
My lover is the first target

Hey, I'm Aurelia. it's about love and work story. I work as a secret agent....well till the day I met him. Dominic is his name... the most wanted mafia boss in Europe. I was working undercover in his building as an assistant. It was simple work...get to know him. Make him fall for you and catch him. But I did not expect that I would fall for him. Wanna know more? Let me know.

Wiki_Ozzy2616 · SF
65 Chs


Few months flew by. Before i knew it, it was our wedding day. Maids help me with my hair and make up. I have to be honest....I'm very nervous. I know that we love each other but still! Something may go wrong. What if he doesn't want to get married...? I shook my head so i can stop think like that. He loves me. I mean, I loved him. 'Do you want help with your dress?' One of the maid asked me. 'Yeah. But only if you promise me you wont tell Domi about it!' I said jokingly. 'Of course' She said laughing. 'Okay, lets go' I said getting up. They helped me get dressed. I put on a nice white lace dress. I also wore white high heels. I looked like a princes. And i feel like one, i heard them all gasp and compliment me. I blushed bit, before i could say anything we heard a knock on the door. One of the maids went to the door and opened it. It was Dixon, he went in the room and his jaw dropped when he saw me. I laughed at his reaction. He came to me and hugged me gently. I hugged him back and he pulled away. 'Wow, wow,wow. You're beautiful.' He said to me I blushed again, smiled and slapped him. He laughed at my reaction and he helped me to the main hall. We heard a lot of the guest talking. As soon as my song stared to play, the braid maids walked in with best man before me. Then the flower girls and boys went before me and threw the flowers on the floor. I took a deep breath and went to Dominic with Dixon who is holding my arms. I heard the gasps and whispers how amazing i look. I blushed at the comments, before i knew i was standing in front of a crying Dominic. He help my hand and we stood in front of the priest. "Today we have gathered here to witness two happy people join together in holy matrimony." Said the priest. "Do you promise that you shall love and honor each other always, be loyal and true to your spouse, cherish them, protect them, and care for them forevermore, without fail?" The priest asked looking at Dominic. "I do." Said Dominic as he held my hand. "And do you promise to always keep your promises and to support and protect each other no matter the hardship?" Asked the priest looking at me. 'I do.' I said with a smile. We both turned towards the pastor, and the priest proceeded with our marriage vows. "You may now exchange rings," the pastor said happily. I held my left ring finger in front of the officiant, and Dominic reached for my left hand and put the ring on my finger. As if on cue, the priest spoke up. "Do you, Dominic and Aurelia, take each other to be your lawfully wedded husband and wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, till death do you part?" The priest asked. We both responded yes. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride!" The pastor yelled happily. Dominic pulled me close and we kissed. Everyone jumped up from their seats and started to clap and cheer for us. We pulled away smiling, Dominic smirked at me and picked me up. I yelped and he started to laugh. most of the crowd was laughing too. He ran through the crowd with me in his arms. They all threw the flowers at us when he ran pass them all. We got inside a car that was waiting for us. He gently placed me in the carriage and got in himself. The carriage started to move to our venue. Dominic pulled me in and kissed me. We stayed there kissing until the carriage reached the venue. Dominic helped me out of the carriage and gave me an extra long kiss to make up for our short one. After everyone else exited the car, we walked hand in hand to our location. A wedding chapel, that was built near the woods. It was gorgeous, but also beautiful. There were trees everywhere, snow covering everything except the ground. On the side of the chapel were white roses, red chrysanthemums and blue hyacinths. The rest of the decorations were white with blue lights. I gasped as I saw how beautifully Dominic designed everything. Everything. From the entrance of the chapel, which had a wooden arch and the words 'Dominic's and Aurelia's wedding venue'. We went inside and it looked even more beautiful. He led me to the head table and we sat down, before the guest started to arrive.