
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · ファンタジー
302 Chs

Episode 221: A chance in a game turns into reality


50. Max level (4)

"Now that I think about it, the Korean government brought a video of His Majesty the King and asked if I knew him?"

"My video?"

I tilted my head at Count Reyes' report.

Have I done anything on Earth that deserves to be filmed?

"Yes, it was a video showing an injured soldier being treated."

"iced coffee."

But I soon realized what the video he was talking about was.

When we first used Dragonland's dimensional transfer device, we wandered around, thinking this Earth was an illusion, and ended up in a confrontation with the Korean military.

At that time, I saw that two soldiers were injured and treated them without thinking, and it appears that this was recorded on video.

"At first, I was worried about telling them that I didn't know who the person in the video was, but I decided that it would be better to warn them rather than have them trample around and cause trouble for His Majesty the King."

The Count's response was no different than admitting that I, the character in the video, was related to him, but that was not a big problem.

The moment I used magic in the video, I already proved my relationship with Rondel.

What you're curious about is why the Korean government is looking for me.

"Oh, no way… … ."

Then it occurred to me that it might have something to do with the recent effort to create power.

Unlike other countries, the Republic of Korea was a country that overcame a major disaster without major damage, and the restoration of social networks has been completed, leaving the environment at a level that is not much different from before.

Since this is a country like this, it seemed like there was a possibility that I might have gathered information about the recent celebrity treatment practices.

'The capabilities of the South Korean intelligence service, which was a warring country, cannot be ignored.'

I clicked my tongue.

This is because if the Republic of Korea is aware of my movements, I may be considered a very threatening person.

Even though I had no objections, I wanted to maintain a friendly relationship with the Republic of Korea, which was gradually growing in power.

"Maybe I should talk to the President of the Republic of Korea."

"All right. Let's make a place. "He is a calculating person, but he also makes sense."

"That's right."

If you're a dull, back-and-forth person, it's not worth talking to.

I spoke to Count Rayers.

"They asked me to meet them in three days. The location will be Count Rayers Castle, and the meeting will not last more than 10 minutes, so if you have anything to ask, please tell me to come prepared in advance."

Isn't this a fairly high-handed attitude towards the president of the Republic of Korea, a rising power?

However, I don't think there is any need to be subservient to the Earth just as we are just leaving Rondel.

'I need to clearly check the inclinations of the President of the Republic of Korea.'

* * *

[It's all perplexing, but this is what Beijing looks like now.]When I returned home, there was a news broadcast broadcasting breaking news about the chaos in China.

"Is that only in China?"

"There is no news from other countries yet, but you never know. "Where else could the same thing be happening?"

My parents frowned but weren't too embarrassed.

I think we may have developed immunity due to abnormal phenomena occurring one after another on Earth.

A huge insect monster appears in an abnormal terrain called Dokji, so what would be new about the appearance of additional humanoid monsters?

I just hope that no damage occurs in Korea.

I looked at my father's laptop connected to the Internet and did a keyword search on social media.

Fortunately, except from Beijing, China, there has been no significant news yet.

I don't know if it's something unique to China or a sign of things to come, but I couldn't leave my parents like this, so I decided to give them a manual just in case.

"Are you using the carrier I gave you last time?"

The carrier I gave you is a portable shelter made with space expansion magic.

It is a portable shelter that is fully stocked with all household necessities, so you can easily live in it for several years.

"It's surprisingly comfortable, so I stay in it all the time except when you guys come."

It is a safe and good way to live.

I gave my parents a new gift for safety in addition to the shelter.


What I gave was a mithril bracelet with an antique design.

"That bracelet has three magics built into it. The first is a spell that heals any injuries, and the second is a shield that blocks any attacks. And the third and final one is space movement."

These treasures are equipped with two 8th-circle magic and one 7th-circle magic, and are studded with high-capacity magic gems.

Based on the price alone, you can buy 30 pieces of Vanguard equipment.

"If you use space movement, you will be transported to the lord's castle of the County of Layers. "We've already talked to them, so you can use it with confidence."

"Layers? By Layers, you mean the island of Rondel people like you, right?"

"Yes, those people are my subordinates now. So there is no need to hesitate."

The two of you still don't know my exact identity.

From the fact that he is the king who leads a country, how powerful he is.

"okay? I get it. "I will do that."

However, even though there were doubts, the two of them did not dig deep.

Then, I went next door, chewing the apple my mother had shoved into my mouth.

There, I could see a bug with an interested expression, wrestling with the monitor with his eyes as if he were going to enter the screen.

"What about artificial intelligence?"

To my question, Berg confidently answered by extending his thumb.

"It's going smoothly. No, it's growing faster than I thought."

"It would be difficult if I grew up like you and grew up with bad feelings online."

"Hey, the environment here is different from Rondel. Because Rondel's signal transmission method uses mana, variables like me were born. But don't worry, I've put a leash on you just in case."

"If that's the case, I'm glad."

As soon as she was born in Rondel's virtual world, she attacked various things and was captured by Chester and remodeled, so she understood what I meant.

"What can you do now?"

In response to my question, she placed her chin in contemplation.

And soon he gave me an answer... … .

"You can easily hack personal PCs and smartphones, and if you do well, you will be able to infiltrate companies and institutions as well."


I looked surprised, but Bug added, as if it wasn't something to take for granted.

"However, it is not yet perfect. "He may not be able to deal with unexpected situations, so he could end up falling behind."

Still, I saw enough potential for growth, so it was okay.

Satisfied, I patted the guy on the shoulder, saying he did well.

In response, the bug lifted its chin and looked proud... … .

"Mr. West. Please refrain from skinship with other women. "You close your eyes."

Suddenly, Arcia came between us and said that.

I had to let out an awkward smile and say I was sorry when she saw that the crackdown had become more severe these days.

"Wow, ma'am, your eyes are scary."

Bug grumbled like that, but his eyes were steadily looking in another direction.

I said to Arcia, giving her a shoulder hug for no reason.

"Once we have finished managing the artificial intelligence, let's go back to Rondel. If you receive news about China from Blake at Rondel and feel that further investigation is necessary, log back in."


The time spent on Earth must be minimized.

That way, you can stay for a long time when you really need it.

It is unavoidable when talking to people staying on Earth, but when talking among ourselves, it is better to go back to Rondel to save connection time.

So I decided to return to Rondel, and I didn't forget to say hello to my parents because there was a possibility that I wouldn't be able to log in again.

"Are you going back already?"

My parents were always disappointed with the short stay, but there was nothing they could do about it right now.

* * *

"ah! "I was looking for a cool-looking car on Earth, and the timing was perfect!"

After returning from Earth, Branguiche expressed his deepest regret.

Even more so than Benjamin, who regrets his brief reunion with his family.

However, what was immediately important to me was not what Branguiche had brought, but information about an abnormal situation that had occurred in China.

"The number of monsters is huge?"

"Looking at it, new guys appear every 5 seconds. "The method of appearance is in the form of a summon, and with the appearance of monsters, the mana concentration in the area is increasing."

Because Blake saved the video on his device, we were able to have a meeting while watching the scene.

"Are they trying to remodel the Earth in a Rondel-style, focusing on Dokji?"

"Well, only the goddess herself would know that."

I think it's a very promising story.

When you move into a new house, it is a natural process to decorate the house to suit your taste.

"But the problem is this."

Blake gestured to watch the video.

Thanks to this, I was able to see the hazy interior of the dock, and wouldn't it be surprising if there was a rondel-style sepia religious temple standing inside?

Blake approached the temple to examine it, and inadvertently placed his hand on the white wall... … .

[A powerful supernatural power already resides in your body.] [Failed to obtain the gift.]This holographic message window clearly came to mind.

I looked at Blake with a stern face.

"This is it. Does this mean that people without special abilities can obtain something called a gift if they touch the temple?"

"Yes, since you mentioned a special ability, there is a high possibility that the gift is also a special ability."

Is the intention to give a special ability as a reward when you defeat a monster, or is it to obtain the special ability and then subdue the monster?

What is clear is that the goddess is trying to bestow supernatural powers on the people of Earth.

"It's just a guess, so we shouldn't jump to conclusions, but… … ."

"Still, if the guess is correct, the situation of Earthlings, who have zero ability to respond to magic, etc., may change. "It's like there's a balance of power."

It's not any game.

As I clicked my tongue, Branguiche, whose demeanor had completely changed in just 20 minutes, approached me.

"Aren't you viewing the goddess too much as a villain? "That guy also has an idea."

The charisma of a dragon did not exist in his appearance, with luxury watches hanging like bracelets on both arms, large shopping bags on both shoulders, and even wearing sunglasses.

He must have realized that his behavior was strange due to my subtle gaze, and he cleared his throat for no reason.

"I have no intention of treating him like a villain. However, it seems like the goddess is planning to do something, but there is no mention of anything, and the resulting omen is unusual, so I am just worried."

"okay? But do you need to worry? "If we were to say that it was a power given randomly, it would have clear limits."

I was worried that the dragon would unconditionally take the goddess's side and try to lecture us, but Branguiche waved his hand as if he wasn't really interested, said something in passing, and walked away.

"If you can acquire this ability that way, you can get it too, right? "We can bring people directly to Earth, and Layers Island is already there."

Blake and I opened our eyes wide at his words.

It's definitely as he said.

If you're curious about what's inside, all you have to do is bring someone who can get the gift and ask them to get it.

And if the gift was better than expected, it was also possible to take advantage of it if necessary.

Unlike earthlings who have to wear layers of gas masks and protective clothing, we can easily enter the poisonous realm with a single spell.

"Let's go back and check."

Blake nodded at my suggestion.

Then, I needed someone without a special ability right away, so my eyes turned to Benjamin and Berg.

Aside from Benjamin, I don't know if Bug would be able to get the gift because the situation was ambiguous, but aside from her extremely developed brain, she didn't have any special abilities.

"Now, you're using me as a lab rat for a moment?"

"It would be nice if you could gain this ability too."

"But, what if it's not good!? "It hasn't even been confirmed yet, so I feel really uncomfortable!"

Bug got scared and shook his head like crazy.

In fact, as she said, he was too important a talent to be mobilized for an unconfirmed experiment.

However, unlike Berg, Benjamin willingly stepped forward with an expression that seemed to have made up his mind.

"I want to try."

"Yeah, yeah. "If there's nothing wrong with him, I'll do it too."

I looked at Benjamin with a surprised expression.

Benjamin swallowed dry saliva and said.

"We can't just stay together forever."

Is it because of his reunion with his sister?

Or is it because I lived surrounded by wealthy people?

Benjamin's actions were meaningful to me because I thought he had a tendency not suited to adventure.

However, Blake expressed a different opinion, wondering whether he was aware of Benjamin's decision or not, saying that it was really necessary.

"Just grab anyone on the scene and throw them in."

It's the devil.

However, it was Blake's way of showing consideration that there was no need to expose acquaintances to unconfirmed threats.

"No, I'll just step forward."

When Blake tilted his head at Benjamin's firm appearance, saying he didn't understand why he was acting like that, he smiled awkwardly.

"Usually, if you look at things like novels, the rewards tend to change sequentially in these situations."

It's a bit of a gamble, but it's a reasonable approach.

Certainly, even if the goddess were to use her human heart, she would not give out that gift indefinitely.

I had no choice but to give in to Benjamin's firm will.

"If anything goes wrong with your body, we will treat it as much as you want, so don't worry."

He nodded, saying my words were comforting.

"Then let's go right away."

And we reconnected to Earth.

However, the location was not Bucheon, where my parents were, but the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.