
My Lovestruck hubby

"Zihan, do you have a secret girlfriend you don't want us to know about?". Li Yan (Zhu Zihan mom). said happily. Huh?". Zihan looked very confused with his handsomely frowned brows. "There is a bright red lipstick on your right cheek, which clearly meant a girl kissed you. Come on sit, I want the full gist". Li Yan dragged his to the couch abandoning her poor husband again who was glaring furiously at his son.

PJade_4k · 都市
37 Chs

Chapter 19: Welcoming bride party.

While the groom was sitting on a decorated couch in the beautifully decorated hall and patiently waiting for his welcoming bride, the large entrance door of the hall was suddenly pushed opened which made everyone turn their heads, and they immediately sucked in their breaths as they admired the young Mrs Zhu walk in elegantly.

She wore a wine colored gown which had chiffon sleeves and a low slit on the left side with black heels and wine coloured gloves that was reaching her elbows as she held onto a (One.) white flower. Guo Min walked towards her husband with her head held high, that made her (Guo family) whole family's faces look like shit, they were shocked and scared all at ones.

Guo Min getting to be with Zhu Zihan meant wealth, power and respect. Just putting scratch on her could ruin them for life.

"Dad, Mom. We can't let this happen, let's ruin the wedding before it even begins".

When Guo Ji said that and her parents nodded and started plotting. And on the other side of her real family.

"Oh God my twin sister has finally grow up, (Sniff) I am so proud of her". Ruoxi said in a very dramatic way as she ran to hug Guo Min before she got to the alter, Lixi also hugged and congratulated her.

"Children really do grow up, I can't believe that I spent time with you since your diapers years and you are finally getting married. If Zihan offends you then just call brother Yufan to deal with him". Yufan said with a smile as he hugged her.

Zihan who was sitting like a prince stood up for the couch and walked down the alter then pulled his wife to sit with him on the couch just as Wu Xiang was about to congratulate her

"Hubby, this is a bridal welcome party, so why is everyone telling me to have a happy married life, my father didn't even hold me to the alter".

Guo Min whispered which made Zihan smile a little before saying "They are just wishing for you to be happy in your marriage".

"Zihan..., will it work out for you and I or are we going to live unhappily". The question just suddenly came out of Guo Min's mouth.

Looking at her with a smile, he took her small right hand and engulf it in his big hands before staring deep into her eyes and saying "Wifey I have the capacity to provide anything you want me to when it comes to money and I might also have the capacity to make you happy and I promise to try my best to do that, but remember that in every relationship there is always a hard time and arguments and those times even your hubby might be powerless. I will try my best to make this work out and you also have to try to make decisions that are not according to your emotions sometimes. If I am giving you a bad energy, just call my attention to it for me to adjust".

"Hubby, you are really good with speeches ehh". Guo Min smiled before landing a kiss to his cheek.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen or should I rather say beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen". Ruoxi greeted as she walked up the stage with Yang Yufan.

"Let me start with a little introduction even if I am sure that most people here know Yang Yufan, the most admired son and solider and me, A.K.A Wang Ruoxi. The most beautiful daughter of the Wang family. Yes no argument I am even beautiful than my sister who is the welcoming bride of the Zhu family". Ruoxi self praise made the guests chuckle a little while her sister mouthed the word ' narcissist ' making sure she read her lips.

"So all I have to say is, have fun and dance the night away people". Saying that they got off the stage and signalled for the workers to put the music on and for them to start serving dinner.

Sitting at a distance is the Zhu, Wu, Yang and Wang family, they were sitting on their personal large table which was different from the other ones. The other table were arranged with a round table with 4 chairs around it. But these 4 families were very dear to each other, so they had their own table for them to have fun together.

The Guo family who were sitting few meters away from the Zhu family table were trying everything in their means to ruin Guo Min's happy day. "Mother, why am I so unlucky".

"Why do you say that my dear". Guo Hu (Guo Min's father) asked.

" I want to get married to Zhu Zihan, I don't love Luo Shuchang anymore, I am in love with Zhu Zihan now". Guo Ji said at the brink of tears.

"What are you even saying, you and Luo Shuchang's engagement has been done it remains the wedding so no excuse". Guo Hu said with annoyance.

"Daddy, see you don't love me, why can't I have Zhu Zihan huh. I am in love with him. My Sister doesn't even deserve Zihan. She just wants his money and nothing else". Guo I yelled making everyone turn their attention to her which made her smile in her heart before saying.

"I have had enough of covering up for her, she doesn't love Zihan, she just wants his money and fame. I have to show this picture to Zihan. He can't be cheated on". Saying that Guo Ji walked towards the decorated couch that the couples were sitting on.

"Sister I am sorry. But Zihan must know the truth, I can't play with his heart". Guo Ji stood in their front and talked with tears dripping out of her eyes.

"What are you playing at?". Guo Min asked with raised brow. Seeing her sister in this state meant plotting stupidity.

"Zihan, m-my sister is just using you for her own purpose, she doesn't love you". Guo Ji stated still playing as a white lotus.


"Zihan, I just want to tell you. Please listen to me, my sister has a cute face but she is danger". Even after being ignored Guo Ji continued.

"Wifey, you owe me a kiss, remember". Zihan wrapped his arms around Guo Min's waist and pulled her closer towards himself.

"Z-zihan, not here. People are watching". Said Guo Min as she put her hands on his chest, trying to push him away a little.

" So, if they want to watch, they can since we aren't doing the deed". Zihan spat shamelessly and Guo Min's eyes twitched.

"ZIHAN!!!". Guo Ji yelled making the great and honorable Zihan finally turn to her.