
My Lust Booster System

Morgan Berry, a.k.a. the ugliest person to ever exist, finds himself transmigrated into a body of a handsome king—Brunos Pegrinan—in a world of succubus beauties. However, his joy lasts for seconds. This brand-new body had been locked for 200 years. His reputation and throne, stained and taken. Old enemies are now stronger than he is. Rules have changed. Many things have changed. Will a weakling like him survive this lustful demon world? Thankfully, Ding! [Lust Booster System loading] Does he really need to be lustful to survive? 'What a strange world!' Join this journey, and through love and support, help our brave and cunning Morgan become the emperor and return to earth to make those who wronged him pay. Wait! He wants revenge? To who? Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you what a miserable death he died. Actually, he was an author and his books had been rejected by publishers for 10 years. Also, his mother, the only person who loved him, was dead. But he never gave up. Who would have thought that after hustling and becoming famous, the very people he promoted would try to kill him? EXCERPT: ———————————————————————————— "Aren't I dead?" "I'm the former king of the Grinan Realm in the Succubi Realms?" "Among the remaining few males?" "Wait! Are you kidding me?" ————————————————————————————

7inkz_etls · ファンタジー
64 Chs

New Memories

When they refused to grant him a last wish, Hulk's knife pierced through his flesh and crashed into his heart. The pain spread throughout his body and the last thing he saw before closing his eyes was a joyful expression on their faces.

The crucial moments of his life came flooding into his mind. Grew happy, died depressed. Only that sentence could describe his whole life. He was a happy child until his father died.

His kung-fu school was taken over by the ones he loved the most. They forced Morgan's mom out since they had never liked the idea of their brother marrying an outcast. Marrying an American woman when he was Chinese.

From then on, life became difficult. His mom became a stripper to provide for him. She never left him the day he got infected. Who would have thought that one day she would fall ill?

One of her mom's clients took them to an abandoned research site in the middle of the forest where he lived until his death.

Soon, the flashback of his life ended, and like that time he met Lilyard, he couldn't tell what was happening to him. Wasn't he dead? Why was he dreaming then? Were they even dreams?

It was a boy whose childhood was filled with love and joy. His family members had horns and wings just like Lilyard. Was it because he missed her? Could a dead man miss someone? He didn't understand.

As the boy grew, a girl of the same race kept bumping into him. A heart-like emerald embedded in her forehead, a tail with a pointy heart edge and the edges of the girl's elf ears would always glow green whenever she saw him.

"Brunos, I've seen a valley with beautiful flowers." The girl once told that blue-eyed boy. "I want to visit there but I cannot go alone. It's near Valinan caves."

"Valeria, when I'm around, never say you're alone."

The girl would smile at the boy, grab his hand and together they would roam valleys, climb mountains and trees.

They were trained by both the boy's mother and father and the woman would address the boy's father as my king. There were also other three boys who seemed jealous of the attention the boy was getting from his parents. Were they his brothers? Morgan couldn't tell, but they seemed to be living in the same castle.

Inseparable is the word Morgan could use to explain these two children because once their wings became strong, they started to fly above landscapes together. Grinan. One of the Succubi Realms. Morgan seemed to know anything about the boy and his surroundings. He wished he had not died. This could lead to a good novel.

Until their youth, Brunos and Valeria had never spent an hour not meeting one another. Even in the middle of the night the girl would go into the boy's room, climb into his bed and then they would fall asleep curdling one another.

"Brunos," his father said. "Time to prove that you deserve our kingdom's throne has arrived. Your brothers have failed to conquer the kingdom of Valinan. To avenge our people's death. I hope believing in you will never be a regret for me. I want those witches dead."

"Father," Bronos said looking straight into the incubus's emerald eyes. "I won't disappoint you."

While the king was patting Brunos' shoulder, a girl's voice echoed around the place. "Father," she said. "I want to go with him. I don't want him to get hurt."

"No!" The incubus shifted his gaze to the girl. "Valeria, you can't. He's setting out for war, not training or the adventures you're used to. You're still weak, you might distract him."

Brunos hugged her for minutes, whipped her tears away and said, "Don't worry! I'll be OK."

His army advanced with ease that he thought that his brothers were so weak to have lost such an easy battle. But when he entered the city, his army was surrounded.

"Your highness, it seems like we're ambushed." A bald incubus with long frightening horns said. "We should leave before it is too late."

Other four incubi flew around Brunos to protect him but all of a sudden, their wings became fragile.

"Your highness," The same incubus shouted as they fell. "They're using witchcraft. What should we do?"

The next moment, Brunos was in prison together with five incubi and a succubus he didn't recognize.

"Who are you?" asked Brunos. "Why are you incarcerated with us?"

"I'm Princess Lilyard." The succubus said. "The queen is my stepmother. My father left me powers that I'll inherit once I'm 21. They are kept in Loris—a ring-size pot. She is already powerful and evil. With such powers, she can do anything she wants. She can even create a world of her own. I can't allow that. She's planning to free you once you agree to rape me. All of you. She thinks that can make me agree to open Loris."

"What?" Brunos couldn't believe it. But what did he know? Among all the Underworld Realms, only the Succubi Realms had at least some good manners.

Soon, the queen came but Brunos and his men refused her request.

"You have two days," she said. "If you don't feed on her, I'll kill you."

After two days, the queen was angry with them. But she wanted Lilyard to be f*cked so she gave them an hour to reconsider their decision.

Lilyard was speechless. Despite being a way to save their lives, it would also be a pleasure for them to feed on a beauty like her. But they refused. Seeing that they would die to protect her, she thought that sleeping with them while pretending she was being raped would be good than letting them die. Who knows what the queen would do to her after killing them? Maybe she would marry her to goblins.

"Brunos," she said. "The little time I spent with you and your men have been the happiest moment of my life. From the day I learned to speak, that evil have been a nightmare to me. If she said she would kill you, she's not joking. There's nothing she can't do to get the powers I'll never give her."

"So?" asked Brunos.

Her cheeks turned red. "You can do what she wants."

Brunos was stunned. "What are you talking about?"

"It won't be rape," She assured him. "At least with you than... than with goblins or worse."

"Don't pretend to don't mind, Lilyard." Brunos said pulling her for a hug. "We won't do it. I can feel your heartbeat."

"Of course I'm scared but you can't die for me. Only my mom did and I regret it."

When the queen returned, they asked her for two days telling her that they wanted it to be fierce so they had to discuss some tricks. Since they had agreed, she granted their wish.

That night, Brunos and Lilyard danced together, and orgasmed all night long. She wanted her virginity to be claimed in a proper way. The next night, the same thing happened. Now she was a little experienced. She could stand five dicks.

Before the queen's arrival, Brunos warned his men to be careful. "Show that it's fierce but don't beat her or anything!"

They nodded their heads then after the deed, the queen released them.

Using magic and information Lilyard had given him about Valinan, he was able to attack and conquer it the following month. He killed the queen's daughter but the queen escaped with Loris. Lilyard became the queen and she would go to meet Brunos at a cave in the Succubi Realms.

"Brunos," Valeria ran into his arms when he returned home but when she kissed him, he was startled.

"What are you doing?"

"Is it something foreign to kiss one's lover?" Valeria asked.

"You're not my lover," Brunos replied. "You're my sister."

"But I don't belong to any of our parents by blood. I'm your sister because of their mercy. Besides, even if I could be your sister by blood, it's a normal thing in our society for siblings to marry each other."

Brunos pulled away but Valeria held on to him like handcuffs do to a criminal's wrists. "I love you, Brunos. Don't break my heart please! Keep your promise. You said there is nothing you cannot give me."

"I didn't know you would ask for my heart." He forcefully broke the hug and said while leaving, "That's not an ordinary thing to give to whomever. I'm sorry!"

"Brunos," she yelled at his back. "If you break my heart, I'll never open my mouth again. I'll only speak if you agree to love me."

Brunos ignored her crying. He thought it was because she was upset but even when their parents died, she never spoke to anyone.

He tried to persuade her to speak but she never answered. It was painful for him to see her like that. He felt guilty to see her changing for worse knowing that he was the one responsible for that. What could he do about it? His love for Lilyard was for real.

Until the last day Brunos saw her, her face was emotionless. The pain of seeing his sister turn into a devil mixed with losing his parents turned him into a drunkard.

His brothers were unhappy to learn that their father had left the throne in hands of their little brother plus he was now a drunkard. The war between them erupted but they couldn't defeat him for Valeria fought by his side.

It was at that moment when the queen of Valinan returned. More powerful than she left. "Brunos," she said after freezing everyone. "Here is the fate of your kingdom if you refuse the terms and conditions written on that paper."

"You witch," said Brunos after reading the paper. "This is daydreaming. That will never happen. I would rather die."

At that moment, a swirl of colourful smoke rose around her then a spear-like smoke shot from the swirl into Brunos' chest. He screamed like a beast but to Morgan's surprise, the pain was not on Bruno but on him. It was more like a memory or an experience.

The next second, Morgan realized that his eyes had been open. Though surrounded by darkness, he could tell he was awake. He even stood up and it was possible.

'Wait! How can I dream while I'm awake?'

After searching his memories, he was surprised to find some foreign memories with him.

"Have I transmigrated?"

That didn't make sense at all.

Usually, a person transmigrates in a world he doesn't know anything about. For him, he knew Lilyard. Did she do it on purpose? Why?

Morgan recalled their last conversation. First, she knew he would die because she told him so. Second, she said he should take care of her daughter then added it was going to be difficult for him.

'Does she have a daughter with Brunos? That means I would be the father if I have transmigrated into Brunos's body. Why? What happened to real Brunos?'

Morgan was confused.

Notice: Incubi is a plural for incubus. Also, at some points, I used his men to mean his companions. #Have some idea about my story? Please do vote with Golden tickets and Power stones if you guys are enjoying.

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