
my lovely world

Judith Göbel, a 15 year old teenager who had to move to Japan because of her father's job, one day in her new home something very strange happened, turning her life upside down.

Donoghan · ファンタジー
2 Chs

trip to an unknown world.

A normal life, I am a normal girl, who lives normal days. Or was it supposed to be ...

It started with the day starting like any other day. My Mother woke me up early, as always. The clock said 6:26 A.M, I get up and open my bedroom window. The snow falls that winter morning.

I used to live in Germany, that's where I was born, but this year, just at the end of the year, my father received a salary increase and was promoted, but the vacancy was in Japan. That's right, on the other side of the world, and my father accepted the promotion.

Well, in two days I'll be on a plane, the destination is "on the other side of the world." That day I made an appointment with my friends at school for a casual farewell.


I cover my ears, her voice is very high.

- Can you stop, lu? I am the one who will live in another country, not you ...

When I said "friends", it wasn't exactly "FRIENDS", but a friend. Her name is Luise Muff, we have known each other since elementary school, I was never very 'sociable', I am lucky to have her around, but now we will have to separate, I'm holding on inside so I don't cry with her.

- but, ju… I KNOW! How about you live with me?

I slap your head.

- your mother doesn't earn so much to support three people, we would die of hunger.


I run up to her and hug her, I had never hugged someone so tight, tears were streaming down my face, I was crying on her shoulder.

- I'll miss you…

Other than that, I didn't know what else to say, luise has always been with me, in the best of the worst moments, she was there, to say that she is my 'best friend'. Even though I am no longer in primary school to consider her my "best friend", she insists on saying that we are 'best friends forever' ... I will miss you very much, very much.

As soon as we said goodbye, I went straight home and I see my "little man" and run to his embrace. To go to Japan it is necessary to speak Japanese, and my grandfather is the key to this, my grandfather is Japanese, that is, I have European and Asian blood running in my blood. Since my childhood, my grandfather taught me to speak Japanese, over the years I specialized in the language of his native country.

I talked so much about my family and "friends" that I ended up forgetting to introduce myself. My name is Judith Göbel masahito, I'm 15 years old, and I'm going to go to high school in Japan.

When I arrived in Japan, I felt like screaming "take me home !!!" but even I know what 'limits' means, in the midst of all those people at the airport, I felt like a complete stranger.

My first day in Japan was kind of weird, wherever I went I felt eyes on me, that's when I was sure that I am a complete stranger, my Mother says it may be due to the different color of my hair, it is unusual one blonde hair in a country where most of them have dark hair, I hope that's it.

There are only a few days left for classes to start, I've never been so nervous…

Sometimes I leave the house to go to a park in front of my house, whenever I go there I like to sit on the swing and reflect on what not to do at school.

That day was different from the others, a child came to me, was a girl, must be at least 4 years old, where are your parents?

- girl, can I touch your hair ...?

For a brief moment I didn't know what to say, so I just bent down so she could play.

She ran a hand gently through my hair.

- it's smooth, like mine… But it's different… it's beautiful…

I look you in the eye and smile.

- your hair is as beautiful as mine.

She rejoiced and ran, must have gone back to where her parents were. I think it's better to come home, I want to watch something. One of the advantages of living in Japan is that the anime you watch there on the other side of the world, comes here earlier. ADVANTAGE!!

- hey, you are the new neighbor ... Right?

I look back, what I see is a boy, he must be about my age, he's cute, but honestly, let's be honest, I can't describe his difference to the other boys my age here in Japan, I just found him cute.

- ah ... Yes, I am ...

Am I ashamed? Do I look embarrassed? Really? Oh my god, what a shame ...!

- my parents told me about you, are you going to study at Hosokawa?

- how ... how do you know ..?

Hosokawa was the school my parents chose to put me in, I checked and it is a really good school.

- your parents and mine talked last night, and I ended up listening hehe ...

- um ... Yes, yes. I'm going to study there ... Are you from there?

- I am! I hope to see you there, even.

- I say the same…

He says goodbye and leaves. I walk into the house and see my older sister looking at me from the end of the hall with a suspicious look.

- sis…?

For the record, I have an older sister, her name is Petra, some people say we are alike, but I don't think so. She throws herself over and starts punching me in the head.

- ara, ara, ara !! My sister already got a boyfriend !!

She kept punching me in the head and, on top of that she was laughing like crazy.

- what do you mean "sweetheart"? I'm not twelve anymore, you know ?!

I take his arm and start to bite nonstop.

- GYAAAA !!!…

Two days have passed since then, in the meantime I went shopping, bought all the supplies to go to school and my uniform. So far it's been a normal day for a new high school girl, that's what I expected.

It is today, the first day of school, it is today, my legs are shaking, I'm afraid to enter that room and leave being in a "Harem".

In front of the school, I look around, I see students entering the school very calmly. What are they thinking of me? "Hey, what is that stranger doing on top of the tree?" ... Yeah, the pressure was so great that I panicked and climbed the tree. Nobody takes me out of here !!!

Unfortunately, people started to notice that the tree was making a strange noise, so I had to go down, the "strange noise" was my belly, I woke up late and there was no time to eat my breakfast.

Face to face the door of my office, I have a desire to arrive breaking the door at the base of the kick, but as I said before, I value to have 'limits'.

I put my hand on the doorknob and turn it and pull the door. As soon as I open I see all the students in the room and the teacher in the room, on the blackboard it says "math" DRUG, everything but math !!!

- your name?

Said the teacher, I don't know why he is asking my name, he is very old, nor will he remember it later.

- Judith… masahito…

I gave my father's last name, they say that it is a custom to take into account only the father's last name, but I love my "Göbel…"

- right… Welcome, masahito-san

There is also this, the 'Honorifics', I also don't understand very well, but as time goes on I'll explain their meanings, or try.

San (さ ん?) Is the most common of all and probably the best known outside of Japan. It is used to refer to someone from the same hierarchy, whether age or professional. It applies to both men and women, and the closest translation to english is sir and madam. It is always used in the second or third person.

For example, if a worker refers to a co-worker at the same level, called Arima, he will be called Arima-san (Mr. Arima).

If the name and surname of the person practicing the profession is unknown, san could also be employed.

For example, a butcher (肉 屋, nikuya?) Would be called nikuya-san (lord butcher).

Understood? I hope so, I will not explain again.

I sit in the empty chair by the window. I feel a strange sensation, as if someone has been watching me since I entered the room.

Until the end of the class I felt that strange sensation, and no, I didn't make friends that first day, it was to be expected ... They lose out, because I am incredible!

On the way home, I stop in front of a river, sit on the bank and look at the sky. I see a star shine in the afternoon.

- ara…. Stars at this hour ...?

There is something very strange.

- the star ... Are you moving ?!

She is coming towards me.

- oh dear… Will I now die and reincarnate in another world as a super cool heroine?

The star is getting closer and closer, coming towards me, I will sit here and wait for death ... LIE, I AM NOT THAT. RUN!!!

The star falls in the small, shallow river, the impact throws me away and the area around the star (meteorite, call it what you will) had been destroyed. I wake up seconds after the meteorite has fallen, I approach that huge piece of stone and stare.

My breath is labored, my knees are scraped, I'm finished. I told my mother that coming to Japan would do this, here they have Demon Kings, warriors who protect the universe by taking power from the sky, and I here, scared to death of this piece of stone.

I think it is better to go home ... No, even better, I will report this to the authorities. Yeah !!

Wait..! This stone is strange, it is… hatching ?! Is that an egg ?!

When it hatches, a strong pink light illuminated the whole place around a radius of half a kilometer, I was almost blind after that.

The strong light is weaker until it disappears.

- Oh my eyes, my eyes !!

They were hurting, okay? I look at where the "meteorite" should be, but he was no longer there, there was a girl in the place, she was wearing a pink outfit and carrying a staff, almost a Cosplay of some 'Mahou Shoujo'

- the fate of the universe ... It's in ... Your hands ...

Apart from pink, his clothes had a colored font that resembled blood, and it was blood, his head, legs and chest were bleeding. What do I do?! What do I do?!! What do I do?!!!

The girl in the pink outfit and pink hair runs her hand over my forehead.

- now it's up to you…

The girl turns to dust in my hands, I literally couldn't believe what had just happened.

Something was happening, but I can't say what… My body is strange, I feel a cold in my belly and a slight headache.

Judith's hair had changed color, going from a very light blond to a light pink, her clothes had also changed, she was pink and white, with some details of pure gold and a gold tiara with a ruby ​​in the center.

- What is happening…? I ... I'm not doing well ...

Her world has darkened, everything around her is surrounded by darkness, she can no longer keep her eyes open.

To be continued…