
My Mangaka System

You can't have everything you want in life... After dying in his previous world, the now-called "Ichijo" decided to live a decently outstanding life, until, at the age of 15, his school gave him a survey that changed the course of his life and his plans. Now, with a system he calls himself; [Mangaka System], he will have to dedicate his life to drawing manga... but it's not as easy as it seems. Despite all his efforts, he ended up as a failure, condemned to have all his works categorized as "Mediocre".

TheOnlyGreedy · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 2: "A favor"

What am I supposed to do now? Nothing, I'm not going to do anything, I'll just let it all flow...

My alarm was what ended up waking me up, 5:00 am.

"I have to go to work, unfortunately." I said, then got up to take a shower.

... Taking a shower in the morning is always refreshing, and even more so now that I don't have to work in the evenings.

After showering, I got dressed in the first thing I could find and left my apartment, heading for work.

I work at a convenience store, the store is on the way to Sumei High School.

"Now that I remember, didn't I have a friend who works at that school?". I muttered, as I headed towards my work.


Opening the convenience store, I went inside to change, only to find something curious.

"Are you new here?" I questioned, looking at a young woman in a work uniform.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realized it was 5:42 am.

Answering my question, that girl spoke.

"H-hello, I'm Aoyama Nanami, I was hired yesterday." Replied that girl.

'Luckily I was a little late, it would have been embarrassing to have seen her while she was changing... besides she seems to be just a student.' I thought calmly.

Ignoring that girl's presence, I started to change, well, it was just a t-shirt so I didn't take too much notice... not until my system sent me a message.



[You've met one of the heroines!]

[You received various rewards for meeting "Aoyama Nanami!"]

[+5,000 SP]

[x1 Random Skill Ticket]


'Interesting.' I thought.

The fact that there is more than one 'heroine' in this world is curious. I'm no stranger to my younger brother being the protagonist of a RomCom story, was that one of the reasons why I moved away from my family, for him to enjoy his romance story.

Mostly, I did it because I don't feel comfortable relating to underage characters, after all, I died when I was 24 years old.

However, now I know I can reap rewards for meeting the romantic interests of the protagonist... Should I visit my sister-in-law? I don't even know if my father has formally introduced them yet.

"W-why are you undressing in front of me!!!?". Aoyama exclaimed.

'Is this girl still there?' I questioned.

'Why are you still here? I thought you had already left." I replied calmly, putting on my work uniform.

"Y-you didn't show up yet!" Aoyama shouted.

My bad, I'm someone a little absent-minded.

"Yeah, I guess I forgot, didn't Kentaro mention it to you when he hired you? Never mind, my name is Ichijo Funamoto, you can call me Funamoto if you wish." I replied, to then leave the locker room, well, it doubles as a small storage room.


After introducing myself to Aoyama, we both went to the counter, but not before putting up the "Open" sign.

Not many people come to this small convenience store this early in the morning, though.

Trying to break the ice, I asked;

"Are you a student?"

Turning her gaze to me, Aoyama replied;

"Y-yes, why the sudden question?".

"You look too young." I replied calmly. "I really miss being young."

"How old are you?" She asked curiously.

'... It's my birthday today!' I thought with surprise.

Maybe I was so tired yesterday that I forgot today.

"I recently just turned 20." I replied.

She doesn't have to know that today is my birthday.

"S-seriously? You look kind of young." She said, trying to cheer me up.

"Well, thanks, I guess. What do you want to do when you grow up?" I asked lightly, remembering that form I did when I was 15. "You can not answer if you want, after all, we are just two strangers at this point."

"N-no, I'm going to answer... it might sound a bit silly, but I'd like to become a Seiyu..." She replied, a little shyly, ducking her head slightly.

'Seiyu? Yeah, I remember, voice actress.' I thought.

"Don't worry, I don't think it's something silly." I said, trying to give her encouragement. "Although I'm not popular or famous, I am a Mangaka, if some of my manga ever get an anime adaptation, maybe I can hire you." I said lightly while giving Aoyama a small smile.



[Your title of "Failed Mangaka" has kicked in!]

[Aoyama Nanami feels more confident towards you!]

[+1,000 SP]


'Wait, is being Seiyu considered being an artist? She's not even a Seiyu yet.' I questioned, but don't complain, free stuff never hurts.

"Th-thank you then." She replied, with a smile on her face.


It was about 8:30 Am, so Aoyama went to get dressed for school. During the time span from 6:00 Am until now, not many people came into the coexistence store.

People usually arrive at 10:00 Am.

"It was nice talking to you, Funamoto-san." Aoyama said, as he bowed his head slightly in thanks, then left the convenience store.

'She's nice.' That was the only thing that crossed my mind.

I didn't used to meet up with my high school friends long ago, so talking to someone not directly related to business was gratifying...

Leaving the counter, I took out a pack of cookies from the store, paying for it obviously.

'300 yen... it's a little expensive, but they're too delicious.' I thought.

I had completely forgotten that today was my birthday, and as usual, I had no one to celebrate it with.

I had gotten more than enough of a gift today, though;



[Would you like to use "x1 Random Skill Ticket"?]





[You have used "x1 Random Skill Ticket!"]

[You obtained the skill; "Quick Hands (Apprentice)!]


'A skill that is directly in the range of [Apprentice], that's good.' I thought.


I had to wait until it was 1:00 P.m. so I could leave and have someone replace me.

It's currently 1:39 P.m., or at least that's what the time on my phone says.

I spent another 300 yen buying the cheapest Instant Ramen and also bought some bottled tea.

At this point, I was leisurely walking back to my apartment, while sipping some of the cold tea I bought.

'I currently have over 6,000 Sp, but still not enough for anything important in the store.'

In the system store you can't directly buy a manga, you need to pay 10,000 SP to spin a roulette, where there are too many manga, I can also use a filter to only get manga of a single genre, but that costs 100 SP.

I plan to use the filter, so now I only need... I only need 4,000 SP.

'Should I interact more with that girl?' I asked myself.

Out of nowhere, I stopped dead in my tracks, remembering something...

'I think I know someone who belongs to the same universe as Aoyama.'

Pulling out my phone, I started searching through my contacts.

"Bingo." I muttered, looking at the screen of my phone.


[Chihiro-Senpai: XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX]


'I'll call her when I get home.'


And so I did, I called her when I got to my apartment.




"Hello, who's calling?" A female voice asked.

"This is Ichijo Funamoto, we met a while ago." I replied.

I met Chihiro Rengoku when I was 16, she should be 26 when I met her.

I met her when I participated in some kind of contest that was held among other schools, I don't remember, I don't even remember why Chihiro approached me when I was alone.

I can only say that she is nice, after I left school I ended up meeting her again, she lives in a dorm for students at Sumei school, or so I think.

She offered me to live in those dorms a few years ago, but I declined the offer, she said I could go whenever I want, and this is the time.

"Ichijo?...funamoto-kun! I remember you, how have you been doing as a mangaka? I remember you kept talking about it a year ago.

Why did you call me, do you want to go on a date with your senpai~?". Chihiro asked, saying the last with a little teasing tone.

"It's something like a date, do you remember a while ago you offered me to live in some student dorms?". I asked.

"Yes, I remember, do you even want to live in the dorms? You're not a student anymore, so I can't make an exception anymore and let you sleep here...although if you ask me in the right way, then I'll accept~". She said.

The right way, oh right.

"Chihiro-senpai, will you accept this little Kouhai's request, please." I said, emotionless.

I remember it perfectly now... every time I wanted to ask Chihiro for a small favor, she wouldn't accept until I said that. I don't mind saying it too much, it's just a little embarrassing.

After a brief silence, Chihiro's laughter was the only thing that could be heard;


Ignoring her giggles, I spoke again;

"So, will you let me live in the dorms, it's just for a while, until I get some money." I said.

Stopping laughing, Chihiro spoke again;

"Sure, but first I'd like you to do me a little favor." Chihiro said, her tone a little serious. "My cousin is moving to Sakurasou today, her name is Shiina Mashiro and she's coming all the way from England."

"So, what do I have to do?".

"She'll be at the station at six o'clock, I'd like you to pick her up if you're free, I'll send you a picture of her!

By the way, you still remember where Sakurasou is, don't you?" She asked.

"Yes, I still remember where it is, so if I pick her up will you let me stay at Sakurasou?". I asked.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't disturb the other residents, there's no problem."

"I understand, thank you."


After the call I had with Chihiro, I decided to try out the new skill I had received.

[Quick Hands] Increases my dexterity and agility... and only that, or at least it does with respect to my stats:



Host: [Ichijo Funamoto(Kuma)].

Title: [Failed Mangaka].

STR: 5

VIT: 4

DEX: 2 --> 6

INT: 6

CHA: 2

AGI: 3 --> 5

[SP: 6,100]


[Drawing (Apprentice)]

[Writing (Novice)]

[Cooking (Apprentice)]

[Quick Hands (Apprentice)]


Taking the skill I gained more seriously, this skill allows me to increase the speed of my hands, so things like throwing punches and stealing are even more effective.

How does this relate to drawing manga? This skill allows me to draw faster without losing too much quality, although it may not seem like it, this skill is very useful.

Making use of my little knowledge of boxing, I started throwing Jabs, which were fast... just that. There is not too much force behind my punches, so they are not effective.

Although now my AGI and DEX stats are above the human average.




My alarm clock woke up early, again. It was 5:00 am, so I had to stick to my routine...

I took myself off, and ate leftovers from dinner, by the way, I ate more Instant Ramen for dinner. I showered and got dressed to go to work.

I followed the same route as usual to go to work.

When I got to the convenience store I opened the door, and heading for the dressing rooms, I stopped briefly.

'I don't want there to be any misunderstandings...'





Knocking on the door, waiting for an answer, and nothing happened, so I quickly went into the locker room and put on my work uniform.

... Aoyama arrived a little later than me, and dressed in the work uniform.

"Good morning, Funamoto-san!". She greeted.

"Good morning." I replied.


There wasn't much to talk about today, pitifully.

Just like yesterday, Aoyama left when it was 8:30 am.

'Should I buy Shiina some housewarming gift?' I questioned.

To be honest, I barely knew the anime or manga where Sakurasou's characters came from. My thoughts were these: If a story doesn't become interesting in the first chapter, why keep watching it?

I was thinking like this mainly because I had no free time in my other life, but now it's different, just in these two days at least.

Just like yesterday, I went back to buy my breakfast and lunch at the convenience store.


It was almost six o'clock in the evening, to be exact, it was 5:42 pm. Chihiro sent me the address of the station I had to go to, plus she also sent me Shiina's picture.

It was my first time passing by this station, so I didn't stop to talk to anyone.

'This place is beautiful, if I get a girlfriend maybe I'll bring her to this place.' I thought, looking at the station.

Before passing through the station, I had bought a balloon and a small bouquet of flowers for Shiina, it never hurts to be nice.


'Wow, what a beauty.' I thought as I looked at Shiina in the distance.

If she had been a little younger, maybe I would have tried to date her.

'Can 20 years old be considered young?'

I was getting closer and closer to Shiina until I reached her...

"Mashiro Shiina..." I muttered unconsciously, looking at Shiina's picture on my phone.

'She looks a little different from the girl in the picture.'



[You've met one of the heroines!]

[You received various rewards for meeting "Mashiro Shiina"!]

[+6,000 SP]

[x1 Rank Up Ticket]

[x1 Random Skill Ticket (Advanced)]
