
My lover is the first target

Hey, I'm Aurelia. it's about love and work story. I work as a secret agent....well till the day I met him. Dominic is his name... the most wanted mafia boss in Europe. I was working undercover in his building as an assistant. It was simple work...get to know him. Make him fall for you and catch him. But I did not expect that I would fall for him. Wanna know more? Let me know.

Wiki_Ozzy2616 · SF
65 Chs

Goodbye Goa

After washing we went out and he helped me to stand. I put my pjs on and he did the same after i leaned against the sink and dressed into his pjs. We brushed our teeth and he carried me back to the bed. He placed me down gently on the bed and lay down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and i snuggled to his chest. I fell asleep almost imminently. The next morning i woke up alone in bed and all our bags were packed. I looked around and i didn't see Dominic. I sat up and checked the nightstand. There was a small note. I picked it up and read it. 'Dear Love, If you wake up and don't see me that means in still out to get you some delicious breakfast. I packed all of our stuff so don't worry about packing. You just rest and wait for me. Your dearest Dominic XXX' I smiled at the note and relaxed on the bed after turning the TV on. It took almost 30 minutes before Dominic returned. He went inside the room and looked up. When he saw me he smiled and placed the bags on the floor in the room before walking to me. He went to me and kissed me on my head. 'Good morning love, how was your sleep?' He asked me. 'It was very nice, i missed you tho.' I told him with a chuckle. He kissed my cheek and i kissed his cheek back. He went back to the bags and picked them up before heading back to me. He sat down and placed the bags on the bed and opened the food containers. The smell that came from them made my stomach rumble. He chuckled and gave me some food. We ate together while watching TV. After our breakfast, we cleaned up and went to the bathroom to freshen up before we well Dominic picked up all of our bags and we went out to the elevator with everything. We got in the elevator and we went down to the lobby. We went to the Registration and we gave the room key back. We thanked them for their services in the amazing hotel and tipped the worker before heading to the rented car. He placed every bag in the back of the car and we got inside the car. He drove us to the airport. I looked out the window and enjoyed the view for the last time. It took us two hours before we got there. After parking the car we got out and picked up our bags. Dominic took over the bags i had, the worker that looked out for the rental cars came to us and we gave him the car key and went inside the airport. We went to the check-in and we got checked in we checked our bags in gave them to the workers and boarded the plane. We looked for our seats and sat down. I had the window seat and he had the middle seat. We waited for what felt like an hour before the plane finally took off. 

The flight was long so we decided to watch movies on a tablet the whole flight. I saw that he fell asleep in the second movie. I giggled and tugged him in a blanket that we got in one of our backpacks. I cuddled close and fell asleep in the process. I woke up when someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes and saw that we had landed. We got up and checked out. We went to get our bags before we went to the parking lot and Dominic's car. He placed everything in the back of the car and we sat down in his car. He started his car and drove us to a fast-food restaurant on our way home. We went to the KFC. After the stop, we went to the house. '....Can we get a dog....?' I asked him. 'Sure love we can go and look for some on the internet.' He said with a big smile. 'No...i wanna o to the animal adoption center. There are so many little ones stuck there..' I answered. He looked at me and smiled at me before nodding.