
Home Again

Graeme scooped her up in his arms and carried her through the woods with their foreheads pressed together.

They were silent as the trees passes, all green and golden and rouge. Slick leaves at their feet. The smells of autumn.

August closed her eyes, allowing his warmth and breath and proximity to feed her. To calm her. He was her home. If she could but stay like this, always with him, there would never be a problem in the world. She believed this whole-heartedly, because her heart sang to his.

When they arrived back at the house, he sat her gently on the bed before kneeling next to her and taking off her heavy ruana, dropping it unceremoniously to the ground.

"Why were you there? I need to know, August. Why did you go the prison? What made you so angry?" he pled, searching her eyes.

"It wasn't planned. I was distraught and missing you and wondering how I could help and… it was the crow that led me there," she admitted, scoffing at herself for how ridiculous it sounded.