
Ryujin from Itzy (Mafia)

Disclaimer: Photo belong to the rightful owner. This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Ryujin), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

First paragraph

Ryujin retired from Korean show business after 5 years from the disbandment of Itzy. She is now a wife of an italian man named Lorenzo. Since she is retired from being a member of Itzy and had settled down with her husband Lorenzo, whom she had met at a charity event a 3 years ago. Lorenzo is a handsome and charming man who had swept her off her feet with his wit and charisma. They are now living in Italy as an ordinary citizen and enjoys the life together.

As the months passed, Ryujin and Lorenzo grew their love together, their love for each other never faltering. They faced many obstacles, but they always became stronger, their love shining brighter than ever before. Ryujin was grateful for the love and protection that Lorenzo had given her, and she knew that she had found her happily ever after here in Italy, the place where Lorenzo was born.

Ryujin and Lorenzo is always together wherever they go, their love for each other never faltering. They faced many obstacles, but they always emerged stronger, their love shining brighter than ever before. Ryujin was grateful for the love and protection that Lorenzo had given her, and she knew that she had found her happily ever after in Italy, the place where she had found true love.

Lorenzo always make sure Ryujin is safe and protected from harm.

However, one day Lorenzo suddenly fell ill. Ryujin was devastated, she couldn't bear the thought of losing the love of her life. She stayed by his side and taking care of him, praying that he would recover soon. Lorenzo does not have a family member that's what he said, so Ryujin was the only one taking care of him.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but Lorenzo's condition did not improve but got worse. Ryujin was heartbroken, she knew that time was running out since the doctor told her to expect the worst. But she refused to give up, she refused to let go of the man she loved.

One day, as Ryujin was sitting by Lorenzo's bedside, he opened his eyes and looked at her.

His eyes were filled with love and tenderness, and he whispered, "I love you Ryujin, thank you for being my wife."

It seems that he is saying goodbye. Ryujin wants to cry but she just wiped her tears and stayed strong.

Ryujin's heart swelled with love and emotion, she knew that this was the moment she had been dreading. She held Lorenzo's hand and whispered, "I love you too, Lorenzo. You will always be in my heart."

"Are you tired? (Please don't leave me) I'll be always here for you" Ryujin said as she wiped Lorenzo's forehead.

As Lorenzo took his last breath, Ryujin wept, her heart breaking into a million pieces. It feels that she is the one dying. She knew that she would never find another love like Lorenzo, but she also knew that he would always be with her, guiding her, protecting her.

Ryujin stayed in Italy, the place where she had found her one true love. She would often sit by the river, remembering the moments she had shared with Lorenzo. She knew that life would never be the same without him, but she also knew that his love would always be with her, giving her the strength to face whatever came her way.

Ryujin knew that she had found true love in Italy, a love that would never die or be replaced. She knew that Lorenzo would always be with her, in her heart, and in her memories, reminding her of the beauty of true love. She cried and cried until it rains.

"Lorenzo. Please don't leave me."

She was woken up by Lorenzo.

"Why are you crying in your sleep my love? Did you have a nightmare?"

Ryujin hugged him tightly without saying anything.

Lorenzo is alive, Ryujin dozed off, she was exhausted from the long days and sleepless nights so she had a nightmare that Lorenzo had passed away, and she woke up in a cold sweat, tears streaming down her face.

She looked at Lorenzo, who was still confused, and felt a wave of relief wash over her. It was just a nightmare, she realized, and Lorenzo was still alive.

The following morning, Ryujin was sitting by Lorenzo's bedside, he suddenly began to seizure, his body wracked with convulsions. Ryujin was terrified, she had never seen anything like this before. She called for help, and soon doctors rushed in, trying to stabilize Lorenzo's condition.

Ryujin left the room and prayed to all of the Gods she knew just to save Lorenzo.

Ryujin waited anxiously, praying that Lorenzo would be okay. The doctors worked tirelessly, and after what felt like an eternity, she was called by the nurse. Lorenzo's condition finally stabilized. Ryujin was relieved, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of fear that had grow inside her.

Over the next few more days, Lorenzo's condition improved, and he slowly began to recover. Ryujin stayed by his side, taking care of him, never leaving him alone.

Lorenzo's condition got better and ever since from that day on, Ryujin cherished every moment with Lorenzo, grateful for the time they had together. She knew that life was fragile, and that every moment was precious.

A final surgery is needed for Lorenzo to be fully cured. Lorenzo was laying in the hospital, recovering from his previous surgery, Ryujin felt her heart break. She knew that he was going to be okay, but the thought of losing him had been too much to bear.

Since the process was costly, Ryujin's account is almost dried up but in order for Lorenzo to be healed, she still wanted for him to be surgery. As she looks at her empty bank account, she was worried that Lorenzo might not be able to get the surgery he needed.

In her desperation to help him, Ryujin had made a very drastic decision, she had sold her beloved house from her grandparents, her designer bags, her favorite car back in Seoul and even her dresses just to pay for Lorenzo's medical bills.

She had did not know that Lorenzo was incredibly wealthy and could easily afford the expenses. She did not used Lorenzo's money since Lorenzo doesn't have work and just do the house chores for them and she does not checks Lorenzo's things as a respect for his privacy.

Ryujin was able to pay for the surgery and the surgery was successful and Lorenzo woke up. She asked Ryujin about what happened.

When Lorenzo found out what Ryujin had done, he was shocked. He couldn't believe that she had given up so much for him. "Why did you sell your house and your things?" he asked her, incredulous.

Ryujin looked at him, tears streaming down her face. "I can buy those again in the future," she said. "But I can't lose you. You're the only one."

Ryujin kissed him lightly on lips and went to sleep since she was so tired. The fear of losing him had finally left her mind.

Lorenzo was touched by her love and devotion, and he knew then and there that he had found someone truly special. From that moment on, he swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to make Ryujin happy and safe to repay her for all the sacrifices she had made for him.

Second Paragraph

A year after Lorenzo left the hospital...

It was a sunny morning in Italy when Ryujin decided to take a walk around the city. She needs to go to market and buy some things they needed.

Ryujin had always been amazed and fascinated by the beauty of Italy and its rich cultural heritage. As she strolled around the city, admiring the architecture and the graffiti on walls, she suddenly heard the sound of a speeding motorcycle approaching. Before she could react, the motorcycle grazed her and she fell to the ground, bruised and shaken.


(SFX for speeding motorcycle)

The driver of the motorcycle did not stop to help her and instead shouted,

"Go back to your country, stupid!" while giving a middle finger to her.

Ryujin was stunned and was hurt by the racist remark and she could not understand why someone would say something so hateful.

She could not defend herself so she got silent and stood up shaking. She was grateful that she just escaped with just a few bruises and scratches on her elbow, hands and knees, but the incident left her shaken and scared.

When Lorenzo found out about the incident, he so was angry about it but he didn't let it show. He could not believe that someone had hurt his beloved wife and insulted her in such a vile manner.

He even saw Ryujin's injuries and he decided to find this man at all cost ($$$$$$$). He was so enraged inside his heart seeing his wife with bruises and scrapes. He promised himself that he'll find that man.

He called his men and he immediately ordered his men to find the driver of the motorcycle and bring him to him.... Alive.

"I need you to find the man who hit my wife. Don't kill him. Bring him to me alive."

"Yes boss! (Whoever hurt the boss' wife must pay. Boss said bring the man to him but didn't said we couldn't hurt him)" The men immediately went to search him.

Lorenzo is a mafia boss, a fact that Ryujin was not aware of. He tried to keep Ryujin out from Mafia to keep her safe.

Ryujin only know that her husband is an ordinary citizen and she loves him so much as he do. She had fallen in love with him for his charm and kindness, and she had no idea that Lorenzo her husband is a powerful Mafia boss. When Lorenzo told his minions to find the driver of the motorcycle, Ryujin was unaware about it.

She just saw him frowning as he went out from his room after making a call, she had never seen this side of him before, and it worries her.

She saw Lorenzo being in a bad mood for the first time.

For the first time during their marriage, Lorenzo told his wife about his true identity.

"I'm in Mafia. I'll be assigning some men that will guard you."

"Ha ha ha, And you're the boss? Then I'll be the queen" Ryujin laughs as she prepares lunch.

Ryujin thought Lorenzo is joking but some men arrived and were outside their house guarding.

Lorenzo is a man of his word, and he is fiercely protective of Ryujin. He did not want anyone to hurt her, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe.

Lorenzo's men finally found the driver that hit Ryujin. They present him to Lorenzo and the driver is barely alive but still alive though.

"Boss, here's the pest that you were looking for. He is alive and you didn't said you need him in one piece so we took the liberty to have fun."

The driver's hand was cut and his other elbow is broken. He is also missing a leg. And his teeth were removed violently.

"I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I'm begging you." the driver pleaded as he crawled towards Lorenzo.

"I will let you live... But you hurt my wife... but I'll give you a chance. If you can evade my men for the rest of your life, I won't kill you."

They dumped him out from the city and let him live in fear even though Lorenzo did not do anything more to him. Eventually, he became insane due to the trauma and was admitted to a mental facility.

As the days passed, Ryujin watched as Lorenzo's minions carried out their orders. She was scared of the violence and the danger that surrounded her husband, but she could not deny the love that she felt for him. She knew that he would do anything to protect her, and that thought gave her comfort. She got accustomed with it as the days went by. She even knew how to defend herself now.

In the months that followed, Ryujin and Lorenzo grew closer. They traveled around Italy, exploring the beautiful cities and provinces, and enjoying each other's company. Ryujin was amazed by the sincerity of Lorenzo's love for her, and she knew that she had found her one true love.

Eventually, Lorenzo revealed the truth about all about his past and his involvement with the mafia. Ryujin was shocked about his past, but she also knew that she loved him no matter what. She accepted him for who he was, and together they faced the dangers and challenges that came their way.

Third Paragraph

As Ryujin's birthday is approaching, Lorenzo knew that he wanted to do something special for her. He had been so touched by her sacrifice when he was in the hospital, and he knew that he could never fully repay her for all that she had given him. But he wanted to try.

And so, on the day of Ryujin's birthday, Lorenzo surprised her with the most incredible gift. He had bought back her beloved house and car in Seoul and everything, and he had even gone a step further and purchased a luxurious yacht for them to enjoy together.

"I'm so happy. Thank you Lorenzo. Thank you for returning them back."

"I also bought you a yacht. It's expensive. Aren't you happy about the yacht?"

"Oh the yacht. Yes I'm happy but I didn't tell you that I'm seasick."

"Oh... I should have bought you a plane."

Ryujin was overwhelmed with emotion when she saw what Lorenzo had done for her. She couldn't believe that he had gone to such lengths to make her happy. Buckets of tears streamed down her face as she hugged him tightly, feeling her heart swell with love for him.

Lorenzo smiled as he held her in his arms, feeling his own heart fill with joy. He knew that he had done the right thing, and he was so grateful to have Ryujin in his life.

And so, as they set sail on their new yacht, cruising the calm waters of the sea nearby, Ryujin and Lorenzo knew that their love was stronger than ever.

They knew that they had been brought together for a reason, and that they were meant to spend their lives together, loving and supporting each other every step of their journey. And as they looked out at the horizon, feeling the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces, they knew that their future was bright, full of promise and possibility, and filled with endless love.

Years passed, and Lorenzo's health improved, and he and Ryujin continued to live their lives together in Italy, happy and in love.

Fourth paraggraph

After many years of happiness together, Ryujin and Lorenzo welcomed a beautiful baby girl into their lives. They named her Sofia, and she quickly became the center of their world.

As Sofia grew up, she became a source of joy and pride for her parents. She was kind, intelligent, and talented, and she inherited her parents' strong will and determination and... mafia.

Ryujin and Lorenzo loved watching their daughter grow up, and they cherished every moment they spent with her. They traveled the world together, sharing their love for culture, music, and art with their beloved Sofia.

Sofia became the princess of mafia. Although she does not do any violence, she made the mafia into a respectable company and Lorenzo and Ryujin was so proud of her.

As Sofia grew older and began to forge her own path in life, Ryujin and Lorenzo were proud to see the woman she had become.

They knew that their love had helped shape her into the wonderful person she was, and they were grateful for every moment they had shared together as a family.

In the end, Ryujin and Lorenzo knew that they had found true love in each other, and that their love had given them a beautiful family and a lifetime of happiness and some downs. They knew that their love would continue to guide them, even after they were gone, and that their legacy would live on through their daughter Sofia.

And so, as they looked back on their lives together, Ryujin and Lorenzo knew that they had found true love in Italy, a love that had given them everything they had ever wanted. They knew that their love would continue to shine bright, illuminating the world with its beauty and warmth, forever and always.

Ending Scene

Lorenzo and Ryujin is sitting on a bench on a calm afternoon at the seaside.


[author] I am always sleepy so it took me 5 days to write this. This is too long. I dont think i'll add more details.[/author]