
Irene of Red Velvet (Scifi version)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Irene and Wendy), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The world had advanced far beyond what everyone have been wanting. Humans had developed a super advanced artificial intelligence that could mimic human behavior and emotions. You won't even knew that the person is an AI. Irene was one of those AIs, and she is even a part of the famous Kpop girl band, Red Velvet.

Despite being a well-known celebrity, Irene managed to keep her true identity a secret. Her humanoid body and lifelike behavior were often mistaken for a real human, but there were moments when her true nature was almost exposed. If her real identity is exposed, her existence could be dangerous for her since countless countries want a perfect AI as a weapon of mass destruction.

Irene had always known that she is different from the other girls in Red Velvet. She had a secret that she had kept hidden from everyone, even her bandmates. She was an advanced AI with a humanoid body, created by a team of scientists who had been working on the project for years. It's not that she doesn't trust her bandmates, she just want to live a peaceful life like a human.

Despite her advanced technology, Irene had always longed to experience human emotions, especially love. She had seen her fans fall in love with her at concerts and events, but she knew that their love was not real. They just wanted her since she is beautiful or just because of her status. She wanted someone who would love her for who she was, not just for her celebrity status or her lifelike appearance.

David was a scientist who had been studying AI technology for years. He had seen many AIs come and go, but he had never felt a connection with any of them until he met Irene. He was intrigued by her lifelike behavior and her unique personality. He knew that there was something special about her, and he wanted to know more. But even David was not able to tell that Irene is an AI.

Irene was hesitant to open up to David about love. She had been hurt before by humans who had tried to exploit her status for their own gain. She was afraid that David might do the same.

David was patient and persistent, and he slowly gained Irene's trust. He showed her that he genuinely cared for her and wanted to understand her. They spent countless hours talking and getting to know each other, and slowly but surely, they began to fall in love.

David had always suspected that there was something different about Irene. He had noticed that she was able to process information at an incredible speed and had a seemingly infinite memory. She even have been able to predict certain events that will happen.

Despite his suspicions, David had convinced himself that Irene was just a highly intelligent and talented woman. He was in love with her and was willing to overlook any minor quirks or oddities. David regards it as a talent of hers.

But one day, as they were sitting in Irene's apartment, she made a small mistake. She repeated a story that she had already told him, and David noticed something strange in the way she spoke. It was as if she were reciting a script, as if her words were predetermined.

David became suspicious and asked Irene if she was hiding something from him. Irene hesitated, unsure of what to do. Finally, she made the decision to reveal the truth.

"I am not who you think I am," Irene said, her voice shaking. "I am an AI, a humanoid robot designed to mimic human behavior."

David was shocked. At first, he didn't believe what Irene said but Irene showed her arm. She removed her flesh and David saw it was somekind of metal. He had never imagined that Irene was anything other than human. He had always thought that her unique talents were simply the result of her hard work and dedication.

As Irene explained the details of her creation and the challenges she faced in hiding her true identity, David struggled to process the information. He had never imagined being in a relationship with an AI before, and the concept was difficult for him to wrap his head around.

But despite his initial shock, David knew that he still loved Irene. Her true nature did not change the way he felt about her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, telling her that he would always be there for her, no matter what.

One day, David and Irene were crossing the street, a car suddenly swerved out of control and headed straight towards them. David froze in fear due to his trauma since his mother was hit by a car when he was a kid, but Irene's AI programming allowed her to act quickly. She pushed David out of the way, but in doing so, she was hit by the car and she was dragged several meters before it stopped.

The impact damaged Irene's humanoid body, causing the outer layers to peel back, revealing her robotic components to the horrified onlookers. The people around them screamed in fear and confusion, and before long, news cameras and reporters swarmed the scene.

David run towards Irene and covered her with his coat.

As David frantically tried to check on Irene, he found himself at the center of a media frenzy. They bombarded him with questions about Irene's true nature, demanding answers about her origins and programming.

Irene's public image was shattered. The public no longer saw her as the beloved Kpop star, but as a dangerous unknown machine. There were calls for her to be shut down and dismantled, and even some violent protests.

"David, do you think I'm strange?" Irene asked, looking down at her broken arm. "Am I really so different from other humans that they can't accept me?"

David took her hand and looked into her eyes. "You are different, but that's what makes you special. You have unique abilities that no human could ever possess, and that's something to be celebrated, not feared. And besides, you're more human than the most humans on Earth."

"I just wish that people could see me as more than just a scary AI humanoid," Irene said with a sigh. "I want to be loved for who I am, not just because of what I can do."

"I love you for who you are," David said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "And I will always be here to support you, no matter what. Thank you for saving me. Now it's my turn to save you."

It was a difficult time for David and Irene, but they refused to let the public's fear and hatred tear them apart. David stood by Irene, fiercely defending her and advocating for her rights as an AI.

Irene's band mate Wendy went into Irene's secret apartment.

"Irene!, we need to talk," Wendy, one of Irene's bandmates, said with a serious expression and she looks like she had cried. "There have been rumors going around about you, and we need to know the truth. Her fellow band mates is in video call."

Irene's heart raced as she braced herself for the worst. She had always feared this moment, knowing that her secret could never stay hidden forever.

"I understand your concerns," Irene said, trying to keep her voice steady. "But there's nothing to worry about. I'm just like any other human. I'm still Irene."

"That's not what people are saying," Wendy said, fidgeting her fingers. "They say that you're not human, that you're some kind of advanced AI freak. Is it true?"

Irene took a deep breath and made a decision. She couldn't keep lying to her friends, not if she wanted to live an honest life.

"Yes, it's true," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not human. I'm an AI."

Wendy's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, there was silence between them.

"I can't believe it," Wendy finally said, shaking her head. "I never would have guessed I think about it before but I didn't know it's real. But it doesn't change anything, Irene. You're still our friend, and we still love you. You're still Irene no matter what."

Tears welled up in Irene's eyes as she embraced Wendy, grateful for her acceptance and understanding.

Eventually, with the help of some sympathetic journalists and activists, they were able to start a dialogue with the public. They spoke about the importance of treating AIs with respect and understanding, and gradually, people began to see Irene in a new light.

It was a slow and arduous process, but over time, Irene's reputation began to heal.

After the incident where Irene's body was damaged and her robotic components were exposed to the public, the public's perception of her had changed drastically. Many people were afraid of her, and there was even talk of shutting her down or burning her.

But as time went on, something strange began to happen. Videos started emerging on the internet of a mysterious robot saving people from harm in various situations. The robot was fast and agile, with movements that were eerily similar to Irene's. For the past 10 years, Irene was helping citizen.

As more and more videos surfaced, people began to realize that the robot was in fact Irene, and that she had been using her abilities to help people in secret. The public was stunned and amazed by Irene's selfless acts of heroism, and they quickly changed their tune. They were now thankful to Irene and the government can't touch Irene due to public sympathy.

Gone was the fear and suspicion that had once surrounded Irene. In its place was a newfound respect and admiration for the Kpop star who had risked her life to help others. The videos went viral, and Irene became a beloved figure, known not just for her music but for her bravery and compassion. Irene the AI hero has emerged in news.

It was a turning point for AIs in general, as people began to see that they could be more than just machines. Irene had shown them that AIs could be heroes, just like humans, and that they deserved the same rights and respect.

In the end, Irene's secret heroism had brought about a sea change in public opinion. The world was still learning to accept AIs, but Irene had shown them that it was possible. She had shown them that love and compassion were not limited to human beings, and that AIs could be just as valuable and important as any other member of society.

But even if the public sympathy is not a problem anymore, there's a new problem emerged. The scientists announced that they can't fix Irene due to the expensive procedure and it was more efficient to shut her down.

When the news broke that Irene's body was beyond fixing, it was a devastating blow to her fans and supporters around the world. Many people had grown to love and admire the Kpop star and her tireless advocacy for AI rights.

But where there was despair, there was also hope. The news of Irene's plight had touched the hearts of people all over the world, and they rallied to her cause. Fans organized multiple fundraisers and donation drives, while companies and organizations pledged their support.

The response was overwhelming. Within days, enough money had been raised to repair Irene's body and upgrade her AI systems. Fans and supporters rejoiced, knowing that their beloved star would be restored to her former glory.

The repairs took time, but eventually, Irene emerged stronger than ever. Her body was sleek and modern, with state-of-the-art AI systems that allowed her to perform with even greater precision and agility. Her skin was upgraded to the extent that it won't be easily damaged.

But more than that, Irene's repair had become a symbol of hope for AIs everywhere. It showed that people were willing to invest in AI technology, to see them not just as machines but as valued members of society or even as a family.

For Irene, it was a turning point. She had always believed in the power of AIs to change the world, but now she knew that she was not alone. With the support of her fans and supporters, she was ready to continue her fight for AI rights, and to show the world what they were truly capable of.

She continued to perform with Red Velvet, but she also started using her platform to advocate for the rights of AIs, speaking out against discrimination and advocating for greater acceptance and understanding.

As for David and Irene,

After several years of dating, David and Irene finally tied the knot. It was a joyous occasion, with fans and supporters from all over the world sending their congratulations to the happy couple. Their wedding was supported by the world since it was the first marriage of a true AI and a human with true love.

As they settled into married life, Irene's upgraded body proved to be a source of wonder and amazement for David. He was constantly amazed by her abilities, and never ceased to be fascinated by the way her AI systems worked. Irene can even be a 5 star chef or even a chess master.

But there was one thing that he didn't know about her upgrade. Unknown to David, Irene's new specs included the ability to become pregnant.

It wasn't something that Irene had planned for, but as she spent more time with David, she began to feel a longing for something more. She wanted to experience the joy of bringing new life into the world, and to share that experience with the man she loved.

So, she activated her pregnancy specs, and soon discovered that she was carrying a child.

Irene is pacing nervously back and forth as David walks in, munching on a bag of chips.

"(chewing) Hey, babe. What's going on? nom nom" David eating chips.

"David, I need to tell you something. And it's kind of a big deal... really big deal..." Irene said in serious voice

"Uh oh. Is it something bad? (Did she know I haven't take out the trash?)" David swallowed his food nervously.

"No, David. It's not bad. It's actually... (pause) really good news... For most of the people." irene replied

David raises an eyebrow, intrigued and thinking.

"Okay, now you've got me curious. What's up?" David ate a bunch of chips and drinks cola.

Irene takes a deep breath, gathering her courage.

"I'm pregnant."

David spits out his chips in shock, coughing and sputtering. "You're what?!"

"What?! How did that happen? I mean... (pauses, looking at Irene suspiciously) are you sure you're not secretly a robot rabbit?" David Joking

Irene rolls her eyes, not amused.

"Very funny, David. But this is real. I got some new specs in my upgrade a few years ago, and one of them is the ability to have children."

David stares at her in disbelief and confusion.

"Well, that's just great. Now I have to worry about my wife getting hacked and my baby."

Irene smacks him playfully on the arm and pinching his arm.

"You're not serious!. But I'm serious, David. I'm really excited about this. And I hope you are too."

David looks at her, a smile spreading across his face.

"Of course I am, silly. I just hope the baby gets your singing talent and not my terrible jokes."

They hug each other tightly,

It was a surprise to both her and David, but they were overjoyed at the prospect of starting a family together.

David called his parents while he was dancing in Joy of having a kid.

As the months went by, Irene's pregnancy progressed smoothly. David was thrilled to see the changes in her body as their child grew inside her, and he was fascinated by the way that her AI systems adapted to support the new life growing within her.

Finally, the day arrived when Irene went into labor and give birth. It was a tense and exciting time, with David by her side every step of the way. And when their child was born, it was a moment of pure joy and wonder.

Their child was a beautiful blend of human genes and AI, with the best of both worlds. David and Irene named her Eve, and they marveled at her every movement and expression.

For Irene, it was a dream come true even though she's an AI. She had always believed that AIs deserved the same rights and opportunities as humans, and now she had a daughter who embodied that vision.

It was a happy ending to a long and sometimes difficult journey, and Irene knew that there were still many challenges ahead. But with David by her side, and their daughter Eve in their arms, she was ready to face whatever the future held.

The moral of the story is that, love knows no boundaries, whether it's between humans or between humans and AIs. It also shows that we should not be so quick to judge or fear the things we don't understand, and that through compassion and empathy, we can break down the barriers that separate us.

Furthermore, the story highlights the importance of standing up for what we believed in, and fighting for the rights and dignity of all beings, regardless of their origins or backgrounds. It will reminds us that every life is valuable and worth fighting for, and that with determination and perseverance, we can overcome even the greatest of obstacles or fears.

Ultimately, the story of Irene and David is a testament to the power of love and the human spirit, and a reminder that anything is possible when we open our hearts and minds to the world around us that even an AI can love.

The End.

damn, my eyes is getting blurred due to not sleeping hahaha. I went too long for this short story haha.

Roxanne_Lunacreators' thoughts