

Giorgio nods and they start walking side by side, and Martin starts talking about what’s happening in his classes, while Giorgio even starts talking excitedly about how one of his professor’s dog, the infamous Bud that is basically the mascot of their uni, suddenly invades one of his classes and farts on one of the students’ face, and Martin laughs while clutching at his stomach.

“Dude! Bud loves farting on anyone he finds annoying! There’s one time he even farted at Professor Larue’s face, just because he tries to talk with Professor Pashia.”

“Yeah. Though for some odd reason, Bud is wary with Dr Seiji though.”

“Heh, with how intimidating Dr Seiji looks like normally, even a dog knows not to piss him off.”

When they finally reach the apartment building Giorgio lives, Martin reaches for the container in his bag and he takes it out and hands it to Giorgio, “this is the surprise! I baked this in class!”

The blonde’s eyes widen from the dessert that looks like chocolate cake and he takes the container and whispers, “chocolate cake?”

“Well, technically it’s chocolate cream cheese cake, so it’s sweet and savory at the same time. Professor Buccio gave this a high praise though! So you don’t have to worry about the taste.”

“Thank you Martin.”

“No problem! Then, see you tomorrow-” and when Martin tries to turn to leave, Giorgio grabs his arm and says a little loudly, “wait..!”

“Hmm? What is it Gio?”

“Are you free after this?”

“Erm, yeah. I have no assignments for now and no part time job today- why?”

Just invite him to spend more time with him! Giorgio tries to calm his little heart down and he tries to be nonchalant about it, “do you want to, maybe- perhaps come in for a coffee and share this cake? I have strawberries too…”

Did he just ask to spend more time with me? Martin grins in excitement and he nods a little too hard, and he bites his own bottom lip when he realizes he looks too eager for possibly, just a simple hang out between friends, “sure! If you would have me! Wait, are your parents home now?”

“No. Both are still on the campus. And my little sister is normally busy talking on the phone with her friends in her room.”

“Huh? But I thought Mariella was with Leo- oh! Another sister huh?”

“Yeah. Just ignore her teasing if she sees you.”

Martin follows Giorgio right at the back and they are climbing up the stairs to the first floor, and when the door opens, Giorgio groans when he sees Jolyne is in the living hall feeding the tropical fishes in the large fish tank and even playing with Charles the II, the turtle, “you are back-” and she turns to see Martin who is standing behind Giorgio, and she smirks, “hey, are you-”

“Jolyne, you should go back to your room. I can take care of the fish.”

The teen stares at the blonde with a knowing look and she just waves at Martin briefly and says, “nice to meet you! But looks like I’m unwelcomed by my bro here.”

“Erm, I’m sure she can stay though, right Gio?”

Jolyne smirks when she hears the nickname, and Giorgio rolls his eyes and says, “okay. This is my sister Jolyne Seiji, and Jolyne, this is my friend Guido Martin.”

“Hello! Everyone calls me Martin!”

“Hello Martin. I am done here though, so I’m going back to my room before Mariella comes back and starts bragging about her boyfriend again-” then she puts the turtle back to the terrarium and she sprints off to her room, and Giorgio lets out a breath he hold on earlier, and he takes off his backpack and coat and puts at one of the chairs at the dining table, “what drinks do you want to have? Let me make it.”

“Anything, since the cake is pretty sweet.”

When Giorgio is rummaging through the cabinets in the kitchen, Martin takes a seat and he looks around nervously. I’m in a house, with Giorgio, alone, and I can easily reach out for him and kis-

His thoughts are interrupted when a can of Sprite and a bowl of washed strawberries are placed down in front of him, and Martin grins, “Sprite! Do you know that I often get Sprite from Leonardo’s stash and didn’t pay him back?”

Giorgio chuckles and he sits down and starts cutting the cake and puts it on his plate, and he starts eating, “thanks for the cake.”

“No problem. How is it?”

And Martin swallows hard when he sees Giorgio closing his eyes and moans a little after eating a bite, making him quickly turn away before he has dirty thoughts- and Giorgio smiles, “this is really good. Thank you so much for this treat.”

“Yeah no problem man.”

Giorgio continues eating and Martin sips on his Sprite and starts eating the strawberries to distract himself from recalling Giorgio’s moan. What he didn’t know is how Giorgio staring at him subtly and he licks his lips unconsciously when he sees the brunet sucking some of the bitten strawberries for the juice instead of eating it whole.

Should I just tell him how I feel right now? But maybe he is straight…

Then Giorgio’s phone chimes and he looks at it to see a text from Jolyne, and he opens it and frowns when reading the message.

PrincessJo: dad n otou-chan coming home soon

PrincessJo: u better hide ur lover boy in ur room or get him out b4 they see him

PrincessJo: theres condoms if u need it

Giorgio: he is not my lover

Giorgio: n jolyne, y do u have condoms?

PrincessJo: oopsssss

Giorgio: jolyne??? explain

PrincessJo: damnit its our parents secret stash k??? I juz wan u to be safe

PrincessJo: he might be handsome but u dun knw if he ever stick his dick in others b4

Giorgio sighs and he puts his phone back down, making Martin look up and asks, “what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just Jolyne being a bitch.”

The brunet chuckles and he stands up after finishing his drink, “erm, I think I should go. I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” and Giorgio stands up too and walks him to the doorway, “be safe walking back home alright? Text me when you reach your apartment.”

That’s not what I wanted to say. Martin nods and says sure. I want you to stay. Once the door is closed, Giorgio sighs and leans his back on the door, and hisses at how useless he is for not saying anything today, again.