
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · 東方
419 Chs

Chapter 721-725: The Celestial Sovereign Defies Logic Again (6k+ words)

Because there is currently no information about them, not even about the members of the Medicine King Sect who came from the ancient cultivation world across time.

They know nothing about the Celestial Physicians either.

This is very unusual, making people suspect their origins. Because powerful individuals like them wouldn't be completely unknown.

"If that's the case, many things can be explained."

"When I tried to cultivate with the Heavenly Murder Method and the Vast Sea Method, I felt a life-threatening crisis. If I were to cultivate with just these two methods, it would inevitably lead to a backlash from heaven and earth. Only by incorporating other insights, such as Blue Flame and Ink Kill, could the Golden Pellet be stabilized. Because the Heavenly Murder and Vast Sea methods I observed and imitated were not originally from the Xuanhuang Realm."

"If I forcefully cultivated with just these two methods, perhaps I would be treated as a pure outsider by heaven and earth. The result..."

In Li Fan's mind, scenes of several cloud seas being destroyed flashed by in an instant.

"This may be the reason why the cloud sea must die."

"Entities that do not belong to the Xuanhuang Realm, thriving with the nourishment of the Xuanhuang Realm, are like foreign objects inserted into the body, inevitably needing to be removed."

"But, when Zhang Haobo successfully built his foundation with the Sword Intent of Heavenly Murder, it also indicates that these former outsiders are gradually being transformed into a part of the Xuanhuang Realm."

"Like the cloud sea, which was destroyed by Red Flame and Ink Kill once, only to recover and flourish again. It seems that the hostility of heaven and earth towards it will be greatly reduced."

"Contact, integration..."

Li Fan pondered.

Back in the Skywater Celestial Palace, when Hanhai pointed out the fisherman as the perpetrator who annihilated the entire Skywater Celestial Palace, he said, "The Heavenly Murder heavy weapon, apart from the Celestial Sovereign, no one else can wield it."

Originally, Li Fan thought he was referring to the words "Heavenly Murder." After all, when Zhang Haobo fell, the Dao Foundation revealed by the phenomenon of heaven and earth was the "Sword Intent of Heavenly Murder." And one of Li Fan's Nine Laws is the Heavenly Murder Method.

Now it seems that perhaps in the original world of the Celestial Physicians, Heavenly Murder was once "Heavenly Slaughter."

However, when they came to the Xuanhuang Realm, their own rules underwent a convergent evolution with the rules of the Xuanhuang Realm.

So there were some differences born.

Li Fan also thought that the current Xuanhuang Realm had expanded by almost a circle compared to ancient times.

Plundering other caves, worlds, avoiding being swallowed by the Immortal Graveyard, and different rule conflicts between worlds.

This might be the source of the world's "strangeness."

"Tian Jue's amnesia. Tian Yu, Skywater Celestial Palace, turning into something strange, could it be influenced by the integration of the worlds?"

"In this case, the strength of the Celestial Physician, who has remained unscathed throughout the process, appears even more terrifying."

"Moreover, the strange mazes in the White Mist are obviously related to him. I wonder what he is planning."

"What's even stranger is the reaction of the several Longevity Celestial Sovereigns in the Xuanhuang Realm. If they are completely unaware of the Celestial Physician's actions, I am sure I don't believe it. But they have always remained indifferent. Did they reach some kind of agreement, or..."

The face of the Celestial Physician appeared in Xu Bai's mind.

After a long time, he shook his head slightly and temporarily suppressed various thoughts.

Returning to Tianliang Prefecture and restoring communication with the Messaging Talismans, countless messages fluttered in like snowflakes.

Xu Bai handled them one by one without haste.

Mastering the skill of keeping a level-headed approach in a complex situation, he had achieved perfection during his time as the Grand Teacher in Daxuan.

Currently, there were still vacant positions in Tianliang Prefecture, totaling six hundred and forty.

Obtaining the approval of Nangong Shirong, the positions used for negotiations and compromises with other forces amounted to just over two hundred.

But there were over a thousand who wanted a piece of the pie from this matter.

In the situation of offending the fewest people, making the majority feel satisfied required careful consideration.

While Xu Bai was checking the background of these people, he replied to messages and investigated their personalities.


Just as Xu Bai was busy with his new positions, a major event suddenly attracted the attention of the entire world.

Chapter 721: The Celestial Sovereign Defies Logic Again

The leader of Yuandao Province, the Immortal Lord Blue Feather, due to his imminent life span depletion, announced to all cultivators in the world, gathering all life-extending treasures.

At the same time, he provided a list of life-extending treasures he had already consumed.

He declared that anyone who could provide effective treasures could choose from his collection.

Immortal Lord Blue Feather has been in control of Yuandao Province for thousands of years.

His collection is incredibly rich, even more so than the rewards the Immortal Alliance encourages cultivators to explore the White Mist.

The news shook the world.

Many cultivators hastily returned from the White Mist and embarked on adventures to find life-extending treasures.

Li Fan, on the other hand, stared at this news, slightly dazed.

"Is Blue Feather giving up everything and trying to reverse life and death?"

"It seems that news of a Celestial Sovereign achieving enlightenment has leaked. Is it an internal leak from the Immortal Alliance, or..."

"The Five Elders?"

While Li Fan was lost in thought, Huangfu Song carefully studied the message released by Blue Feather and sighed.

"Blue Feather Immortal Lord has ruled a province for thousands of years. What kind of life-extending treasures hasn't he consumed? This list is almost equivalent to a 'Comprehensive Guide to Life-Extending Treasures in the Xuanhuang Realm.' Trying to get rewards from him..."

"Anyway, I don't have that kind of luck," he said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Damn, so many things, I haven't even heard of half of them. He's consumed them all." Dongfang Yao shook his head. "In my opinion, those who are supposed to die will die eventually. Why struggle so much? It's better to seek relief sooner."

Listening to the complaints of the two people beside him, Li Fan suddenly had a realization.

"A well-prepared plan suddenly disrupted. What Blue Feather needs most right now is time. Offering a reward to the entire world is a move of helplessness."

"What will he do next?"

In fact, at this stage, Blue Feather has no other choice.

First, change the unreasonable situation and strive for a chance of enlightenment on the path of Dao and longevity.

However, obviously, mastering the conditions to defy logic is not something that can be achieved overnight. In a short time, it's almost impossible. Otherwise, Blue Feather wouldn't have set up such a large array and made a desperate attempt only near his death.

So, the only choice left for Blue Feather is clear.

"To defy the logic of life and death again and contend with the unnamed Longevity Celestial Sovereign!" Li Fan suddenly realized.

Although it is extremely difficult, Blue Feather is undoubtedly more familiar with the logic of life and death. Compared to changing the opposing logic, there is a greater chance of success in this aspect, especially considering that Blue Feather has the support of the Five Elders.

Li Fan's thoughts quickly shifted.

"Interesting, let's see how the Immortal Alliance will choose."

"Will they support the unnamed Longevity Celestial Sovereign, or will they support Blue Feather?"

Chapter 722: Giant Corpse Suddenly Dissolves

Huangfu Song noticed that Li Fan was lost in thought, thinking that he might be considering going back to try his luck and find life-extending treasures. He immediately began to persuade him.

After all, without Li Fan, their efficiency in exploring the mist and exchanging limited treasures on the Qingxuan list would undoubtedly decrease. The hope of obtaining those treasures would become even more elusive.

"In fact, Immortal Lord Blue Feather's reward announcement is a good thing for us. With many cultivators attracted back, the competition pressure here in the White Mist will decrease," Huangfu Song analyzed.

Li Fan smiled, waved his hand, and interrupted him, "Brother Huangfu, there's no need to worry. I have no intention of returning. Moreover, I might stay in the White Mist longer than you guys."

Dongfang Yao became curious, "Why, Brother Li, did you set your eyes on something on the Qingxuan list?"

Li Fan didn't conceal it, paused, and said, "The Terminal Stone Tablet."

Dongfang and Huangfu exchanged glances, and Dongfang Yao couldn't help but advise, "Brother Li, think twice! The risk is too great. If that thing has a flashy name but little actual effect, wouldn't you lose everything? Why not look at other things? Even if you don't need it yourself, you can use it for trading with others..."

Dongfang Yao rambled on, and Huangfu Song also pondered and gave his opinion, "The Terminal Stone Tablet..."

"I heard that after this secondary life form was born, there were no other Tianxuan secondary life forms for a full ten years. Headquarters was nervous, thinking that there would be no more secondary life forms appearing after that. It got the name 'Terminal' because of this."

"However..." Huangfu Song frowned slightly. "It caused the Tianxuan Mirror to behave unusually for such a long time. Originally, they thought it had some special features. After researching for a long time without concrete results, they had to reluctantly give up the study. Perhaps this is also why the Immortal Alliance could include it in the Qingxuan list."

"After all, it is a Tianxuan secondary life form, and there may be some practical uses that the Immortal Alliance has not discovered. Although the asking price is high, if you bet right..."

Li Fan smiled and continued, "High risks come with high rewards! I'm willing to give it a try!"

Dongfang Yao exclaimed, "Brother Li, your gambling spirit is too strong. If it turns out that thing is just a worthless rock..."

"At least it has some collectible value. I won't end up losing everything!" Li Fan chuckled, showing extreme nonchalance.

"Now, the only thing I'm worried about is whether there are others who want to compete with me. There are thousands of cultivators in the Immortal Alliance, and I'm sure there's more than just me with a gambling nature."

Huangfu Song clapped his hands and said, "It seems that we need to speed up. We're still far from one hundred thousand Qingxuan points!"

After this discussion, the three unified their goals and continued to explore the maze with full force.

Time passed swiftly in this process.

Huangfu and Dongfang had already exchanged the Dissociation Disk and Swallowing Yuan Saintly Body Technique, turning their attention to other treasures.

The accumulated Qingxuan points were getting closer and closer to one hundred thousand.

Now, the three of them had explored thirteen mazes in total, including the initial Life-and-Death Maze.

As they became more proficient in the exploration process, Li Fan also summarized some rules about the existence of "mazes."

Based on the conclusion that "the current Xuanhuang Realm is the result of the fusion of many other worlds with the ancient Xuanhuang Realm," Li Fan found that the so-called mazes were likely fragments that fell off from the original worlds during the mutual fusion and collision process.

Chapter 722: Giant Corpse Suddenly Dissolves

In the mazes, the strangeness is profound, often having unique rules, similar to the "weirdness" in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Comparing the clothing and architectural styles of the corpses of cultivators in the mazes, Li Fan found that these mazes obviously had different origins.

"The evolution of world-class levels is happening in collisions, and the White Mist is its buffer zone..."

After exploring another maze, Li Fan gained some insights.

This might explain why the White Mist has such vast space; it was originally the distance between worlds.

"Damn it, it's getting harder to find undiscovered mazes now."

Fahai Zhenzhou flew through the White Mist for several days, passing by several mazes. However, the Quantity Sky Mirror transmitted prompts that everything had already been recorded. Dongfang Yao couldn't help but curse.

Huangfu Song, playing with the Dissociation Disk absentmindedly, said, "It's normal. It's almost a year since the Immortal Alliance issued the exploration order. With the number of Immortal Alliance cultivators, the surface part of the White Mist should have been explored. To gain more, we must continue to delve deeper."

"Bang!" Before Huangfu Song finished his words, a loud noise suddenly rang out.

As if something had fallen from above onto the Fahai Zhenzhou, the ship's body violently shook for a moment.

Huangfu Song instinctively put away the Dissociation Disk in his hand. After scanning with his divine sense, he showed a strange expression.

Because what collided with the speeding Fahai Zhenzhou was unmistakably a cultivator's corpse!

Moreover, judging from the clothing on the corpse, it didn't come from a maze but from the Immortal Alliance!

The three people on the ship instantly turned pale, thinking that an Immortal Alliance cultivator had encountered something unfortunate and died here. They immediately became alert.

But the next scene made Li Fan and others reveal expressions of astonishment.



First one or two sounds, and then they became more and more frequent.

Continuous collision sounds echoed, and Fahai Zhenzhou was in constant vibration, and the protective shield momentarily became precarious.

While Huangfu Song reinforced it with magic, he looked at the outside scene with a pale face.

Countless cultivator corpses, like raindrops, fell from above.

Some bodies were relatively intact, while others were shattered, leaving only remnants.

But without exception, there seemed to be a twisted, wriggling black thread around the edges of their bodies.

Occasionally glimpsed faces of the corpses did not appear as grotesque and terrifying as those in the mazes. Instead, they had closed eyes and peaceful expressions.

The rain of corpses continued endlessly, as if it would never stop.

If they forcefully rushed out of the range covered by the rain of corpses, Fahai Zhenzhou might be damaged.

The three of them stopped the flying ship and intervened to block the falling corpses.

Although they were lifeless, the threat was not significant.

But this bizarre scene still sent a slight chill down their spines.

Chapter 723: Proof of Life and Death Celestial Venerable

Witnessing this scene, Li Fan first thought of the "复我雨" that Yin Shang had mentioned before.

However, the bodies falling from the sky this time were obviously different.

So, he quickly realized that it was not the "复我雨."

Instead, it was the "万尸巨人" they had encountered before, disintegrating.

Obviously, Huangfu Song also came to the same conclusion in an instant.

Frowning, he said, "What's going on? Did the Immortal Alliance happen to take action against the corpse giant?"

He and Dongfang Yao were puzzled, but Li Fan had a faint guess about the reason.

"Is this a sign of the reversal of the principles of life and death?" Li Fan's heart skipped a beat.

"Calculating the days, even if Lanyu can take some more life-prolonging treasures, he's nearing the end of his lifespan."

"It seems he has ultimately chosen this path. Within a short period, he has actually managed to dissolve the concrete manifestation of the reversal of life and death..."

"Is Lanyu this powerful?"

A hint of doubt flashed in Li Fan's mind.

"Or is there other assistance?"

Although Xu Bai still didn't fully understand how the reversal of the principles of the world and its impact on all things in the world were achieved.

However, the events happening now, the event of the corpse giant freely moving and then disintegrating in an instant, undoubtedly indicated that two diametrically opposed forces were in mutual conflict.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that Lanyu has gained the upper hand in the confrontation between the two. It can only be said that the Eternal Celestial Venerable who reversed life and death may also be caught off guard by Lanyu's counterattack. After all, He should have just reversed the principles and hasn't had time to complete the steps of the [定理]."

"Without truly reaching the Eternal Realm, the gap with the Dao Union doesn't seem to be as huge as imagined."

In Li Fan's silent contemplation, the rain of corpses finally slowly came to an end.

Huangfu Song and Dongfang Yao looked at the countless bodies disappearing into the depths of the white mist, their expressions changing.

"Damn, the White Mist is becoming more and more bizarre." Dongfang Yao cursed softly.

After a short rest, the three continued to advance into the white mist, searching for the traces of the mazes.

At this moment, in Tianliangzhou, while conversing happily with envoys from other states, Xu Bai suddenly left on an excuse.

Returning to the Tianxuan Mirror, he began searching for any clues related to the conflict between the principles of heaven and earth.

It was quiet, seemingly without any abnormalities.

But that was precisely the biggest anomaly.

Even the depths of the White Mist were affected by the conflict between the two forces, let alone the original Xuanhuang Realm?

Certainly, there would be events that deviated from common sense, but the Immortal Alliance deliberately concealed them.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Bai left the Tianxuan Mirror and contacted Liu San.

He instructed him to temporarily stop refining pills and ordered the Medicine King Sect cultivators in various places to investigate whether there were any strange incidents around them.

The consciousness of the Medicine King Sect disciples was connected through the [大梦春秋阵], and their actions were very quick.

In less than half a day, messages from various states kept pouring into Xu Bai.

"A cultivator rushed out of the White Mist, went mad, and attacked everything indiscriminately. He was fearless and died before the Immortal Alliance cultivators could kill him. Upon inspection, it was found that the cultivator had long turned into a corpse."

"There is a Golden Core cultivator in Tianlinzhou who died suddenly during the Nascent Soul formation process. The abnormal phenomenon of falling from the sky had already occurred. When his friend was about to collect the body, this person suddenly came back to life. The abnormal phenomenon ceased abruptly, but the clouds in the sky seemed reluctant to disperse."

"Interesting..." Xu Bai's eyes showed a slight movement.

"In Taifazhou, there is a Daoist couple. The wife had already died for a long time, but the husband refused to accept the fact and preserved his beloved wife's corpse by freezing it. Not long ago, this affectionate man suddenly appeared in front of everyone with a female cultivator. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the female cultivator by his side was surprisingly his wife who had died many years ago! However, her eyes seemed vacant, and her actions were abnormal. She couldn't remember her former friends."


As Xu Bai looked through these reports, his expression gradually became serious.

Because, besides the initial rumors of people seemingly losing their ability to move, more and more incidents of resurrection after death began to occur.

Not limited to a single state, this phenomenon unfolded across the entire territory of the Immortal Alliance.

"Even beyond the Immortal Alliance, even the Five Elders..."

Xu Bai's expression turned solemn.

"Is this because of Lanyu's involvement, and the Eternal Celestial Venerable has started to accelerate the pace of the [定理]?"

According to what Xu Bai knew, there were no signs of battles in the Source Dao State where Lanyu was located.

"Not resolving this competitor through direct combat, but directly suppressing him to death using the reversal of principles."

Xu Bai squinted his eyes, "It seems that the Eternal Celestial Venerable didn't really care about Lanyu. He didn't even have the interest to take action against him."

"He just needs to follow the steps to prove his immortality. Lanyu, standing in his way, is like an insect trying to stop a cart. Only one outcome awaits him—being crushed."

Xu Bai seemed to have heard the roar of rage from Lanyu after his failure to prove the Dao.

"Perhaps the end will come soon; just need to be patient and wait."

Continuing to have disciples of the Medicine King Sect collect information, and to prevent external interference, Xu Bai once again blocked communication talismans.

He focused on observing the progress of the situation.

As expected, more and more resurrection phenomena made the Immortal Alliance cultivators increasingly vigilant.

Anxious and uneasy discussions multiplied, eventually leading to a declaration from the Immortal Alliance.

"Disciples of the Immortal Alliance, remember this great day."

"After many years, our Immortal Alliance is about to welcome a new Eternal Celestial Venerable."

"People cannot be resurrected after death; this is the law of heaven and earth."

"But from now on, this established fact will be completely rewritten."

"Reversing the principle of life and death, the Venerable is named [往生]."

"So, do not panic. Celebrate freely."

"Under the divine power of the Venerable, fallen cultivators can all be resurrected eighteen years later. And they can retain memories from their previous lives."

"A new era is dawning!"

After the announcement, cultivators all over the world fell into a state of stupefaction.

Subsequently, shock, suspicion, fear...

Various emotions erupted.

The Immortal Alliance cultivators crowded the distribution centers in each state, eager to know the details of reincarnation and what form this resurrection would take.

However, officials in each region were equally confused and had no information about the matter.

So, they could only try their best to maintain order, waiting for the day when the answers would be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 724: Ascending to the Heavens under the Blessing of Rebirth

"The changes in the world are truly too fast. We ancient folks are having a hard time keeping up with the times," said Nangong Shirong, looking up at the countdown "fourteen" appearing in the sky, sighing.

Xu Bai stood behind him, laughing, "No need to worry, sir. Who could have thought that an Eternal Celestial Venerable capable of reversing the principles of heaven and earth would suddenly appear without any warning?"

"Mysterious to the extreme, nothing can be traced. It's truly unbelievable."

"Even a Nascent Soul cultivator couldn't just appear out of thin air like this," Xu Bai said with a faint tone.

Nangong Shirong nodded slightly, "So now there's speculation outside that this 'Venerable of Rebirth' is likely an ancient cultivator who survived the Great Calamity."

"Just like you." Nangong Shirong glanced at Xu Bai and said slowly.

Xu Bai lowered his head in contemplation, "Ancient cultivator..."

For the true identity of this "Venerable of Rebirth," cultivators worldwide were extremely curious. However, after so much time of investigation, not a single piece of information about him leaked.

After all, the number of Immortal Alliance cultivators was limited, and after excluding them one by one, no suitable candidate was found. So, it was highly likely that this newly promoted Venerable came from the ancient era, hiding in the mist, comprehending the principles of heaven and earth. It wasn't until recently that he successfully achieved enlightenment.

As for the possibility that the "Venerable of Rebirth" was a cultivator from the Five Elders...

Recent frequent actions by the Five Elders denied this assumption.

First, an official announcement congratulated the birth of the new Venerable. Then, they swiftly recalled all the cultivators who were originally on friendly visits within the Immortal Alliance territory. Forces near the borders all withdrew...

Clearly, the Five Elders were very wary of the birth of this new powerful cultivator.

"Lord City Master, do you think that under the protection of the 'Venerable of Rebirth,' cultivators can truly be resurrected after falling?" After a long silence, Xu Bai suddenly asked.

"I personally harbor doubts about this. Although the divine power of the Venerable is admirable, the matter of 'resurrection' is still too mysterious," Nangong Shirong shook his head. "Even if it can be achieved, there are probably certain conditions that must be met. If a cultivator has already died without a complete body and a scattered soul, in such a situation, wanting to resurrect..."

Nangong Shirong coldly snorted, "Let alone the Venerable, even a legendary Da Luo Golden Immortal would probably be powerless."

"However, whatever the case may be, it will be revealed in fourteen days. We just need to wait patiently."

Hearing this, Xu Bai focused his gaze on the visible numbers in the sky.

The characters, seemingly black and white, circulated smoothly and silently floated in the sky. According to the official explanation of the Immortal Alliance, the countdown represented the progress of the 'Venerable of Rebirth' in reversing the principles.

When the countdown reached zero, the principles of life and death in the Immortal Alliance would be completely reversed.

The era where everyone could be resurrected would also arrive.

"Let's see the methods of this 'Venerable of Rebirth'," Xu Bai squinted his eyes, taking out a folding fan and gently fanning himself.

As the countdown in the sky continued to decrease, the loser of the battle against the reversal of principles, Lanyu, seemed unwilling to accept his fate.

Instead of stopping the bounty on longevity treasures, he increased the stakes.

He even took out his cultivation technique, the "Sky Feather Transformation," as a reward.

It seemed like Lanyu was desperately trying to delay the arrival of his imminent demise.

However, the Venerable of Rebirth did not intend to let him go.

On the day when the countdown reached "one," the silent phenomenon of cultivators falling among the Dao Fusion cultivators suddenly appeared in the sky over the Source Dao State.

"Cultivator Lanyu of Dao Fusion, ordinary cultivator..."

Unlike the sorrowful scenes Li Fan witnessed in the previous worlds, perhaps it was because Lanyu took actions against the principles of heaven and earth in this world. In the sky, there appeared a phenomenon of falling similar to that of the New Law cultivators.

However, this scene had just appeared, and all the cultivators in the Source Dao State had not reacted yet.

The countdown numbers on the canopy of the Xuanhuang Realm turned into entwined black and white auras, heading straight for the Source Dao State.

While obscuring the phenomenon of Lanyu's fall, the numbers instantly reached "zero."

The entire Xuanhuang Realm trembled slightly, as if some wonderful changes were happening.

After the sky cleared again, all the cultivators could vaguely see a simple and solemn mansion appearing in the sky of the Xuanhuang Realm.

"Rebirth Mansion."

The three big characters on the mansion plaque were clearly visible.

All the cultivators who saw the Rebirth Mansion naturally recalled information about the resurrection of the 'Venerable of Rebirth.'

Under the shroud of the Rebirth Mansion, when all the cultivators fell, a bit of true spirit would enter the Rebirth Mansion.

After eighteen years of reincarnation, the true spirit carrying the memories of the cultivator could return to the world from the Rebirth Mansion.

If there was a prepared physical body, it could be directly placed into it.

If one died suddenly without preparation, they would randomly be born in the newly born bodies in the Xuanhuang Realm.


When the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm saw the details of the Rebirth Mansion, there was an uproar.

They never expected that the so-called "resurrection" would actually be real.

However, this method of resurrection was a bit beyond their acceptance.

Survival and reproduction are human instincts.

If the path of cultivation is hopeless, it may be possible to entrust the future to the next generation.

But according to the rules of the Rebirth Mansion, the newborns cherished by families could actually be occupied by cultivators who fell eighteen years ago...

How is this different from body possession?

Who dares to guarantee that the resurrected cultivator from years ago doesn't have any grudges against themselves?

If the painstakingly raised newborn turns around and harms them after growing up, how can that be good?

Everything one has accumulated might end up benefiting an "outsider." How absurd is that?

The operation of the Rebirth Mansion obviously contradicted the ethical values of the current cultivators. The cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm were momentarily unable to accept it.

Fortunately, a more detailed explanation from the Immortal Alliance quickly arrived.

In the Rebirth Mansion, the true spirit only preserved memories of the past life. Emotions such as love, hate, and resentment from the previous life would be washed away. Looking back at past experiences would be like having a dream, without too much emotional involvement.

Moreover, the reborn true spirit would not directly possess the physical body. Instead, the two would merge with each other. The essence of life did not undergo any changes, only gaining memories of the "previous life."


After this explanation, although the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm still harbored some resistance, the overall trend was unstoppable, and the principles of the Venerable could not be violated.

Whether willing or not, they could only choose to accept it silently.

Thus, intense discussions about "rebirth" and "resurrection" slowly unfolded everywhere in the Xuanhuang Realm.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 725: The Decree of the Venerable of Life and Death

"Have you heard? It is rumored that there is a secret technique in the Rebirth Mansion that can prevent the true spirit from occupying the bodies of descendants!"

"Hmph, I've inquired through someone, and it seems to be true. But it can be foreseen that the cost to obtain this secret technique will be extremely high. Those prominent families, even if they have to spend a fortune to maintain the 'purity' of their descendants, they will surely find ways to do it!"

"In my opinion, fellow cultivators, there's no need to be overly resistant! The existence of the Rebirth Mansion might be a good thing for us!"

"Oh? How so?"

"Think about it. In any case, resurrection is possible after eighteen years. If you feel that your talent in this life is limited, and there's no hope in cultivation, you can just commit suicide. Maybe in the next life, you'll be born into a good family with extraordinary talent..."

The naive remarks immediately provoked laughter from other cultivators.

"Friend, have you had too much spiritual wine?"

"Let's not talk about whether you have such good luck. Also, think about why resurrection needs to wait for eighteen years. Are the true spirits reborn during these eighteen years really completely random? I bet there must be some undisclosed secrets!"

"I think what he said makes sense. Consider this, our talents are mediocre, and there's no hope for us in this life. Even if we give birth to descendants, they are destined to be oppressed. Because of this, I never had the idea of raising offspring before. But now..."

"Maybe it's not impossible to give it a try. Setting aside my son's fused true spirit, how brilliant was he in the previous life? Just having a lifetime of cultivation experience out of thin air is already an invaluable treasure. If luck is a little better and he is a powerful figure reincarnated. By then, father relies on son's prosperity, hehe!"

"Hiss, friend, what you said seems to make some sense."


Similar debates occurred throughout the Xuanhuang Realm.

Meanwhile, through Nangong Shirong, Xu Bai learned more details about the Rebirth Mansion.

"The rumors are true, there is indeed a secret method to prevent the true spirit from merging with newborns. However..."

"Eight million contribution points are required, and it needs to be performed in the mother's body in advance."

"Really damn expensive! I've been working in Tianlingzhou for so many years and still haven't saved up this much."

"There's also the 'Rebirth Mirror,' which can peek into the memories of the true spirit merging with newborns. If unsatisfied, hiss..."

"The 'True Spirit Inducer,' placed on a prepared body in advance, can increase the accuracy of the true spirit reincarnating into a designated body."

"The 'Supreme Corporeal Shell,' in the Rebirth Mansion, can perfectly replicate the current physical body. This is to achieve perfect resurrection in the next life."

"The 'Pure Soul Fixation' allows the true spirit to retain emotions from the previous life during the eighteen-year purification in the Rebirth Mansion."

"The 'Decree of Rebirth' allows immediate resurrection without waiting for eighteen years after falling."


Xu Bai and Nangong Shirong looked at the contents in front of them together, their expressions different.

"There are so many fancy things! Each one is sky-high in price; ordinary people can't afford them!" Nangong Shirong cursed in a low voice.

"But that 'Decree of Rebirth' is really something good. With the 'Supreme Corporeal Shell,' wouldn't it be equivalent to having an extra life? No, if the contribution points are sufficient, it's basically immortal and can resurrect indefinitely!" he exclaimed.

"I just don't know if there are any other restrictions." Xu Bai's eyes flickered, nodding in agreement.

"Various situations have been considered. It seems that the Immortal Alliance has long been prepared. Perhaps there will be some commotion, but I believe cultivators will quickly adapt to it." After scanning through the various items listed in the jade slip, Xu Bai said so.

Chapter 725: The Decree of Life and Death

"Upon achieving eternal life, the world instantly undergoes a tremendous transformation. This 'Venerable of Life and Death' is truly extraordinary. The history of the Xuanhuang Realm is about to usher in a new era," sighed Nangong Shirong.

"I wonder what the situation is with the Five Elders? Can the divine power of the Venerable of Life and Death cover their territory?" Xu Bai suddenly asked.

"This... I'm not sure," Nangong Shirong hesitated. "But I heard that some kind of deal seems to have been reached, only implemented in a small experimental area..."

Xu Bai's gaze flickered.

From then on, the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm gradually adapted to the presence of the Rebirth Mansion in the sky. Not long after, the first case of resurrection occurred.

A Golden Core cultivator named Ximen Yang, in front of everyone's eyes, self-destructed, and his soul scattered.

But not long after, he reappeared vividly in front of the public.

His appearance and behavior were just like before.

He even remembered the incident of his self-destruction and death, boasting about his experience of self-destruction, death, and rebirth to everyone he met.

The news quickly spread, making the cultivators who were initially skeptical about "rebirth" become convinced.

As more cases of rebirth occurred across the Immortal Alliance, the existence of "rebirth" was slowly accepted by the public.

In the midst of the devouring white fog.

Even through the vast white fog, the three could vaguely see the Rebirth Mansion above their heads.

"Darn it, now cultivators are acting like they're not afraid of death, even in the depths of the white fog." Dongfang Yao cursed, but before he could finish, he saw a Puxian True Ship whizzing past them.

"Didn't you say nonsense? With the Venerable of Life and Death, everyone can resurrect. What's there to fear about death? Just wait for eighteen years, and you'll be a hero again!" Huangfusong sneered.

"I don't believe in this Rebirth Mansion. There must be something fishy inside. Think about it, they say a tiny true spirit preserves memories. Even if you resurrect, when you merge with someone else, are you still yourself? Even if there's a prepared body in advance, achieving the so-called resurrection. But I did die back then. What's reborn is just another person with the same memories as me!" Dongfang Yao said with a serious expression.

"Brothers, don't be deceived by it. Be careful and cherish your lives!" he warned.

"Since when did Dongfang become so clever? What you said seems to make some sense." Huangfusong frowned slightly, contemplating.

While listening to the two arguing, Li Fan's mind was thinking about something else.

"The Venerable of Life and Death from the previous life never appeared in the world, let alone this Rebirth Mansion."

"The reversal of the law of life and death, which should have become the natural law of the world, like the 'Venerable of No Worries,' naturally integrated and became perfect."

"Now, this reversal of the law of life and death needs the assistance of the Rebirth Mansion. Does it indicate that the Venerable of Life and Death has not achieved the most perfect ideal state?"

"It's just an impromptu and helpless move influenced by Blue Feather."

(End of this chapter)