
Catching up with Violet

"I'm sorry, I am quite tired. Is it okay if we continue this later today?" Neoma asked, finding herself suddenly dizzy from exhaustion.

She had been unconscious for who knows how long in Zagan's pig pen, but then she ran from those two males in her pack and ended up fighting against freezing river rapids. Now that she had talked to Graeme like she wanted, there was no energy left in her.

"Whoah," Lucas darted over to her side when he saw her starting to melt toward the floor and helped guide her to the bed.

"Yeah, let's leave her to rest. I'm sure everyone else could use some sleep after the excitement today," Graeme said. "We will pick this up later. After we tell the pack about… all that has happened," he sighed, "we will come up with a plan for going to save the rest of them."

"Sounds good," Selah said and started to make her way out.