
Chapter 15: "You Stole My Heart"

"Goodbye, class. Don't forget to ask for your parents' signature beforehand." The teacher reminded and left.

After the class ended, I hurriedly fix my stuffs.

"Where you going, bro?" Asked Chet.

"Where else? I still need to help the council." I sighed.

"Dude..." Chet faced me and hold both of my shoulders.


"This might sound crazy but... I think the student council president is..." He said in a serious tone.

The moment he mentioned him made me nervous. It was like my heart is about to burst.

"He might... Pushing you around!" Chet continued.

My nervousness and flustered face faded.


"Tch, don't let his good looks deceive you!" Chet added as he shook me.

"The hell!" I felt dizzy.

He stopped and pinched both of my cheeks.

"Fight back, bro! Show him that he's messing with the wrong man!"

I raised both of my fist and clenched them.

"You're right! I'll show him!"

"That's it! Say it again!"

"I'll show him!"

"Show him what?!"

"I'll show him who's the real boss!"

"Yeah!" We screamed in unison.

"Please, don't shout the teacher will punish you two again." Said Luke as he facepalm.


"Give these to the teacher's faculty office." Zen Liang said without looking at me as he was busy typing something on his laptop.

"O-okay..." I faked a smile.

"In the end, he still got to push me around!" I thought to myself and pouted while carrying a pile of papers on my hands.

The council is pretty busy today. That's why I didn't even get to say a word to him.

"Ugh... Why can't they just send this through email?" I mumbled to myself while walking.

"Arf!" A barked from behind made me look back.

It was Monster Zenzen! He cheerfully went to me. I put down the papers I'm holding and bent down to hug him.

"I miss you, Zenzen!" I stroke his shiny white fur.

"Oh! Hold on, I got some treats for you." I rumbled on my pocket and took out a small bag of dog treats.

"Here. I bought this yesterday for you!" I fed him the treats and it seems like he's enjoying it.

"Aren't you a good boy?" I said while stroking his fur.

"Unlike, your father. He's such a jerk! He made me carry all of these papers all day!" I whined.

I like to think that Zenzen resembles Zen Liang a lot by their facial expression. That's why I decided that they're now a father and son duo.

"Geez, I'm so pathetic. I'm ranting on a dog." I sighed and stood up.

"If I'm his father, will that make you his mother?" A familiar voice from behind startled me.

I lost balance when I faced him and almost fell, but I fell on his arms instead. Due to that, he accidentally let go of the papers on his hand.

"Z-Zen Liang?!!"

We just stared at each other's eyes for a moment. I can't react nor move my body everytime my eyes caught his.

Eventually, I snapped out of it. I broke free from his gaze and warm arms. I stood straight with a flustered face.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, not attempting to look at his eyes again.

"Am I supposed to be the one asking you that?" He picked up the papers he was holding awhile ago.

"You're slacking off, aren't you?" He added.

"I'm not! I-I just happen to pass by..." I lied, I really did plan to slack off.

"You forgot these." He handed the paper on his hand.

"Seriously?! There's still more?!"

"Come on! I can't carry all of these!" I complained.

Zen Liang sighed and picked up almost all of the papers I put on the ground.

"H-hey, I can carry half of it!"

"Just pick up the rest." He insisted and proceeded on his way.

"Wait up!" I caught up to him after picking the remaining papers.


On our way to the teacher's faculty, we encountered Miya and Riri.

Miya looked upset while Riri was consoling her.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I quickly approached them.

"Miya's necklace is missing." Riri answered.

"The necklace you wore yesterday?"

She nodded. "I took it off during PE class and put it in my bag. It was gone when I got back."

"That's too bad..." I was saddened, Miya seems to love that necklace.

"Don't worry, Miya. We'll find it, okay?" Riri assured her.

"Yeah, I'll help you look for it too." I added.

Miya smiled and nodded. "Thank you, guys."

"How about you, pres?" Riri looked at Zen Liang who's beside me.

We all looked at him.

He just stood there with his usual stoic face.

"That's none of my business." He said and continued to walk in the teacher's faculty office.

"What a jerk!"

"Damn that guy..."

Riri and I complained, but Miya just smiled it out.

"It's okay, guys. Thank you for comforting me." She sweetly smiled.

"Aw! So cute!" Riri and I had thought the same.


There's only the three of us now in the council's office. Riri and were discussing about the stealing issue, while Zen Liang's busy typing something on the computer.

"Who could be the culprit?" Riri asked while thinking hard.

"It could be one of her classmates. Since, Miya's bag was inside the room that time." I unsurely answered.

"Could be. But, who would do such thing? Kids there are loaded."

"Riri is right. Why would someone from a well-off family steal?"

"Although, it's also possible. That necklace is probably worth millions." Riri continued.


"Mhm. Rich people things."

As the both of us were talking at the corner. The other student council members had arrived.

"I need to retrieve Miya's necklace. But, how?" I thought to myself and sighed as I am arranging some papers on the table.

"What's up?" Ryan approached me with a smile.

"Oh... Yeah. I'm just thinking about something." I answered.

"Want to share it with me?"

"It's about the missing necklace of Miya. I really want to help her out."

"Ah, the heart shaped ruby necklace? Damn, that was expensive."

"Yeah..." I gaze at him.

"She probably misplaced it." Ryan said and tapped my shoulder. "I'll help you find it."

"Thanks, man." I replied.

I think I know what to do now!


After class, I sneaked in the council's office and kept it unlock for the culprit to come inside.

Awhile ago, I told Riri about my plan.


"What?!" She exclaimed.

"Keep it down!" I whispered.

"The hell?! I'm not risking this month's fund for that!" She whispered back.

"Just trust me. I think this will work." I assured her.

"And if not? I'll be the one responsible for it."

"Fine, fine. I'll refund it if it goes wrong."

She sighed and facepalm, "You're unbelievable."

I eventually convinced her into making the fund as a bait.

I planned to sneak in and put the envelope with money in it on the desk. While I hid under the table.

I also made sure that Riri let the possible culprit know that the money is in the council office.

If that person bit the bait, I can caught him red-handed.

As I was hiding under the table, I heard the door open. I saw someone came in, but I can't see their face. I only see their shoes.

"He's here!"

The person walked towards the table I'm under.

"Alright! I'll take him down."

I grabbed all the courage and jumped on him to tackle him down.

I managed to pin him down. As soon as I saw his face fully, I then realized that it was Zen Liang. He's under me, while I am on top of him, hugging his waist.

"Wow, this scene looks familiar..."

"What are y-you doing here?!" I quickly stood up with my face flustered.

"I should be asking you that stupid." He got up and answered.

I heard the doorknob crackle. I quickly pulled Zen Liang under the table and covered his mouth with my palm.

"Shh..." I whispered.

We waited for a couple of seconds but no one came in.

"Did I imagined it?"

"Can you take your hands off me now?" He mumbled.

"O-oh, right." I took my hands off his lips.

I didn't noticed that I was still looking at his lips. It was plumpy and reddish.

"It looks soft..."

He stared at me, "What are you looking at?" His lips moved.

"N-nothing!" I turned my head on the other side.

He sighed, "So, your planning to wait here the whole night to catch the thief?"

I turned my gaze back at him with a determined expression. "Yes! I'm sure he will strike again."

"Almost everyone had gone home. What makes you think he's still here?"

"Ah..." I was dumbfounded. "That makes sense..." I mumbled and looked down.

"I haven't thought that far..."

"Stupid, redhead." He leaned back and loosened his necktie.

"W-what are you doing?!" I flinched and distanced myself.

"Making myself comfortable. We're waiting here for a long time." He replied.

"I-I'm good! I can handle it myself."

"Alright. It's late, so don't mind the creepy footsteps on the hallway." He said and was about to leave.


"H-hey..." I unconsciously hold unto his shirt.


"Uh... I mean, it's also fine if you really want to stay... Haha..." I'm definitely not scared!

He sat back down. I slowly moved closer to him.

We waited for awhile. Until I slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found myself laying on Zen Liang's shoulder while his hand is on my head, preventing it from falling.

I slowly raised my head to see his face. He also fell asleep. I can clearly see his long lashes and pointed nose, along with his porcelain skin and plumpy lips from up close. He looks like an angel sleeping.

"He's beautiful..." I unconsciously mumbled.

He slowly opened his eyes. I panicked that I stood up and forgot that we're under the table. I bumped my head hard.

"Ow!" I groaned while holding my head.

He held my head. I flinched and quickly looked up. I didn't know that he's too close to me. I can feel my heart jumping off.

"Be careful." He whispered with that gentle voice.

I can't get myself together. I feel like my knees are getting weak.

"Y-yeah... Haha. Wow, did I f-fell asleep?" I broke free from those mesmerizing eyes.

"I guess the culprit is not coming today. We better go." I changed the subject and went out.

"Yeah." He shortly answered and followed.

When we went out of the table, we saw that the envelope with the money was gone.

"We missed him!"


The next day, after my class I quickly went to the council's office.

"I'm going!" I took my bag and left.

"He seems pretty busy these days."—Chet.

"He's probably doing something important." —Luke.

When I got to the council's office, the atmosphere seems off.

"I told you! I left the fund here!" I heard Riri's voice.

"Why would you leave it here?"

"What are we going to do now? It's gone."

"You better take responsibility for that."

"The hell? Why are you putting the blame on me?!"

The members were making a ruckus about it. The fund that I used as a bait was taken yesterday.

As I stepped in, everyone's eyes fell on me.

"You!" One of them pointed me. "This never happened before. It only happened now that you're here!" he accused me.

"This is expected."

"That's just mere accusation. You don't have proof." I defended myself.


"Alright, guys! Let's not jump into conclusions." Ryan calmed them down.

"Let's sit down first. Jian, you too." He grabbed me and took my bag.

"Haah... This is ridiculous!"

"How about we check the CCTV on the corridor?" The vice president suggested.

"It's under maintenance."

"What the hell?!"

"Alright, that's it! Take responsibility!"

"Want to die?!"

"It must be that guy from Class D!"

"Then prove it." I crossed my arms.

Zen Liang slammed the papers on the desk, and it made everyone shut up.

"Then, I propose that we check everyone's bag." I suggested.

"It was taken yesterday. The thief had probably spent it."

"Or not." I smirked.

"You're stupid!"

"Stop yapping. Or, are you the one who took it that's why you're so defensive?" said Riri, having a beef with that council member.

"Why would I do that?! Do you know who my parents are?!!"

"Then just do what you're told to and shut the hell up." Riri added.

"I agree. This is to prove everyone's innocence." Ryan agreed.

Everyone put their bags on the table. Zen Liang and Riri checked them one by one. Nothing was found.

"See? There's nothing."

"Oh, well. I guess we're done here." Ryan said. "Jian, you should get going. Your class is about to start. Leg me take your bag." he took my bag and he almost handed it to me.

"Hold on, we haven't checked this guy's bag yet!"

"You can't find anything there." I said calmly.

"Scared you'll get caught?!"

"You better check it, Ryan!"

"I guess... I'm sure Jian wouldn't do something like that. But, let's just get this over with." Ryan checked my bag.

As he rumbled on my stuffs, he then stopped and pulled out an envelope. It looked similar as the one the student council had.

"Aha! I knew it!"

"You're the thief!"

They started coming at me.

"I didn't think you'd do something like that..." Ryan sounded disappointed.

"Me, too." I answered.

"Huh?" he looked at me in confusion.

"Had you checked Ryan's bag?" I asked.

"Ryan's bag? I don't think so." The vice president took Ryan's bag. "It's this one, right?"

"Yeah." I confidently answered.

"Why do we need to check his bag? The evidence is here! You stole it!"

I took the bag and gave it to Ryan.

"Here. Prove your innocence as well. It's only fair, right?" I smiled.

He looked a bit annoyed, but he still kept his smile. "Right, sure."

He rumbled on his bag and found nothing.

"Stop pointing your fingers on others." the other members defended him.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Jian. I don't have anything." he said in an upset tone.

"Are you sure?" This guy should start acting or something.

"How about check the back pocket?" I continued.

He chuckled, "Sorry to inform you, but that pocket is broken."

"No problem." I took his bag and pulled the pocket's zipper apart forcefully.

Almost everyone was shocked by my actions.

"There you go." I angelically smiled.

"Alright." he smiled back and go through his bag's pocket.

The smile on his face faded as he touched something familiar.

"What is it?"

"H-how..." Ryan mumbled, dumbfounded.

"Give me that!" one of the members took his bag from him and took out the identical envelope I had in mine.

"What the heck is this?!"

"Which envelope is it?"

"G-guys... Come on, it's not me. My father owns one of the biggest company in the country. Why would I steal a mere school fund?" he denied.

"That's right. Why would you?" I interfered.

"Haha. Mr. Jian Tan, you know I can sue you with these accusations." He threatened me.

"You can sue me, If it's not true. However..." I took the envelope they found in my bag. "The envelope you put on my bag is a decoy." I tore the envelope open.

"How is that a decoy?!"

"The envelope I used to put the fund has an official stamp inside. The only person who can put that stamp is the council president. Therefore, that one is not real." Riri explained.

I took the other envelope and tore it open. "This one got that stamp. So, I'm guessing you know what that means."

"T-that still doesn't explain that I'm the culprit!" he defended.

"Of course not." I threw the envelope and looked at him.

"But the CCTV can." I continued and pointed the CCTV outside.

"That thing is broken."

"It's not." Zen Liang stood up. "The dean and the school board already saw it. They already called your parents too. Better pack up your things as well, we no longer need you here."

"W-why..." he felt like he was crushed by the heavens and the earth.

"The day you told me about what shape Miya's lost necklace looks like I already figured that you might be the suspect. I never told you what it looked like and the only description Miya had given was it has a ruby stone. She also hid her necklace inside her shirt, so no one had really seen it except for us." I concluded.

"That's why I asked Riri to let me borrow the fund to use as a bait for you. I made sure that you knew about it." I added.

"Zen Liang told the maintenance to tell everyone that the CCTV is out of order to seal the deal. You know everyone will make a ruckus about it. Therefore, you didn't throw the envelope away. Instead, you took it back and put it on my bag to frame me up." I continued.

"Is this true?!!"

"I couldn't believe this."

The members looked at him with disgust and disappointment.

"W-what?! L-lies!" he didn't gave up defending his obvious crime.

"When you were not looking, the vice president put the decoy on your bag and the real one on your bag's other pocket."

"Hehe. Gotcha!" The vice president grinned.

"Y-you bastard! I'll freaking kill—" before he could even attack me with his fist, Zen Liang kicked him off and fell on the ground.

"Shut it."

"My father will hear about this!" he exclaimed.

"Your father? Didn't you get a part-time job in order to support your gambling?" I rubbed my chin mockingly. "You were punished, right?"

He gritted his teeth and stormed off.

"Geez, these brats..." Riri scratched her head in annoyance.

"Case solved!" the vice president cheered.

"Don't involve me again with stuffs like this." Riri squinted her eyes and smacked my shoulder.

We can't really judge someone from the surface. Some may act like a saint, but deep inside they can stab you on the back like it was nothing...


"Thank goodness! The shop owner that guy sold this off to agreed to sell it to us!" I happily stated while holding Miya's necklace.

"He tripled the price." Zen Liang added.

"That's not important right now!" I hissed at him.

We went to Miya and gave her the necklace.

Zen Liang handed her the necklace.

"Thank you so much!" She smiled with her face flustered.

"You should thank him." Zen Liang coldly replied while pointing at me.

"Ah! R-right..." Miya faced me and hold both of my hands. "Thank you, Jian! You're a lifesaver!" She thanked me, I can see how happy she is, and it's making my heart flutter.

"It's fine. I know how important that necklace is to you."

"I didn't know you were a great detective!" she chuckled.

"A-ah... Haha. I actually like that show named Detective Wuhan!"

"Really?! I love that too!"

"Hehe. I learned the tricks from him."

It seems like I'm still head over heels for Miya. I still want to be in her future...

"Let's go." Zen Liang took my hands and grabbed me with him.

However... What do I really want from Zen Liang?