
Episode 32: (Sweetie Belle Arc) Day 1: Indictment & Investigation

Scene 32.0: Ponyville, Dr. Hooves' Laboratory, 10:16 AM, Day 60 of 365


After being inspired by his Eccentric First Teacher by revealing to him about the Vita Seed, Shadow quickly went to Dr. Hooves with the information he got and with the his help, Shadow is able to get some of the ingredients to forge the seed, but they also need to look for materials to build the Automaton Bodies. The first body they decide to make is Starry's since unlike Darkness, Starry was born 40 Moons Ago meanwhile Darkness was born after Trixie wore the Alicorn Amulet on the year Twilight Sparkle would become an Alicorn. As Dr. Hooves and Shadow are working on the first body, Sweetie Belle arrives there with a sad and dispirited mood that borderlines to depression.


Sweetie Belle:

(Sad Sigh)




What's wrong Sweetie Belle?


Sweetie Belle:

(Saddened, Depressed, Moping)

Nothing. It's just that…Apple Bloom and Scootaloo now have little sisters, but not me. They are right now getting ready for the Sisterhooves Social next week and my boyfriend is currently too busy to spend time with me today…



(Ignores Her Nonchalantly)

Doc? We should make the automaton a little shorter like the size of a filly.


Sweetie Belle:


Don't ignore like that…


Dr. Hooves:

Won't your sister hate it if she is shorter than you?



Maybe…but getting a body is better than nothing, besides the Vita Seed adapts to how mature your mind is. So even if we create a Filly Automaton Body, once we infuse it with the Vita Seed, the Body will take the desired shape of the host.


Sweetie Belle:


So this Pony-Bot can become a real pony?


Shadow, Dr. Hooves:

It's an Automaton, not a Pony-Bot.


Sweetie Belle:

It looks like an Autobot.



You mean a "Cybertronian". Yeah…We are using the same technology to create a Protoform. Once the Protoform is sentient, it will scan anypony that fit their taste. That's how Cybertronians do it. Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, Jazz, Soundwave…all of them do it. They all scanned vehicles that suited their tastes. It won't be any different for this body.


Sweetie Belle:

(Amazed, Smiling)

WOW! I want a Pony-Bot too if it can do that.




We told you that it's an Automaton, not a Pony-Bot! And building one is too expensive and time consuming, so making you one will have to wait until Ane-Ue and Darkness gets theirs first.


Sweetie Belle:

Okay! I can wait. Your older sister needs her body since she's been waiting for it for over 40 Moons and Darkness is trying get her own physical form by taking over Luster's body, so giving Darkness her own body would stop her form taking over Luster's.



That's the plan.


Sweetie Belle:

Do they know?



Yeah. I visited Ane-Ue inside the Element and Darkness inside the Amulet…




Inside The Element of Life…


Starry is jumping excitedly upon hearing she's finally getting her body. She's jumping around just like Twilight was made Celestia's Student yelling "YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES, YESSSS!!!!"




Meanwhile Inside The Alicorn Amulet…


Darkness Dawn is violently attacking Shadow as she still hasn't forgiven him for last time; but deep down she is happy that she is getting her own body and that Shadow isn't as cold and detached as Alchemus.





They are quite excited and can't wait until their day to be themselves is here.


Sweetie Belle:

I hope Darkness doesn't go all evil on us after getting a body.



Like I said, the Vita Seed will give her the body that matches her maturity. If Darkness still acts like a child when she gets her body, the Vita Seed will make her into a kid. Since Ane-Ue is just like our mom, I know she'll be a full grown mare.


Sweetie Belle:

So this will be Starry's New Body?



No. This one is a prototype. Doc and me code-named this little girl: "Glitch Hunter".


Sweetie Belle:

Glitch Hunter? That's an uncouth name. I like Pony-Bot better.




For the last time: It's An Automaton, Not A Pony-Bot!


Dr. Hooves:

Shadow? Can you help me look for the semi-conductors, lad? It seems like I may have misplaced them.



How many do we need to find?


As Shadow goes to help Doctor Hooves, Sweetie Belle looks at the automaton in awe when she sees what appears to be a glowing insignia on its forehead where a Unicorn Horn is supposed to be. As she curiously touches it, she gets a massive electrical shock that she hasn't felt in a very long time and she swallows her tongue as she doesn't want to startle both Shadow and Dr. Hooves by screaming in pain; especially on Shadow that she is worried he'll yell at her for messing around with the "Pony-Bot". After helping the doctor, Shadow returns along with him to keep working on the automaton. Shadow looks at Sweetie Belle with a curious look as he notices she got electrocuted. She nervously, carefully and discreetly looks around and notices an exposed cable nearby.



Are you alright, Sweetie Belle? You look like you touched something you shouldn't have.


Sweetie Belle:

I…um…stepped on that exposed cable! You should be more careful around here, doc. Somecreature might get hurt.


Dr. Hooves:


Sorry about that! I was so busy as of late, I neglected to fix up my laboratory for visitors. I'll fix that later tonight.



How about now? Glitch Hunter is almost done and ready for testing which we can do so tomorrow.


Sweetie Belle:

I still don't like that name. Why call it that?



Because this prototype is created in order to check for flaws and errors in the design to make sure both Ane-Ue and Darkness don't end up hating us if their temporary bodies breaks down the moment they get them.

(Spooked, Maintaining Cool Composure)

And unlike you…I know how dangerous they truly are when they get mad.


Sweetie Belle:

I see. Well…I'm going home. See you soon, Shadow.


As Sweetie Belle leaves, Shadow and Dr. Hooves starts to clean up his lab and while doing so, the eyes of the automaton light up in an ominous way.


Scene 32.1: Dr. Hooves' Laboratory, 7:22 AM, Day 61 of 365


The next day, Shadow returns to the lad and he sees that it is totally torn apart as that everything was destroyed, he even sees the remains of the automaton on the ground in pieces. Shadow desperately look around if Dr. Hooves is alright, luckily he just arrives in his TARDIS and he notices that his lab is in shambles which he is not in the least surprised that it has happened.


Dr. Hooves:


I am glad I took last night to look for ingredients for the Vita Seed.



(Relieved Sigh)

I'm glad you are alright, doc. But…who would have done this?


Dr. Hooves:

I have a good idea on the culprit, but I won't be pressing charges.



Please don't tell me that it's your arch-nemesis.


Dr. Hooves:

No, it isn't him. This is something you will need to solve on your own, my boy. But if you need a hint on who did this and what you need to do to solve this…I suggest you look around Ponyville as that will be your first step in figuring out who is behind all of this.








Luster enters the lab desperately with despair in her face as she tell both Shadow and Dr. Hooves on what happened which leads them both in disbelief.


Scene 32.2: Detention Center, 7:48 AM


Phase 1:

DC Interview 1 – Sweetie Belle


Shadow just couldn't believe it if he wasn't watching it with his own eyes: Sweetie Belle arrested and charged with Destruction of Private Property, Vandalism, Arson, Larceny, Mischief, Trespass, Shoplifting and worst of all…Assault. Sweetie Belle is sobbing her eyes out that her makeup is running as she keep saying that she didn't do it and they have to believe her, but sadly all the evidence is stacked against her as her hoof-prints as well as a large residue of her Unicorn Magic was found on all crime scenes and worst of all, the Assaulted Victim has identified Sweetie Belle as the one who committed the attack on them and destruction of the property. Shadow and Luster refuse to believe Sweetie Belle would do something like this as Shadow reminisce on something like this happening to him before as he looks at Sweetie Belle, he flashback to a time where his first girlfriend, Jonamac's daughter and Apple Sibling's cousin sobbing and screaming in the same manner as Sweetie Belle and this infuriates him on why would anyone do this to these innocent girls.



I believe you, but I need you to tell me your side of the story first. Starting on what you did after you left Doc's Lab yesterday morning at 10:30 until you were brought here.


Sweetie Belle:

(Crying, Calming Down)

Alright…after leaving the lab, I went to visit Rarity, but she wasn't there. Sandbar and Yona told me she would be back tonight. Some welcome she'll get when she finds out I got arrested for things I didn't do. After I left Carousel Boutique, I went back home to drown my sorrows in a carton of Vanilla Oat Swirl Ice Cream…I could use one…maybe a few right now.


Shadow, Luster:

(Worried, Thinking)

What is it with that flavor of ice cream? Rarity always eat that when she's down in the dumps.



(Out Loud, Evil Eyes, Eyes Closed)

Is that all?


Sweetie Belle:

Yeah…I never left my house and I was all alone yesterday. That's the truth.



(Eyebrows Twitch, Worried, Annoyed, Thinking, Notices Distortion In Heart & Voice)

What the!? Are you…lying to me Sweetie Belle? I can see your soul flickering in an unorthodox way. Something happened last night that you are not telling us.

(Normal Eyes, Opens Eyes, Sighs)

One last question…Do you have a defense attorney?


Sweetie Belle:

No. They turned me away because all the evidence is too solid that is a complete Close-And-Shut Case…and the witness has signaled me out all day nonstop.



Then I will defend you. I promise to get you acquitted.



How are you going to do that? Didn't you hear her? The evidence is rock solid! There's no way to get an acquittal with that much evidence.



(Confident Smile)

1 – I believe that Sweetie Belle is innocent and this is all a means to defame her. 2 – I already did a trial like this about 8 years ago and got the accused her acquittal once I proved that she was innocent. 3 – If the Prosecutor is an idiot…


…Which usually is here in Equestria…

(Out Loud)

…getting Sweetie Belle's Acquittal is going to be a cakewalk.




I actually heard you say that Shadow…

(Sad Sigh, Ashamed)

…but I can't deny that to be the truth since I met the Prosecutors of Equestria during a trip to their office with the Princess…They are…um…pretty unique…



(Amused Yet Excited Evil Smile & Scoff)

Oh, this going to be so easy! Come on, Luster! We need to look at those Crime Scenes!



(Annoyed Sigh, Face-Hoof)

Why do I get the feeling things are not going to go the way he hopes it will?


Scene 32.3: Cranky & Matilda's Home, 8:04 AM


Phase 2:

Investigation 1 – Donkey Couple


Shadow and Luster arrives at Cranky and Matilda's home and are shocked to see that the entire area is not that damaged or destroyed except a beaten up old wagon and out of all of the reports, this is the only crime scene with minimal to no damage to the surrounding area compared to the other 4 Crime Scenes (Dr. Hooves' Lab included among Them, but since he's not filing charges, Shadow is not going to ask him to be a witness for the trial). Upon looking around, Shadow and Luster finds Cranky's wagon broken into shreds. Shadow uses his evil glowing eyes to scan the wreckage.



(Evil Eyes)

Eww…Whoever did this really hated this wagon. It's been turned into firewood.



Do you have to use those eyes? Everycreature will think you've gone evil.



These eyes lets me see things my normal eyes can't. It's the only thing that can help with our investigations.



You won't use that during the trial, will you?



No, I can't. These eyes has already been banned from the courtroom for being used in the middle of the cross-examinations and scaring the judge, witnesses and the gallery to death. So I can't use them in court even if I want to…Openly that is.



What do you mean by that?



I can use them while I have my eyes closed. I did it when I talked with Sweetie Belle and found out she didn't tell us the whole story of what she did yesterday.



She lied?



Lesson #1 about Life, Luster – Everybody Lies. But there's always a reason for everyone to lie behind it.



What do you think Sweetie Belle's Reason is?






(Cranky Old Voice)

Who are you!? What are you doing in my property!?


At that moment, Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda arrive at the scene, but suddenly Shadow notices something slightly sticking out of Cranky's toupee that Luster doesn't seem to have noticed because of his eyes. Using his evil eyes, Shadow sees what its hiding in Cranky's toupee is a special invoice and manages to read what it says which really gives him an idea on what really happened there, but he needs to talk to someone in order to obtain a copy of what he just read to use in court tomorrow.



Hello, Cranky-San. Matilda-San. Luster and me are here to see what happened here.




Well now that you saw what happened to my wagon, I suggest you leave!



Can't you tell us what happened here?



No! The only thing I will say is that girl just showed up and tore my wagon apart like the vandal she is!



Now Doodle, you know Sweetie Belle would never do this.



I know what I saw! She tore my wagon apart as she laughed like a hoodlum! I will see to it that she pays for the insurance. This wagon has been with me ever since I started looking for you, Matilda. It's always been there for me when I got every memento to show to you when I found you. Now that it's nothing but a pile of splinters, I will have that girl and her family pay for its repairs since my insurance doesn't cover this type of vandalism.



Sorry to hear that, but Sweetie Belle was in her home all night yesterday, so there's no way she did this.





As Cranky and Matilda walks away, Shadow notices that Matilda looks concerned which confirms Shadow's assumption on what happened here. Shadow looks around and sees traces of Sweetie Belle's Unicorn Magic, but the amount around the place seems a little too suspicious. As Shadow and Luster leaves the area, Luster notices that Shadow looks like a villain by smiling an evil-like wide smile with his fangs showing and his evil eyes blazing like that of a Kirin's Nirik Form and he chuckles evilly as this starts to worry Luster greatly.


Scene 32.4: Sugarcube Corner, 8:04 AM


Phase 3:

Investigation 2 – Cake & Sandwich Families


Upon arriving at Sugarcube Corner, Shadow notices that unlike Cranky and Matilda's home, this area is full of Sweetie Belle's Unicorn Magic Residue which starts to worry Shadow as all of the place is covered with her prints not only inside the building, but also outside that there are even bite marks on it; and worst of all, Sweetie Belle's Dental Markings on file are a perfect match. As Shadow and Luster enters the shop, they are in shock to see it in a complete mess with all the goods splattered all over the shop similar to what children would do. The Cake Twins are furious on whoever did this to their family shop, but as soon as they see Shadow and Luster, they both calm down and greet them: Pumpkin flirting with Shadow directly and Pound being himself, no strings attached as Luster finds it endearing. However, their flirting came to an end when Tempest Shadow along with her Royal Guards appear before them.



(Respectful Tone)




Shadow. Luster. This is a crime scene and civilians are not allowed to be here except the victims and authorized personnel.



(Shows Attorney Badge)

I am authorized as Sweetie Belle's Defense Attorney, so I have a right to be here and Luster is my Judicial Assistant which means that wherever I go, she comes with.



(Evil Smile)

I see! Well unfortunately for you…you are the defendant's attorney…which means you will either contaminate or destroy the crime scene in order to protect her, so I will have to ask you to leave until we are done here. GUARDS!!!


And just like that, Tempest has her Royal Guards to remove Shadow and Luster from the premises as both Pound and Pumpkin Cake follows them.



I'm not surprised that Captain Tempest is the investigator in-charge of the case.




She Can't Do This! Doesn't She Knows About Disclosure Laws!?



That's between attorneys, not between Attorneys and Law Enforcement. Prosecutors are the only ones allowed in the Crime Scene along with the Royal Guard.



Pound? Pumpkin? Have you met the Prosecutor?



No. They said she's out of Equestria and will be in time for the trial tomorrow.



Yeah. She asked that mom, dad, Pinkie and Cheese to stand as witnesses on the trial. Especially Pinkie and Cheese because they live here.



What about you?



No Way! Sweetie Belle didn't do this! I refuse to believe it! I don't care her prints are all over the shop, she is innocent!



Yeah. Take a look at the bite mark at the pony holding the candy cane.



It's been crunched on to the point I would think Gummy did it.



That's the thing. A few years back, a storm destroyed it. Sweetie Belle along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo fixed it. She spent days working on it nonstop. If she was behind this, why would she destroy one of the pieces she slaved over for days just to destroy it like this?



Good point. I'll make a note of this and add it to my Court Record.

{Notes Of Candy Cane Pony Figure Added To The Court Record}



There's also something weird that happened.



What is it?



Little Cheese was acting odd and I mean odder than usual this morning. He was a little too nervous and that's not like him.




Little Cheese…a nervous wreck? That's really odd.



Is there a connection?



Not sure. We need to investigate more before we can make a conclusion. Looks like we have to wait until Captain Tempest is done with her investigation. I wonder who will the Prosecutor and the Judge.



Usually for a case like this, the Princess asks Chancellor Neighsay to be the judge.



(Annoyed Sigh, Face-Hoof)

Oi, Vey! Not Him!



You met him?



At one point during my travels. He really is really strict old man, but…I heard he was a lot more stricter in his youth.



Yeah, he mellowed out after the Princess' Ascension to the throne. Back then he was stubborn and biased, but that's not him anymore.



I hope he isn't biased against us.



He has a soft spot for Unicorns, I get the feeling he won't be against us…fully…




That doesn't fills me with confidence, Luster.




Are you alright, Shadow? Your eyes look all evil.



Oh! I am trying to look for clues to solve this case and I need to have my eyes like this.



Does it hurt? Are you feeling well?



I'm fine. I'll be dead tired by tonight, but I'll be ready for tomorrow's trial.


At that moment, Tempest exits Sugarcube Corner and allows Shadow & Luster to investigate the crime scene and manages to collect a large number of evidence and add them to their court record like some odd magical energy and a few items that stuck out. Much to Shadow's surprise he finds a crystal shard that does not fit the shop as the crystal doesn't match either the jars or the glasses nearby or the kitchen; and when Shadow asks Pumpkin and Pound about the crystal shard, they tell him and Luster as Shadow looks worried as he has seen this crystal before, but doesn't remember where or when.



Thanks for helping us, Pumpkin. Pound.



(Blushing, Smiling)

You are welcome, Shadow.



I would to interview both of your Parents and Pinkamena & Cheese Sandwich.



They are at the castle right now giving their testimony.



Looks like they will be witnesses in tomorrow's trial. This is going to be rough.



I don't think they will throw Sweetie Belle under the bus, Shadow.



You are right. They would never do that to her. Let's go back to Dr. Hooves Lab and make our plan of action there for tomorrow.



Do you think we have enough evidence to get her acquitted?



No. We haven't talked to the Cakes or the Sandwiches for that matter and I doubt they want to talk about it again after being at the castle. Also…there are 2 more Crime Scenes and a victim involved in one of them. I get the feeling Captain Tempest hasn't completed combing them for evidence yet.



How do you know that to be sure?



With all of the evidence we got here, the Prosecutor has more than enough ammunition for an Easy "Guilty" Verdict if she knows what she is doing.



I told you that the Prosecutors of Equestria are not that smart.



Pumpkin did say that Sweetie Belle's Prosecutor is out of Equestria which means that she will be an International Prosecutor. And if that's the case, this will not be easy.



If this Prosecutor is that good, how bad are we going to lose tomorrow?



At best…after the first testimony.



And at worst?



You don't want to know.




Is it really that bad? We fought Trotter for crying out loud! I think I can handle the Worst Case Scenario.



(Annoyed Sigh)

As soon as she gives out the Opening Statement.


Luster, Pumpkin, Pound:





I told you you wouldn't like it. But that is if she is that good. There was Only 1 Prosecutor I once knew that could end the trial on that very moment. At worst…he was the only one I knew that has ever ended the trial as soon as the Judged sits down at his chair.


Luster, Pumpkin, Pound:

(Shocked Beyond Belief)




Who was that Prosecutor?



(Furious Yet Saddened)




The Apple Sibling's Estrange Uncle!? He was a Prosecutor!?



Jonamac…He was the Fiercest, Most Coldblooded Prosecutor that I have ever met. Even if the accused was begging for mercy, he would sneer at them as he would champion the Death Penalty on them all as soon as the Guilty Verdict dropped. He showed no mercy…not even to his own daughter when she was accused of a murder crime she didn't commit and in the Village of Alpha…children are not exempt of the death penalty if found guilty of a very hefty crime like that.



(Shocked, Furious)

That's horrible!!! How could he!?



That…is something I am not allowed to speak. Sorry, Luster.



Last I remember…I overheard you saying to Apple Bloom is that he's…



Yes. But…that is something I am not allowed to speak either.



It must have been something horrible if you can't talk about it. I…I'm sorry for whatever you went through with him.



Thanks, Luster.




Wait! Village of Alpha!? Does Fen knows Jonamac and his daughter!?



(Sad Nod)




(Thinking, Worried)

Shadow…What happened to you and Fen during that time?


As Shadow and Luster heads to Dr. Hooves Lab to review their findings, Little Cheese, Jersey Mac, Rose, Regalia, Lucky Star and Wendy sneak out of Sugarcube Corner without being seen as they head to the Castle of the Two Sisters inside the Everfree Forest.


Scene 32.5: Abyssinia, Panthera Supreme Court, 3:33 PM


Final Phase:

Dark Turnabout


At the Panthera Supreme Court, a trial is about to conclude as the accused if found guilty, he is screaming for mercy, that he committed the crime because he had no choice, but none were listening to him as the Mare Prosecutor dressed up as a vampire is sneering at him with her fangs expose and glowing slit red eyes similar to a demon. This is Prosecutor Vanitas Von Fraulein, Heiress to the Dark Legacy of Prosecutor Jonamac, Brother of Bright Mac as she secured the Death Penalty on the accused just like her father before her. As she leaves donning her Vampire-Like Cape and Mask (Like Vamdemon/Myotismon from Digimon), the accused swears revenge on her for exposing him as she scoffs at the idea and counters his threat: "The Dead Can Never Keep The Promises They Made In Life. You…Are Not Any Different." She leave the courtroom with a terrifying sneer that paralyzes even the judge in fear of her. Unlike her pony family, Fraulein is walking on her hind-hooves upright like a Dragon, Cat, Diamond Dog and the Lýkos; and her arms are no different than claws belonging to Diamond Dogs and the Lýkos; her mane and coat colors resembles that of Granny Smith in her youth as a Filly, but spikier as she enters a carriage and orders her attendants to take her to the airship as she is leaving for Equestria now. Fraulein grabs the files related to Sweetie Belle and all those who connected to her, but since the investigations are still ongoing, she doesn't have the files on what has happened yesterday yet as Twilight sit across her in there.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.



(Reading Files, Dark Serious Expression)

Well…now you know. All crime should be punishable with capital punishment. Papa wasn't wrong about that. If you treat these rabid dogs with mercy, it is only a matter of time before they come for you.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

If both Shadow and Fen see you like this, they would disagree and be heartbroken by what you have become.



I'm doing this because they don't have the spine to do so. Shadow is too merciful to stop them when he has the chance and Fen is too forgiving that he wants to see the good in others. They refuse to accept reality that in this world The Strong Survive And The Weak Perishes. Mercy Is For The Weak. Real Strength Is Making Sure You Survive Yourself. Besides…they will see me like this tomorrow since you chose me as the Prosecutor for this case. Are you sure you won't regret this? If I win this trial, the little sister of your best friend will be given the Death Penalty.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

The Defense Attorney won't let that happen. He's the Most Resourceful Pony I have ever met.



(Laughing Evilly)

You are having me spat with Shadow!?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

He asked Sweetie Belle himself. I had nothing to do with him being her attorney.



Thank you. I always wanted to have a battle of wits with him. Even if you had no hoof on this, I'm glad it is happening anyways.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Are you going to avenge your father? Even though he was the one that tried to destroy you?



(Annoyed Scoff)

After Papa betrayed me and mama, no. Once that horrible trial 8 Years Ago ended…I severed all ties with him. I could care less if he's being tortured in Hades for what he did right now as we speak.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

If you did, why didn't you return to Ponyville and reunited with your family?




Have you looked at me!? I'm not a Pony, nor I am a Lýkos! I'm an abominable half-breed that should have never existed and yet for some unholy reason I do!! Since the world has always treated me like a monster, I will indulge them and be the monster they have always wanted me to be!!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


I hope that one day…you will see that all of your anger and rage…is all for naught. I hope that one day…you will go back to your roots as a member of the loving Apple Family.



(Evil Laughter)

Is that pity I hear coming from you?

(Evil Demonic Glare)

Don't You Dare Pity Me! You Don't Know Anything About Me!! You Don't Know My Pain And My Struggles In Life!!! What I Had To Go Through To Get Where I Am!!! When I See Shadow…I Will Make Him Feel The Same Pain I Have Felt And Been Carrying For The Past 8 Miserable Years!!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I think…he already knows. But I doubt you will care to listen to him.



You are right. I won't. But…we shall see how well he does in the trial. If he wins…I will listen to him and change my ways.


Twilight, seeing all the Darkness inside Fraulein's Heart, she wonders if Shadow will get through to her once he wins the trial as she hopes that he will succeed.


Scene 32.Final: Ponyville, Train Station, 2:00 AM, Day 62 of 365


Late at night at the closed Train Station of Ponyville, a portal opens as a Pony-Like figure steps out of it wearing what appears to be wearing a Dark Violet Fedora Hat and Trench Coat outfit, her fur-coat body is as ash gray, stylish yet shiny blue mane, beautiful ruby red eyes as shiny as a fire ruby and a broach in the shape of a spade as she looks at Twilight's Castle as the moons shines on her.



(Confident & Lively Smile)

Equestria! I Have Returned! Time To Visit My Old Friend And Have Some Fun With That Cute Little Student of Mine! This will be the best adventure you will ever have, My Darling Little Shadow! For I, Mama Shadow Is Here To Make Sure You Win This Trial With An Amazing Turnabout!


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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