obligation to do so...

- And you say it with a stupid smile! Who the hell would say something like that? -

-Someone really great... someone I admire very much was the one who taught me those words. -

I remember it well, it's really uncle and nephew... more like father and son. All this time I thought Peter was a fool for playing the hero just because of those words... but I didn't know they were backed by a big pillar like Mr. Parker.

- Quickly, honey! Call the police, tell them to come as soon as they can, I'll be right back. -


DOCKS 09:02 PM

The blows kept coming from these guys, the ones I had caught were starting to break free, my webs were losing strength from my exhaustion.

- Maybe you'll learn that hitting people is... BAD! -

My dolls were reaching their limits, I used too much from Queens to here, plus this paint was starting to dry.

On the way here, I didn't handle the angle of the pendulum well and ended up crashing into a freshly painted mural, my clothes had been completely stained, Uncle Ben would be angry at me for damaging his old jacket.

I didn't have to fight the criminals anymore, Uncle Ben and MJ were safe... I just had to get out of there.

- What? Ah! -

My sixth sense had vibrated strongly, but by the time I realized the danger, it was too late.

- Looks like you let your guard down for a moment, huh? -

The chief of the criminals had taken me by surprise, took one of the tubes scattered on the floor and struck me hard on my back, leaving me immediately on the ground.

- Now let's see how you like it if I return the favor! -

He unleashed a flurry of blows on my back, at certain moments you could even hear my bones breaking. I cried out in agony, the pain increasing more and more. I was about to lose consciousness

While he was on the ground, more of his comrades got up again, and joined in the torture he was under.

- How about that, damn it! -

My body couldn't take it anymore, my mind was going blank...

- Hey! What are you doing? -


I think I was seeing heaven or something, because at least for me... I was saved by a miracle... a miracle that would cost me dearly.

Uncle Ben was back, I thought he ran off with MJ, I thought I finally did one thing right... but apparently they're incapable of saving even one person...

- Hey! Masked, are you okay? -

- Huh? Yeah... this... is nothing -

- Okay, let me help you up, one... two -

He came back for me, he stood alone all this time and I was finished in a second... I think I'm really pathetic... We started walking towards the exit, he could carry me off with total ease.

- Why did he come back? You didn't think it would be dangerous? -

- Well I couldn't leave you alone -

- Why? -

- Well you helped us, plus I couldn't leave a good person behind. -

- I see... And the girl who was with you?

- She? She got away, I told her to talk to the police so they're probably on their way -

- I see, you really have me in awe! I barely did anything. -

- Not that I would have... if there had been a way for us to avoid all this... I think I would have preferred it -

- You... really are a good person...

The guilt was consuming me, even in a situation like this Uncle Ben kept his ideals high, if there was anyone who deserved to be a hero, it would definitely be him...but I...I could never tell him.

- Well I think it's time to go -

- Yeah, my family's gonna be really pissed off. -

- Your family? -

- If my... Family? -

The sound of a shot was enough to petrify me, a big bloodstain spread by the impact of that bullet... on my uncle's chest...


It was inevitable for me not to let go of his name, his image was captured in my eyes, to see him collapse as if nothing had happened, even after all those blows, all the burden he had carried, I am left dry thinking that one bullet would be enough to finish him off...

- Damn it... Anyway I think it doesn't matter the order in which... Go kill them! -

- You... You shot? -

- So what if I did? Don't worry, you'll soon be with him. -

I can't explain what happened next, the air began to vibrate, my body began to emanate a kind of electricity, I had no idea what was happening to me, but I did know what would happen to that guy...

-Because... -Why the hell are you glowing?! What the hell are you?! -

All the guy could do was keep firing, even though I could see where the bullets were coming from, dodging them was no problem. I advanced almost like lightning to him, grabbing him by the face, and leading him to one of the windows in the warehouse.

I whipped him multiple times against part of the wall, until I finally destroyed the window with his body, leaving him, hanging only from my grip on his left arm.

- Like... but a hero... you can't do this! -

- And can you? -

His face was full of fear, I could see it... in the reflection of his eyes I could see myself, a dark image of a Peter Parker I never thought I'd see. My blood was boiling like never before.

I had always taken the hits for others, I always thought I was defending and doing right by others, but the moment that guy shot my uncle... he crossed all kinds of boundaries.

- Please! I surrender! JUST GIVE ME THE POLICE! -

- And why the hell should I? -

He lacked color completely, his skin had become white as a corpse, it was as if he had resigned himself to what was about to happen.

- Why should I save you? Just give me a reason to do it... -

- Please! Have mercy! -

-how did you have it with my uncle? -

My voice had lacked all expression, nothing but cold words came out and no sign of giving in...

- Peter... Stop! -

A voice, soft, honest but with an authority of a God was heard behind me, a voice that made me regain my sense, but also made me lose my power?

I lost that strange strength that had come up, I came down suddenly until my chest touched the ground, the man was hanging from the window taking my arm. But I could no longer walk up to him.

- Hold on! -

I could barely utter a sentence with difficulty, if he fell I could catch him with one of my nets, only... he had no intention of cooperating.

- That's it! -

The criminal still had a knife that I drew with great speed, he cut my arm, and although the wound was superficial, my reflexes forced me to release it. Time froze, I could clearly see in slow motion his expression.

His mischievous smile changed to a stunned expression...

I tried to catch it, but the only thing that came out of my wrists was a lot of blood. I had long since reached my limit, and it wasn't even the last net I could weave.

Was it my fault? He tried to attack me... but those explanations were just excuses. I pushed him into it... however he saw it, whatever he thought... it was clearly my fault.

- Uncle Ben... Uncle Ben! ...-

I went back to where my uncle was, his chest was covered with blood, and even when he tried to cover himself... it was all useless. I tried to get an ambulance, but he stopped my arm for a few last words.

-P...Peter...give me...give me your hand...-

-Here... here I am Uncle Ben... -

I couldn't help shedding tears. I wanted to tell him everything at that moment, but if I did, it was to accept that I would never see him again...

- So... it was you, huh? ...the guy who climbed walls and swung between buildings... the one the neighbors rumored so much about...

- Don't talk anymore uncle... save your strength...

I wanted to run for help, as soon as I thought about it my sixth sense was activated... and for the first time I understood what he wanted to tell me...

- Listen to me Peter... there's not much I can say...

- No Uncle Ben you'll tell me everything yourself... I'll go for help...

I tried to let go, but my body locked up, and Uncle Ben just made his grip a little stronger...

- No need for a son... because... I have mine right in front of my...

The image of Uncle Ben was blurred by the tears that covered my eyes, I wanted to blink, but I also didn't want to waste what little time I had.

-Those colors ...look great...-

- No, man, this was just... an accident... really...

- Really? Because...those colours remind me of freedom, spirit, strength and all those attributes...I always saw them in you...you always had them, even before...this. -His

words were slower and slower, his breathing was less, and his pulse was decreasing every second...

-Uncle Ben...-

-Peter, promise me something... -take care of your Aunt May, you...

- No, Uncle! We'll go together! He'll scold us together, just hold on... PLEASE, just a little longer. -

- I think...this time...I'll be the one who's late...right Peter? -

-No, Uncle Ben. -We both are! -

- I doubt it... but I'm not leaving without the most important thing...

His last words... those last words cut deep into my being... if only I had listened to them when I had the chance...

-I'm...I'm...very proud of you...I always have been, Peter...and I always will be...-

-No, man, that... -

His strength...vanished in a second...even when Uncle Ben let go of me...I didn't hesitate to keep holding him, clinging to the idea that Uncle Ben was still here...that I could still save him.

- Uncle... Uncle... please wake up... Wake up! -

I let out a scream that invaded every corner of the warehouse, the echo echoed in every place...I was about to faint...I didn't want to leave there...but I was sure I would be caught if I stayed...and I didn't want to add another worry...

-Forgive me, uncle... -

...Aunt May.

-Forgive me...-

Hey how are you, I want to clarify something, the origins of Peter consists of 12 chapters, but they are still being remade, for now the first season will be posted until chapter 10 that comes out today, I hope you like it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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