
My Little Villainess

In the esteemed Academia Veritas, Frigia Lockwood, a brilliant and serious college fresher, navigates the complexities of her academic life with unparalleled intelligence. Despite her prowess, she remains isolated due to past traumas and a pervasive sense of misunderstanding. Enter Caden Sterling, her carefree and devilishly charming classmate, setting the stage for an unexpected connection. As their contrasting personalities collide, a tale unfolds, exploring whether Frigia can triumph over her haunting past. Amidst the hallowed halls of Academia Veritas, will this encounter blossom into a romance, weaving a tapestry of resilience and love in the face of adversity?

Aria_Everglen · 歴史
6 Chs

Why does this keep happening!!!

The next few days passed with Frigia doing her best to avoid Cayden. She sighed as she walked towards the professors' office, her mind a whirl of frustration and confusion. "Why is he trying to talk to me? It's been ten days, and he's still trying to talk to me? *Sigh* I've always had people avoiding me, never the opposite. It's getting tiring. I don't want to go to the academy today. I wish I could just stay in my room until I don't have to see him again."

She reached the office door and paused, taking a deep breath. As she knocked, she heard voices inside. "Professor Derek, I heard you were looking for me?"

"Oh, yes, Frigia, please come in. Have a seat, both of you."

She entered the room, surprised to see Cayden there as well. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly took a seat, avoiding eye contact.

"You must be aware of each other. Frigia, this is Cayden, heir of the Sterling Dukedom and one of the best students in the academy. Cayden, this is Frigia, one of my favorite students. She's smart and hardworking. Little on the rigid side, but she's everything a teacher can ask for. Both of you are in the same class, so you must be acquainted—"

Before he could finish, Frigia, already flustered, blurted out, "NO!" Realizing her outburst, she quickly added, "What I mean is, I am aware of who he is, but we're not acquainted."

Cayden smirked playfully, his expression clearly saying, "Really?"

Professor Derek chuckled. "You scared me there for a moment. Of course, I know you're not acquainted. With your personality, I'm pretty sure you're not acquainted with anyone not related to work. It'd be surprising if you were."

Frigia's face turned red with embarrassment, and she avoided eye contact with Cayden.

"Well, if Ms. Frigia says so, I guess we're not acquainted. But I am aware of how bold and talented she is. It would be my pleasure to work with her."

"W-w-work? What work, Professor?" Frigia looked at Professor Derek with a confused expression.

"Yes, Frigia, that's the reason I called you here. You are definitely talented and hardworking. You did tell me you'd like to become an aide in the future too... but considering your personality, it might be a little hard. You don't have friends, and you avoid people. I've known Cayden since he was a kid. He's a nice lad and has taken up his duties as the next heir perfectly. Even with Duke Sterling present, due to the large size of the dukedom, the workload on him is a lot. It seems like his aide injured himself, and he's in need of a proxy aide who could help him out in his absence. So I suggested your name."

"P-p-proxy? But I have the academy and... other things... probably? What about them?"

"Sigh, you're going to have your vacation soon. Having experience is good for you. I will give you an extension to your vacation so you may go. You need some social skills if you plan on working as an aide in the future. You can even learn to make friends."


"Don't just lie to avoid people. I asked you to leave now, leave. You can't even do this much for your professor? *sob sob* I got you into the academy and have been training you as my student. I never thought you could do this to me. I even suggested your name to Cayden, thinking it'd help you. Having a recommendation from the Sterling Dukedom is definitely a plus for you in the future. How can you say no to this old soul? *sob sob*"

Frigia was taken aback and hesitantly accepted the offer. "I ac-accept. I will do it, Professor. I will repay your kindness."

"You need to work with all your heart, dear, not just to repay my kindness. I know you won't let me down. Now, both of you, chu-chu-chu-chu. *ahem* I have important work." He pushed them out of the room and closed the door.

Cayden smiled at Frigia. "Thank you again for agreeing to work with me. It's my privilege to have someone as talented as you as my aide."

"Oh no, it's my privilege to work for the Sterling Dukedom. Thank you for this opportunity."

She bowed and was about to leave when Cayden said, "Well, you don't have to be so worried about what happened in the library. I know everyone has their own secret pleasures."

Frigia's face turned red. "W-what pleasure? I-I-I just accidentally picked it up and ju-ust got curious... I don't read such things. Then see you at the dukedom. Bye." She ran away in embarrassment as Cayden watched her, amused.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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