
my mafia mate

Sarah Lewis last born to the alpha of the blue moon pack second strongest in the world she's turning 18 closely and hasn't shifted yet and the prophecy seems to have fallen onto her she's eager to meet her mate at her ball when her mother encourage her to love their betas son Luca because apparently her mate is some murderer when she asked about the strongest pack her father looses it and even threaten her life But everything changes the moment a young alpha sets foot into the ball unannounced feared by all wolves that wasn't even in his pack bow to him who is he why is his scent so strange why is my father growling at this alpha So many questions who is this man what is he doing there is he part of the prophecy ? if so his her mate and a murderer will she fall for his charm and dark energy ?

Anastasiapillay · ファンタジー
29 Chs

chapter eight

As Seth walked in my room I had wrapped myself in a towel after a stinging hot shower and ofcourse the bathroom was fully black and had  red interior along with a red towel

"Well heres one-" he stopped ans looked at me for a moment before looking away

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were-" he pointed at me

I laughed "I'm covered nothing's showing " I walked up to him and grabbed his black shirt I then put in on infront of him ofcourse over my towel which I then let go once the shirt was on

He looked at my chest as he gulped taking me in the shirt sat really close to my inner thighs I smiled as I turned and walked to my bed

"Thanks Seth " he smiled "your uhm your welcome I'll go order some things " I nodded as he walked out and closed the door

Once I hit the pillow I drifted off to sleep

I woke up to a painful feeling in my lower stomach it hurt so bad I was sweating the hell I felt I was boiling up

My fingers and toes started tangling in the white bed sheets the pain got so unbareable I started to cry it wasn't going anytime soon it got so bad I started screaming my guts out

Just as my door flung open revealing Seth as he rushed towards me and started removing the blanket "shhh okay it's okay I got you " he said as he swatted down and started blowing wind on my forehead and removing my wet hair strands that covered my face

"Ahhh I can't i can't do this am i dying ?"I asked as I arched my back from the pain

"No fuck lucifer !" After a few seconds he jumped on the bed next to me as he started to rub my temples

"Shhhhh pay attention don't give in pay attention to my voice " he said

After few minutes the pain was gone as I managed to sit up resting my head on Seth's shoulder bitting my bottom lip

"What was that Seth ?" I asked him shivering from the amount of pain I just went through he pulled. The blanket up as he covered me

"Your mate just ... Well he slept with someone else " he clenched his jaw as he said it

I sighed and said "I knew he was going to just for me talking to you " he looked at me stunned "why didn't you tell me I could of stopped him ?" He asked confused

"If he really feels the bond he don't need other people talking to him about trust anyway to can play that game right " he nodded

Just as he was about to leave he turned to look at me

I felt a crack In one of my bones and then another as my ribs started to expand the pain was crucial

He looked at me wide eyes "ahhh " I screamed throwing my head back

"Fuck !" He ran up to me and threw me over his shoulder as he ran out of the mansion into the back yard I would of looked but I was busy dying

"Seth help it hurt to bad !" My voice cracking in the end "I know I know just hang on "

He ran out and placed me on the cold grass outside my body was so hot i couldn't even feel it though

"I'll contact lucifer " i didn't even pay attention the only thing I could hear was my bones cracking I arched my back as my hands grabbed onto the short grass and dug into the sand my legs digging into the ground as tears rolled down my body soon I laid in all fours I could smell hear feel things I could before

I looked up in the sky and saw a full moon which was blood red my wolf howled as she turned to face Seth who stood there his jaw hung low as he looked at me

I felt huge well maybe I was the prophecy

Just as I sensed my mate and a earthy smell come out of the mansion my wolf bowed at Seth for getting me out in time as she walked forward to stand directly infront of her mate who stood there bare chest with a jogger she didn't wimper she didn't wag her tail she didn't fall in love instantly with him however he was the one who looked scared shivering from my apperiance

"Hello human !" She said to me her voice so strange she sounded like a warrior I felt it she wasn't all feminine she was scary "hello " I said yes I was scared of my own wolf imagine how they felt

"He will pay for what he did to you I will make him suffer " she said as she screamed out the word suffer

"His his our mate " i said

"Yes but he needs to respect me and you " she said as she took a step forward

"Sarah shift !" He said as he took a step back I felt my wolf smirk as she stepped forward and shook her head however she walked around him circling him not long after he shifted into a black wolf with red orbs and red streaks on his body

"So you challenge the alpha !" His wolf screamed at my wolf leaving her to laugh like a maniac

"Im alpha not you !" He said again

"Let's see who stands for their human !" She said as she charged to him

He tried to grab ahold of her and to my surprise she was his height she gripped his neck as she flung him to the ground

He woke up and tried again but failed when she did that move again

After many attempts she got tired and jumped onto his back as an unknown female screamed "no lucifer no baby !" My wolf smirked as she bit onto his neck drawing blood but that coward bitch didn't run out she stayed inside hiding mxm so weak

After his wolf wimperd in surrender she got of him and suddenly changed into her human Sarah

I stood still as I shifted to my human form Lucifer's wolf laid there on all fours as Seth stood in shock just as i felt my frail body tremble he rushed to me and caught me bridal style "hmm I'm tired " I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep