
Chapter 1: Morning Radiance: Daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry

Twilight Sparkle always wanted a daughter. Ever since she was a filly, it was the one thing she wanted more than anything (except learning everything she could about magic). So, six months after her wedding to Flash Sentry, she was ecstatic to learn that she was three months pregnant. When her foal was born, she was happy to learn that it was a filly (though, to be honest, she wouldn't have cared if her foal was a filly or a colt as long as her foal was healthy). She had a yellow coat and blue mane and tail like her father thought there were streaks of pink in her mane and tail and her eyes were violet like her mother's. Her parents named her Morning Radiance and both agreed that they now had everything that they could ever want.


"Mom, have you seen my hairbrush?" Morning Radiance called from her bedroom.

Her voice bounced off the crystal walls of her mother's palace. Though she knew that her mom and her Uncle Spike used to live in a library that resided inside a hollowed out, enchanted oak tree, she couldn't picture any other home.

Her two best friends Spark and Sun Flare stood in her doorway.

"Hurry up, Radiance," Spark said. "The others are waiting."

"I'm trying to hurry," Morning Radiance said. "Mom!"

"It's on your vanity," Twilight said entering her daughter's room. "If you would pick up your room once in a while, you would be able to find things when you're looking for them."

"You're one to talk, Mom," Morning Radiance said as she moved the pile of hair ribbons and other things on her vanity, finally locating the elusive hairbrush. "I've seen the library. You never put the books away."

The young princess ran the brush through her mane, getting the worst of the tangles out. No matter what she did it always looked messy and she had been forced to accept the fact that she would never have curly hair like her friend Gemstone and her cousin Princess Flurry Heart or wavy hair like her friends Princess Mirage and Princess Northern Lights. Her hair finally as tamed as she was going to get it, she turned to her two friends who were more like her brothers.

"Let's go," she said.


Cinnamon Apple, Streamer, Piñata, Confetti, Swift Wind, Lighting Bolt, Sweetheart, and Gemstone waited patiently at Sweet Apple Acre where the eleven friends had agreed to meet up. It was an arrangement that was easiest on Cinnamon Apple who had chores to complete before she could hang out with her friends.

"What's taking them so long," Lighting Bolt said.

Unlike his twin sister, the colt was every bit as impatient as their mother Rainbow Dash. Swift Wind had a much calmer personality like their father Sorran.

"Bolt, be nice," Swift Wind said. "Not everyone is as fast as you think you are."

Before Lighting Blot could answer, their three friends came in to view.

"Sorry we're late," Sun Flare said. "Radiance couldn't find her hair brush so it took her longer than expected to get ready."

"Looks like she never found it," Bolt said, under his breath.

Sun Flare glared at him. It was no secret among the friends that he liked her. Both represented one of the Elements of Harmony (like their friends) but, unlike with their parents, there were seven. Cinnamon Apple represented Honesty like her mother Applejack, Sweetheart represented Kindness like her mother Fluttershy, Swift Wind and Lighting Bolt represented Loyalty like their mother, Gemstone represented Generosity like her mother Rarity, and Streamer, Piñata, and Confetti represented Laughter like their mother Pinkie Pie. However, Sun Flare represented Magic like his aunt/god-mare Twilight while Morning Radiance represented the new element: Friendship.

"Come on," Morning Radiance said, ignoring Lighting Bolt's remark, "lets go play."

Spark and all ten foals ran off to play. They were all young; Spark didn't have his wings yet and the foals had yet to receive their Cutie Marks. The friends laughed as they chased each other through the fields. They felt safe playing on the farm, in Ponyvile, and in the Everfree Forest where their two other friends Zala and Zimba lived with their mother Zecora and their parents were comfortable letting them play unsupervised. There hadn't been any trouble in Equetria in years.


The friends spent the entire afternoon chasing each other through the fields of Sweet Apple Acers, laughing happily as they played tag and hid-n-seek. Every now and then they would catch a glimpse of Cinnamon Apple's Uncle Big Mac or Aunt Sugar Bell but the friends knew that they weren't watching them; they were simply going about their chores. However, unknown to the friends (or Applejack, Big Mac, Sugar Bell, or Apple Bloom), someone was watching the friends from the shadows; someone from their mothers' past who was extremely dangerous and seeking revenge.