
Tell Her

"Today Sylvia is meeting with the group of women she mentioned the other night. Are you up for it?" Greta was sitting on one of the sofas drinking an herbal tea while August was reading more in her book about pack history.

"Sure," August replied. "When is that?"

"They meet at 3 and then have dinner together at Agnes and Ethel's," Greta explained. "You might be cold though, so bundle up. They always eat out on the back patio."

"Should I be nervous?" August looked up from her book.

"No. I mean, they're an intense group. But they will love you. Just be yourself," Greta replied before taking another sip of her tea.

"What herbs help with morning sickness?" August asked, gesturing toward Greta's cup.

"This is peach leaf, peppermint leaf, wild yam root, and a little apple cider vinegar," Greta answered. "It's an old recipe. I didn't come up with it myself," she chuckled seeing August's bewildered expression.

"Does it work?"

"It does while I'm drinking it," Greta laughed softly.