
Episode 31: The Queen & The Spy

Scene 31.0: Ponyville, School Of Friendship – Krystal's Room, 6:06 AM, Day 50 of 365


Krystal is having a very nice dream of her meeting her Prince Charming and she sees herself as a shorter Changeling and him to be taller than her. He's good looking, chivalrous, charming, talented…everything she always wanted. As she is about to kiss him by flying to him because he's taller than her and just about to do so, she wakes up which annoys her to no end. Krystal heads to the bathroom and as she reaches the light switch, she can't seem to reach it which starts to worry her as she is forced to light the room with her horn and much to her horror, she notices something that she didn't want to happen as she screams in despair, that Ocellus rushes to her room and she find Krystal hiding under the bed sheet covers.



Princess? Are you alright?




Leave me alone! I'm hideous!



Krystal? Are you going through your ontogenesis phase again?



I hate this body! Why does it keeps doing this to me!?



I'm sure it's not that bad. Why don't you show me?







Want me to bring your friends?



I don't want anycreature to see me like this!!!



Come on. It can't be that bad.


It's not like when the Tree of Harmony turned me into Chrysalis and made me cry all day until Smolder helped me out.


But I doubt it's that bad.


Krystal sighs as she removes the covers which surprises Ocellus, but not by much as she mentioned that she herself that the Tree of Harmony made her look like Chrysalis, so what Krystal is going through is not that big of a deal for her and didn't make it a big deal as it isn't one.



You look fine. You just grew a few more inches.



Just a few inches!? I'm as big as a tower!



Compared to every royal in Equestria, you are normal sizes.



As normal as a Castle Tower…



Now you are exaggerating.



I wish I was your height, Sis.



There is a reason why your body is like this, Krystal and it is connected to your destiny. Just like your father, Thorax before you. Even Shadow's Body is tied to a great destiny…

(Annoyed, Whispering)

…Even though I think the way he does things is no different than a criminal.

(Clears Throat, Out Loud)

Still! I want you to know that no matter what your body does or how it behaves, it won't change the fact that there is a purpose for all of us and…just like I said, your purpose is a special one. You just have to be patient when that time comes. Okay?



(Sad Sigh)

Alright, Sis…I'll do my best.



(Hugs, Smiling)

I know you will, sweetie.


Scene 31.1: Ponyville, 8:12 AM


Worried how everycreature will react to her new growth spurt (As she grew another full feet, making her a little taller than Luna, but shorter than Celestia), Krystal walks around Ponyville, she feels very uncomfortable that everycreature is staring at her that she can't help but feel sad about it. Her sadness faded when she sees Shadow walking around town with both Wendy and Rose as she happily trots at them. As she approaches them, they seem to ignore her, but she tries to call them.



Aniki! Rose-Chan! Wendy-Chan!



Krystal? Where are you?








She's right here…



(Sad Smile)





Krystal!? What happened?



I…went through another growth spurt.




Let's talk in private. How about the CMC Treehouse? We can talk privately there. Luckily it's a Saturday, so the girls won't be there today due to them getting the school schedule ready for next week.





Scene 31.2: Ponyville, CMC Treehouse, 8:32 AM


As they settle in there, Shadow starts to look at Krystal closely to see why she keeps getting growth spurts as this isn't normal, not even to a Changeling. With Krystal's permission, Shadow takes a mane sample from her in order to make a DNA study on it. Rose and Wendy are helping out Shadow trying to figure out what is happening to Krystal with Wendy wearing a Nurse Outfit, Rose wearing a Mad Scientist Outfit complete with a Monocle and Shadow wearing just normal and plain lab coat; and this annoys Krystal as she thinks they are making fun of her.



Ani…Is this really necessary?



Aren't you having fun? I mean…we are just wearing this to make you smile and laugh. You do know Cosplay is done in good fun and it can also make you look really good on a lot of occasions.



(Annoyed Groan)




(Whispering To Wendy)

Psst. Wendy-Tan? Can you sense something weird coming from outside?



(Whispering To Rose)

Yeah. At first I thought it was Regalia, but even she doesn't emit this large amount of jealousy and it's all aimed at Krytal-Nee.



(Whispering To Wendy)

I learned a new technique training with Aniki that only Papa Thanatos could do. And right now it's working.


As Shadow and Wendy are studying Krystal, Rose is using her new technique to capture and bring whoever is spying on them to the Treehouse. As the creature is spying on them, a pony resembling Rose but her rose-colored mane and eyes were white as it attacks this spy as it screams on how hard he was hit as Rose's copy brings him to the Treehouse: it's Elric and he easily got captured by Rose's Shadow Clone as Shadow stands near him.


Shadow, Krystal:


A Renegade Changeling!?



(Annoyed, Shadow Boxing)

What's it to ya, Punks!? Wanna Fight!?




You have spirit. Usually I don't do fight challenges right off the bat, but hey! I'm game!




Please go easy on him, Aniki. He's just a child.




WHO ARE YOU CALLING A KID, GIGANTA!?!?!? I'm the same age as you twerps!




HEY! I don't care if you insult me or anything, but I won't tolerate you insulting Krystal like that! Sure she's tall for her age, but you don't have to make it a big deal, pal.



Yeah! Apologize to Big Sis this instant, Short-Stack!



(Scared Witless, Glowing Golden Eye)

Um…Rose-Tan…Aniki…Renegade-San…I think we better run for our lives…


Shadow, Rose, Elric:




At that moment Shadow, Rose and Elric notice the murderous tension in the air as they look around to where is this aura is emanating and see that Krystal is glaring at all three of them as she smacks all of them on the head: Rose gets a slight bop; Shadow a normal bop and Elric, she hit him as hard as she could since she now knows that he's the same age as Shadow.



(Murderous Glare)

I know you both were defending me, but try to do so without the puns.


Shadow, Rose:

(Ashamed, Scared)

Yes, Sis! We'll be careful next time!



(Intense Murderous Glare At Elric)

As for you! Call me names again and I will knock your [Censored] head the [Censored] off!


Shadow, Rose, Wendy:

(Shocked, Thinking)

Holy Tartarus! Krystal Used The "F Word" Twice In The Same Sentence!




Oh, Yeah!? Just you try it, telephone pole!




Grain of Rice!



Mare Statue!



Super-Ultra Short Kid!



High Tower!






Mountain Girl!


As Krystal and Eric verbally attack each other, Wendy notices a faint emotion deep within them both; a familiar one even though it is still small enough to not be sensed or detected, but since Wendy is as gifted as Shadow, her affinity to sense emotions is far greater than both of her parents or her entire Windigo Race. Wendy makes a smug smile and starts to whisper to Rose as she tells her what she found out and Rose starts smile smugly too. Shadow notices the little fillies' smug smile which makes him worry greatly as he knows that they are up to something.



(Mischievous Smile)

Ne, Ne? Onii-San? Do you want to be our friend?



No way!



Okay! Rose-Tan! Let's go and get Tempest-San! We need to tell her we found a spy sneaking around to find weak points in Ponyville for a future invasion!






Well…I promise not to tell the Royal Guard, if you be our friend!




HOLD IT!!! This might be a good thing! I don't need to hide like a rat like both Limbo and Clyde. I can mingle around the place and be treated like a member of the town.

(Evil Smile, Thinking)

Yes! This is going to be the easiest mission of my entire life…Actually this is literally my first mission, But Who Cares! I'll befriend these losers and enjoy the sad look on their faces when I back-stab them!

(Out Loud)

Sure! I'll be your friend. So, how are we going to do this?



You are new here, right? So you need somecreature to show you around town.



I was already planning on showing him around if he accepted.



Actually we had somecreature else in mind, Aniki.



(Annoyed Yet Worried Expression)

Oh, No…Don't Tell me…


Wendy, Rose:

Krystal-Nee! We Choose You!











(Face-Hoof, Annoyed Sigh)

For some reason I knew you'd do this…




HOLD IT!!! Why I'm the one who has to look after this little [Censored]!?



Language, Krystal.


Now let's add the "S Word" to Krystal's list of Potty-Mouth Words. No Pun Intended to whoever is reading my mind at the moment. Except for my First Teacher. If he is reading my mind right now, then Yes, Pun Intended.






??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

(4th Wall Break, Saddened, Pouting)

Now you are just being mean, Shadow-Chan!








I sense an annoying wind in the air.

(Out Loud)

Before I agree with the girls, I must know…what's your name and why are you on Ponyville?


Most notably on why are you spying on us.



The name's Elric and I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best that ever will be.



(Thinking, Annoyed Stare)

How very narcissistic of you.



I've come to Ponyville because of all the great things that has happened here…it's rich history!



(Out Loud, Excited)

I know right! Ponyville is the greatest place in the entire world! I've been here almost 2 months, but I feel like I have been born here. It's awesome living here!



(Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance Behind Fake Smile)



This guy is a real fanboy for this stupid little town.



(Trying To Leave)

That settles it! Aniki can show him around!! Okay, Bye!!!



(Blocks Krystal's Escape Attempt, Mischievous Smile)

Uh-Uh-Uh, Nee-Chan! You ain't running away from this! You are going to show Elric-Nii around whether you want to or not and unlike Aniki, you have been in Ponyville for almost a year now. So that means that unlike us, fillies and Aniki have been here for almost 2 months as he said, so he doesn't know all of the ins and outs of the town like you do.




You little…!


Why do I feel like both Wendy and Rose are doing this intentionally? And what's their reason for it? Also…what's happening to me? I've never felt so angry in all my life! Why? Why do I feel like this? Me getting angry for some reason feels…so good and so right…I don't want to be like this…I don't want to be this angry. I don't want to be like Chrysalis…always angry and forcing everything about herself onto others. But…when I see this runt…

(Chrysalis-Like Evil Smile, Blushing, Thinking)

…I Want To Destroy Him!!! I Want To Tear Him Apart!!! I Want To Break Him!!! I Want To Torture Him!!! I Want Him Licking My Hooves…Beaten, Injured, Being Bonded Like A Slave And Calling Me Queen!!!

(Sadistic Evil Chuckle)



(Thinking, Surprised)

Whoa…I never thought Krystal-Nee would be this sadistic…

(Evil Smug Smile, Glowing Golden Eye)

…I Love It!!!



(Thinking, Surprised)

By Papa Thanatos' Skeletons. Krystal-Nee is the Most Innocent Changeling I've known and yet she started acting like this as soon as I captured Elric with my Shadow Clone.

(Evil Smug Smile, Thinking)

Wendy-Tan is right. These two will be fun to tease!



(Evil Eyes, Thinking, Worried)

This is not going to end well. But the girls seem to see something I can't. Females has a Sixth Sense we Males can never grasp…and that makes them a scary bunch. Even my Mom, Aunt Sparkly and Emma would get really scary when they get mad. And don't get me started with Ember-Mama! Compared to everyone I know…Ember-Mama is the most volatile female in my entire life. Seeing Krystal like this…I'm afraid she'll start acting like that.



(Thinking, Annoyed)

This Horrifically Large Titan! I know I just met her today, but whenever I see her…I see something odd about her…something familiar…

(Shocked, Thinking)

NO WAY!!! So the rumors are true!!! This Changeling…Krystal…Is Chrysalis' Illegitimate—



(Out Loud)

Are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost.



(Out Loud, Cocky Attitude)

Naw! I'm all good. But I don't want to have the Titan as my guide.




And I don't want this Tiny Bean getting in my way!




Why you—!




ENOUGH!!! I don't want to have Krystal to be your guide either, but the girls want it to be so and I can't say no to them.



(Evil Smile)

Oh! They have you whipped?



(Annoyed, Smacks Elric Over The Head Hard)

There some things that are better left unsaid even among us guys. Anyways…let's go outside. I need to talk to you in private. You girls stay here.


Wendy, Rose:

(Glowing Golden Eye [Wendy] / Rose Eyes [Rose], Evil Dark Aura [Rose/Wendy])




(Spooked, Maintaining Stoic Composure)

Now don't give me that look. It's not going to get in the way of whatever you two are planning.


Wendy, Rose:

You better, Ani.


Shadow and Elric go outside in order to talk privately, but perched on a tree is Q overhearing them at the request of the girls.



Well? What is it you wanted to tell me?



The girls are up to something as they say you and Krystal will be alone, but you won't since they will be following you two.



What do you think they are up to?



Who knows! I certainly don't! And to be honest, I don't want to know. Women in Equestria are all crazy to me.



That's something we can firmly agree on.


Shadow and Elric start to laugh as the girls are annoyed when they see them laughing as they think they are mocking them, but none was more annoyed than Krystal as her feelings towards Elric are so intense, she thinks Shadow and Elric are becoming friends; and she feels very possessive of him as she is about to go Full Yandere upon seeing them like that.



So! What will you do?



Nada Thing!






Knowing my sisters, they will keep tabs on you and will tell me some details about it and judging by their devious smiles, they will literally leave a lot of details out of it. So, have fun.



You aren't worried that I might do something to them if you trust me that much?



I can't put my hoof on it but I do feel like I can trust you. However…




He's going to chastise me about the Changeling Girl.



Try to be a little nicer to Krystal. Just like you, she has gone through a lot.



(Surprised, Out Loud)

Wait! You know about me!?




Elric…That's a Pretty Common Name among the Denizens of The Chaotic Void and judging by your looks, I know who you are. You are pretty famous in the Void, don'tcha know? You wanted a reason for me trust you, so now know. I always wanted to see what was all the fuss was about you and I can see it when you and Krystal act towards each other. As every single one of my teachers, the Rulers of the Void, the Ancients would always say: "Opposites Attract, But The Similar Tends to Fight".




Huh!? What's that supposed to mean?




Nothing. I think it's a stupid quote. Let's go back.



(Annoyed, Thinking)

He's such a weirdo. But…

(Smiling, Thinking)

…I can see why everyone likes him. He's One Cool Weirdo.


As they return to the Treehouse, Shadow convinces Krystal to be Elric's guide much to her annoyance as he winks at both Rose and Wendy as they feel like he knows what they are up to. Both Krystal and Elric begin their tour as Shadow, Rose and Wendy follows them from afar.



What are you two up to?



Nothing. We just want Krystal-Nee and Elric-Kun to be Close Friends.



(Raises Eyebrow In Doubt)

I hope it isn't as close as Lovers. Krystal might be older than you, but she's younger than me and I don't want her getting hurt. If the stories from the Void are true…Elric and Krystal are the same age too.


Wendy, Rose:

(Excited, Surprised, Smiling, Glowing Blue [Wendy])




Yeah. He is. So don't try anything funny with them.


Wendy, Rose:

(Angel Halos, Innocent Smile)

Whatever do you mean, Aniki?



Never Mind. You two have fun while I'll go training myself.

(Walks Away, Thinking)

These 2 are definitely going to do this to them. While they spy on Krystal and Elric, I'll be spying on the girls so they don't go overboard.


Knowing that both Wendy and Rose can sense his Emotions and Magical Essence respectfully, Shadow uses his Symbiote to suppress both of it in tandem with his Chaos Aura, but by doing so his hunger will increase as this means will force him to eat a large amount of calories in order to maintain it; this is a technique created in the Chaotic Void in order to do stealth missions. As Krystal and Elric begrudgingly begin the Tour of Ponyville, Wendy and Rose start to follow them with Shadow not far behind the little fillies. However unknown to all of them, there is a mysterious figure following them wearing what appears to be a jester's outfit.


Scene 31.3: Ponyville, 9:09 AM


As Krystal is showing Elric around, Elric is surprised that even though he looks like a Renegade Changeling, everycreature is befriending him which he just can't believe as Renegades are branded as traitors to the Changelings under Thorax's Leadership. Even though he looks like a Renegade, he acts like Shadow: Cool, Determined, Suave and with a Strong Yet Kind Personality similar to a Tsundere which everyone were expecting as soon as they started to talk to him because for some reason, everycreature quietly compares him to Shadow on his demeanor. Krystal is putting her usual friendly and kind self as always, but deep down her dark emotions towards Elric are still festering as they walked around, showed him the sites, enjoying the food and was in awe of all that Ponyville has to offer that he feels, in a way, sad that Blight Terror wants to destroy Equestria and this town included just to prove a point that Twilight's Golden Age is a fleeting one. Just like Krystal, Elric feels nothing but the same dark feeling towards her than anything, but doesn't show it in front of anycreature. The girls are worried that both Krystal and Elric will not bond as they hope and Shadow sighs as he knew that this wasn't going to work out as they wanted it to happen.


Scene 31.4: Ponyville, CMC Treehouse, 5:21 PM


After giving Elric the tour of Ponyville they walk back to the Treehouse, but as soon as nocreature are around (except for the girls following them and Shadow following the girls), they go back verbally insulting each other which annoys the girls and Shadow to no end, they decide to go ahead; that is until the mysterious creature wearing the jester outfit appears before them as both Krystal and Shadow is annoyed in seeing this creature: It's a Changeling that has a weird infatuation with Krystal. Elric and the girls look at him and see a weirdo, but Shadow and Krystal knows the one thing they don't: This Changeling is one of the Rare Metamorphosed Changeling that has been branded a Traitor and a Renegade Changeling. The Changeling Jester looks at Krystal and…


Appendix Tailbone:

(Acting Theatrically)

HARK, MY FAIR LADY! It is I! Your Future King! Appendix Tailbone! Leave this ruffian behind and follow me to the stars of our glory! We shall trot our way where none of Equestria will shalt oppose our union!




Who in Tartarus is this guy?


Appendix Tailbone:

Begone Foul Ruffian! For I will destroy you if you do not fly away like the smelly insect you are!




You Sonuva—



I will not tolerate you insulting my friends. Even a traitor like you shall receive no mercy from me.


Elric | Wendy, Rose:





But he's a Reformed Changeling! How can he be a traitor!?




No, he was never loyal to Papa and the others. When Papa became the first to metamorphose, Appendix's Narcissistic Tendencies kicked in and shared his love not because he wanted to, but because he wanted to look all shiny. Fun Fact: those are his actual colors, not a Harlequin Suit.


Elric | Wendy, Rose:







(Sneaks Up On Wendy & Rose)

Yeah. Appendix is a creep. For some weird reason, he has been obsessed with Krystal about 3 years ago when we first met.


Wendy, Rose:




Ssh! Keep your voice down. I want to see how things will turn out. If Appendix is going to hurt Krystal, we'll jump in to help her and Elric. But to be honest…I feel we won't need to.


Wendy, Rose:






So you are loyal to Chrysalis?


Appendix Tailbone:

Foolish Assumption, Napoleon! For I Am My Own Being!

(Goofy Dance)

Chrysalis Be Damned! For I Am My Own King In Need Of My Queen! Krystal 'Tis Her, For She Is The Goddess That Will Overshadow The Alicorn Princesses During Our Rule!



The only ruling you will do is commanding the rats in your dungeon, Rat King.


Appendix Tailbone:

As Soon As We Are Betrothed, I Will Train You To Be Just Like Queen Antonia Maria From The Great Land Of Cheval!




Wendy, Rose, Shadow:

(Gulp, Annoyed, Worried)

Wasn't Queen Antonia Maria decapitated for being a corrupt monarch by stealing from her Citizens' Coffers for her own selfish vanity?





(Disgusted, Furious)

You Evil—




HEY! That's no way to talk to her!! I don't care you insulting me, but attack her…I'll microwave you!!!



(Impressed, Blushing)



Appendix Tailbone:

I Say Begone, Runt Ruffian! This Is A Matter Of Your Future Masters!




This jerk! I had my doubts on this girl's identity and he has confirmed it to me! She really IS who I think she is! I know my job is to keep tabs on Shadow and his friends, but…

(Discreetly Looking At Krystal)

…Now that I know who she is, I…I need to protect her from creeps like this guy.

(Out Loud)

You will have kill me if you want to get anywhere near her!




Elric! Don't Give him ideas!


Appendix Tailbone:

(Evil Smile)

When You Are Gone, I Will Give You The Same Eulogy Hamlet Gave About His Uncle Yorick!




This creep really is going there. So…what should I do in order to put him in his place.

(Surprised, Thinking)

WAIT!!! HAMLET!!! THAT'S IT!!! What is that reading contest that is usually done in Puerto Caballo? Don Quixote!!! The grand prize for reading that book is 10,000 Bits! This way I can beat him without fighting to the death. I hope he's stupid enough to fall for it.

(Out Loud, Smug Smile)

Say…You seem like somecreature who is into the fine arts.


Appendix Tailbone:

But Of Course! For I Am A Le Shakespearean Artiste!



Well…let's settle our dispute with a challenge.


Appendix Tailbone:

A Challenge? What Dare You Propose, Goblin?



(Furious, Keeping Composure)

I challenge you to read a certain book in one sitting.


Appendix Tailbone:

If 'Tis an artistic delight, then I accept. Nevertheless! If 'Tis Not a Cultural Pillar, I will make you meet Dante in his Purgatory.



(Thinking, Annoyed)

Dante doesn't die in the Divine Comedy, You Moron!!! That's It!!! I'm Winning This!!!

(Out Loud)

The book is named "Don Quixote". And We Need to read it in it's original language: "Spanish"


Appendix Tailbone:

Oh, Francisco! Mi Español Es Perfecto!

[Oh, Frank! My Spanish Is Perfect]




Speaking the language is not the same as reading the whole book, Fathead! Especially that Don Quixote is the hardest book to read. Let's see how well you will do when reading this monstrous books.





(Annoyed Sigh)

Don Quixote? Nice choice, Elric. Come on, girls. Time for you to go home.




But I want to see how it will end!




Yeah! I want to see Elric destroy that weirdo!



So…you are saying that you want to see them both read a book as thick as 3 Encyclopedias and will take them 16 hours and 32 Minutes to finish?


Wendy, Rose:


16 HOURS!?!?!?



They did say they will read it in one sitting, so yes. It will take them 16 hours and 32 minutes. That's the average reading time in one sitting and it's the hardest piece of literature to read because is so dense; so let's check in on them tomorrow morning. I heard that someone read the whole thing in about 3 hours and in its original language which is Spanish. I wonder who was it? It must have been one crazy and nutty bibliophile.




Meanwhile In Canterlot…


Princess Twilight Sparkle:




Another cold, Twilight?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I'm fine. I might have overworked myself again. I'm going to take a bath and then go to sleep for the day.




Instead of going to the Treehouse where Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will show up, Krystal took them to the Treehouse located on the grounds of the Castle of the Two Sisters. There she gives both Appendix and Elric the Don Quixote books so they can read it as she looks at Elric with doubt, but trusts him since this was his idea. For many many hours, Appendix and Elric are reading the book nonstop as they both are reading in earnest with neither of them skimping any sentence, paragraph or even page in order to overtake the other as Krystal is amazed on their diligence, but deep down wanting for Elric to win. As the 16 hour mark was about to hit, Twilight raises the sun, Elric finishes reading the book which annoys Appendix as he challenges him to a quickfire questionnaire of the book which Elric answers flawlessly, confidently and without any nervous stuttering. Furiously, Appendix leaves but promises he won't give Krystal up as Elric whispers to himself that he won't stop protecting her from any danger either, especially him.



(Tired, Happy Smile)

Thank you so much for keeping that creep away from me.



(Tired, Cocky Smile)

HA! That guy was nothing! He was a real dunce compared to everyone I've met.



Well you are from the void like Aniki, so it's obvious.



How did you know that?



The way you talk. You don't sound like somecreature born and raised in this world.



(Weak Chuckle)

Yeah…I am. So my way of speaking gave me away, huh?



Yeah, pretty much. But…just because you are like Aniki, that doesn't mean we'll get along.



Good! 'Cause I don't like you either! But I'm sooo dead tired after reading all I don't have the strength to fight you right now.



Same here. I want to spit at you than look at you, but my mouth is so dry right now, I just want to go to bed.




I'm going. See ya soon, Prin~cess…



See ya soon…Rogue…

(Thinking, Warm Smile, Blushing)

…And thank you again for protecting me from that creep.


As they go their separate ways, Shadow, Wendy & Rose welcomes and gives their good morning to Krystal; before she says anything, she collapses out of exhaustion, but not before Shadow catching her as they smile after witnessing the end of the of their battle against Appendix Tailbone as they arrived 30 minutes ago.


Scene 31.5: Arctic North, Epicenter [North Pole], 6:32 AM, Day 51 of 365


As soon as Elric returns, he goes straight to his bedroom instead of going to give his report to Blight Terror, but he is confronted by Lady Imago as soon as he arrived at the entrance of his room where she was waiting with a glare on her face that resembles Chrysalis' Glare which really annoys Elric deeply and yet for some reason as he looking at Lady Imago, he starts to think of Krystal.


Lady Imago:

Welcome back…runt.



Good morning, Lady Imago. I am honored that you are here greet me now in order to get my report, but I am a little too tired to give it at the moment. I promise to give it to you and Blight Terror-Sama as soon I get some sleep. Good Night.


Lady Imago:

I know that it is your mission to spy on Platinum Shadow and his friends, but stay the Tartarus away from the Changeling Princess.



So it's true. You and that girl…You are Chrysalis'—


Lady Imago:

Finish that sentence and I will kill you where you stand!



So I was right. You and that girl were created in the same way Trotter created Starry Night. Which means that the stories are true. When Chrysalis created those clones of Princess Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements of Harmony, she didn't have the materials to create perfect clones of them to actually steal the elements. They all perished and drove Chrysalis insane with hatred.


Lady Imago:

How did you know that!? You and Limbo are the same age! You shouldn't know that!



I might be young, but I know how to do my job.


Lady Imago:

You mean to tell me that you let yourself get captured on purpose by that Homunculus' Clone?



Not originally, but it was one of my backup plans.


Not really, but I can't show any weakness with Lady Imago now that I know who she truly is. I feel sorry for the Princess. She must take after Chrysalis' Need For Happiness meanwhile Lady Imago is Chrysalis'…


Lady Imago:

No matter. You can continue your mission, but stay away from that Changeling—



Or you will kill me. I get it. I won't go anywhere near her, especially that we hate each other. I doubt I'll go anywhere near her.


Lady Imago:

You better…for your sake.


As Lady Imago leaves, Elric enters his room, lies down and instantly falls asleep as he has a similar dream to Krystal the day before the only difference is that for some reason, the one he is dating is none other Krystal and it doesn't feel like a nightmare but a perfect and pleasant dream just like hers.


Scene 31.Final: Chaotic Void, Castle Of The Eccentric, Time – ???


As Shadow's first teacher is enjoying his meal, Shadow himself blasts his way into the dinning room with a furious glare in his evil glowing eyes and in his Alicorn Form as he menacingly growls furiously at his teacher and his Minotaur Attendant.



You Filthy Blackguard!!!


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):


Language. Now why are you angry now, Me Boyo?



So this is what you meant when I confronted you about Krystal last time I asked. You Mother-Trucker knew her secret. You knew her connection to Chrysalis! I found out about it by doing a small DNA Test on her mane I collected and I did so in private since I know why everyone is worried about her being a Queen-Type Changeling.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

That's all you found out? Nothing Else or More?



(Looks Away In Worry)

Not only "Him"…but Krystal might be…


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

(Disappointed Sigh)

I told you that you should have waited as this things are revealed in time naturally. So…what will you do now?



(Powers Down, Reverts To Unicorn Form, Sad Sigh)

I…don't know. I can't tell Krystal the truth. I don't want to trouble her with 2 surprises about her origins…


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Want my advice?



Do I have a choice? Tell me.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Why not work in getting Starry Night and Darkness Dawn their bodies as you promised? The Good Doctor already gave you an idea: Using Automatons.



I don't think either will go for it. They want a Biological Form, not an Artificial One.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

It'd be a temporary one, You do realize that in order to create a biological body, you need to go through a lot of procedures and Red Tape to get things rolling.



Is there a way to get their bodies faster without all of that red tape?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

There is. But you are the Element of Life so you can't use a Necro Seed. You would need a Vita Seed and the recipe to create a Vita Seed is far too difficult because the ingredients are extremely hard to get. Also…unlike the Necro Seed which you need a living host in order to create life, the opposite is true for the Vita Seed as you need to infuse it with an inanimate object in order to give it life; however the object needs to have a standard physical and natural form or the Vita Seed will not work. That is why I suggest you give them an Automaton Body. By inserting the Vita Seed within those bodies, they will attain their very own organic bodies.






??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Yes. Here, take this.

(Snaps Fingers)



(Grabs Scroll, Shocked)

These Ingredients…!!! You have got to be kidding me!!! No wonder you never gave this to me!!! A great number of these ingredients are way too expensive!!! I would need to farm these on my free time since some of these are located outside of Equestria.


Alright! I'm going to give both Ane-Ue and Darkness their own bodies if it's the last thing I will do!


Shadow leaves the Chaotic Void with new hope for both Starry and Darkness as the Element of Life glitters brightly which signals Starry's Happiness to finally getting her own body again.


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts