
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · ファンタジー
302 Chs

Episode 175: Dream in the game becomes reality


42. Dragonland (1)

Even though the countries of Rondel, which luxuriously share vast lands among 19 countries (formerly 20), are small countries, they have a huge land area compared to Korea on Earth.

The former Kingdom of Reinharts had a landmass comparable to that of India and the former Croisen Empire had a territory comparable to China, and Dragonland is larger than these two countries combined.

That's why many countries are drooling over Dragon Land.

Perhaps one day, if dragons suddenly disappear from this world, countries around the world will rush to take over Dragon Land.

Dragon Land is not only a large area, but it is also a treasure trove overflowing with rare resources and treasures.

"If the dark elves who have adapted to this Dragon Land advance into the world, wouldn't they be able to accumulate great wealth? "I guess you must have gathered a lot of resources?"

Blake teaches his student Arcia various things and guides us along the way.

I couldn't hold back my curiosity at Blake's appearance and asked.

This is because I once again thought that this was a very big advantage for a similar race of people of the opposite sex who could roam the wide Dragon Land as if it were their own home.

But Blake laughed at this question.

"I think the evaluation of dark elves has become too high because of me."


"It means you shouldn't hold me to the standards of dark elves."

I could understand what he meant.

"Ah, I definitely feel like dark elves are higher-level compatibility with elves."

"That doesn't sound bad. But, you're wrong. There are a total of 8 dark elf villages in Dragonland that I know of, and most of them do not include a grandmaster. "The number of Aura Masters is quite large, but isn't that a higher level something that can be achieved simply by living a long life?"

This means that Blake is a special being with no comparison among the dark elves.

"If we compare it to human society, there are many kings in this land. "Dragons and similar monsters occupy each area, sit down and pretend to be the masters, and treat monsters weaker than themselves like subjects."

I've heard it before.

If the dragon is the king, then numerous guardians rule each area like lords and exclude intruders.

Even if they do not belong to the dragon's territory, there are bound to be monsters that take on the dragon's role.

"The dark elf village is one of those entities. A dark elf village without a grandmaster has a narrow activity area, while a dark elf village with a grandmaster has a fairly wide activity area. And most dark elves do not leave their designated areas throughout their lives."

"So, Blake, you are an exception among exceptions?"

"That's right, unless you're a roadmaster or something, it's impossible to freely roam around Dragon Land. Even the dragon only warns me through its subordinates when I approach its territory, and those lower in rank just quietly hold their breath until I pass by."

"It's a world entirely of the powerful."

"Isn't it called human society?"

"Haha, that's right."

In any case, if the situation of the dark elves except Blake were like that, it seems that they would not have accumulated as much wealth as expected.

I thought the Dark Elves would have traveled across the vast Dragon Land and collected many ancient artifacts and resources, but doesn't that mean that's not possible?

"Of course, we cannot ignore the history that has been built up over many years. Just because there is no grandmaster right now doesn't mean there wasn't one in the past, and it's possible that more roadmasters will be born."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that even a small village could have a big impact on human society if they were to release their stockpiled wealth."

"Oh oh!"

Something I can't help but admire.

Why am I suddenly asking this?

"Are you planning on doing trade with our empire?"

If I could just make a deal with them, it seemed like I could get a lot of benefit even if I didn't pioneer Dragon Land right away.

Blake said with a sinister smile at my suggestion.

"I saw what you guys were doing this time."

This means that if it becomes a great help in this exploration, it will not only be artifacts that can be obtained.


"Try to think positively."

Thanks to this, motivation welled up from deep within my heart.

"By the way, I hope you keep in mind why I bothered to invite you."

"What does it mean?"

"It means it's extremely dangerous."

However, his subsequent warning made me feel like cold water was being poured on the fire of my motivation.

"Yeah, really?"

"Isn't it a relic from the mythical era? "A time when dragon-level or higher beings were rampant."

I suddenly wanted to go back.

Isn't it a waste of money if you die in trade or something?

"You're surprisingly scared."

"It's not that I'm timid, I'm just a cautious person. That's why I don't like unexpected situations very much."

"Instead, since it is risky, the reward will be certain, so look forward to it."

"Hmm… … . All right."

I have no choice but to follow him, but I think I have to take it seriously.

And whether or not she knew how I felt, Arcia kept looking around like a curious child.

"Look at that. "The cat is flying in the sky!"

"It's a grave. A type of fairy rarely found in Dragonland. "It is also a symbol of good fortune, so it looks like good things are about to happen."

"Can't I take you with me?"

"It's difficult anyway. It looks cute, but its eating habits are also strange and untamable. "It sticks the tentacles in its mouth into the target and sucks blood like a mosquito, and it is said that it can turn a single orc into a mummy in an instant."

I guess that's some kind of fairy.

It's a type of magical beast.

* * *

After that, we traveled for another 2 hours.

I heard that since Blake had prepared a base for teleportation in the first place, he started moving not far from his destination, but I realized that his standards for distance and ours are quite different.

The place we arrived was a place called Red Canyon beyond the Gray Mountains where Blake lives.

The reason why it is called Red Canyon is because the flowing water below is bright red lava.

"We're almost there."

"It's killing the mood."

"Kill me more inside."

The entrance to the ruins that Blake discovered was located in the middle of the canyon.

A path that cannot be found through normal routes.

I was even amazed at how I discovered it.

From Blake to Arcia and me.

Seeing the party members, reaching the entrance to the canyon was a piece of cake.

I flew, and Blake and Arcia lightly climbed the wall and entered the ruins.


And when he discovered the red orb that brightened up the cave, his eyes widened.

[Permanent light source]-It shines permanently.

-Material: 95% red mithril, 3% tourmaline, 2% mercury

The reason is because the material of the beads was something I had never seen before.

"Red Mithril?"

"As expected, it's convenient because there are many views. "I recognized it right away."

"What is this?"

"Isn't it an alloy of mithril? "It is often found in ruins from the mythical era."

"What about the characteristics?"

"It is stronger than Mithril, and has the function of amplifying magic power and aura, even if only by a small amount."


I looked surprised, and he curled up the corner of his mouth and said,

"What did you say, that it would kill more inside?"

"Can I take these off?"

Since it is nearly impossible to obtain Orichalcon or Adamantium, mithril is the most valuable metal used in weapon manufacturing among commonly distributed metals.

Although there is a mithril alloy in Rondel, this mithril alloy is a method of making products with similar performance cheaply because the price of mithril is too expensive, and is not a method of strengthening mithril.

But there are so many metals that strengthen mithril.

If Red Mythril could be created through research, the value that would be derived from it could not be imagined.

Thanks to this, I was excited to see the beads of red mithril scattered on the walls, ceiling, and floor.

"Part of your job is to separate them. "You take half of what you collected."


I understand why he called me instead of monopolizing it.

The magic circles scattered all over the place had a built-in function that would cause the items to be destroyed if the glowing beads were removed in the wrong way.

However, I neutralized the magic circle without difficulty using the support of Mangyeong and the knowledge I inherited from Archduke Lucas, and after that, I collected permanent light sources like gleaning.

"As expected, it was a good idea to bring him. "If you can unlock this so easily, then future searches will be easier, right?"

It's no joke from the start.

I felt the motivation that had been withered due to fear rising again.

High risk, high return.

Those words were clearly made for today.

"Let's move forward."

"Okay, then shall we go?"

Afterwards, we continued to advance by recovering a permanent light source containing 95% of Resmithril, and after recovering a permanent light source weighing nearly 2 to 3 tons, we were able to face a huge door.

"I heard there was a race called Titans in the mythical era, right? "Maybe it was made like this for them?"

The gate appeared to be about 20 meters high and 30 meters wide.

I looked at the material of the door.

The metal used on the door also looked unusual.

"I heard the door is made of white metal. What is this?"

"You can think of it as the Mythical Age version of stainless steel. Instead, it is said that its strength is comparable to that of Mithril."

In the end, this huge door is also money.

I laughed out loud.

Just by looking at the smooth, seamless appearance of the door, you can feel the essence of metal processing technology.

Usually, technology develops as time passes, but I think Rondel's peak period was the mythical era when gods and demons lived together.

The door opened automatically as we approached, without having to force it.

"The problem starts here."

Blake's serious expression follows.

-Wow. Wow.

Arcia and I looked at the other side of the door nervously.

But I was left speechless by the scenery unfolding before my eyes... … .

"There must be a device somewhere that cancels the reincarnation spell. Please look for it."

What appeared on the other side of the door was not an interior, but an exterior, a city with a hazy sky and tall buildings lined up.

The city was crowded with many people, but I couldn't easily take my eyes off the strangely familiar sights and noises.

"What is this?"

"huh? "What's wrong with you?"


This is because the city that unfolded before my eyes looked like Gangnam-daero, which I had visited many times in my past life.

"Oh, no. "That can't be possible."

I quickly shook my head and came to my senses.

I entered the ruins that appear to be from the mythical era in Dragon Land, and Gangnam Street unfolds?

It couldn't have happened.

"sorry. "Suddenly, a picture of the world I lived in in my past life appeared."

Both Arcia and Blake know that I am from Earth.

So when they realized why I had such a strange reaction, they both looked surprised.

"here? Manuel's hometown?"

When I looked back, the huge door we came through was already gone.

Ignoring the looks of Seoul citizens who were looking at us with strange expressions, I looked around through the magnifying glass one by one.

"Blake, can you feel where the entrance is?"

"I can feel it. "I escaped last time, so don't worry about getting out."

"Thank goodness."

"But the problem is that the scenery in front of me looks real to me. "There are signs of life in all people."

I know.

It looked real just by looking at the information from people looking through a magnifying glass.

"I don't know what this situation is for or why."

I agree.

I don't know what it was, but all I could feel was something unpleasant.

Even though it looked real, I couldn't shake off the strange feeling of déjà vu that crept up my spine.

Thanks to this, I thought this situation was nothing more than a joke.

"Shall we kill them all?"

Blake said as he pulled out his sword from his belt.