
My Little Fox

Audrey lived her life as simple as possible in Delv city. Staying with her aunts after the loss of her parents and coping with the normal everyday problem. But when she accidentally wanders into trouble which led her to meet a strange man, her everyday life made a 180 degree turn. leaving Delv city for a big country, entangling with people of high status, joining the most dangerous Syndicate organization as a Spy and battling with people with fearful abilities all while trying to save the man who led her to it all. My Little Fox is a novel about the Fox girl and the grey-eyed devil and their captivating and dangerous life.

Innocent_Psycho_24 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 3: Woohoo! BEACH DAY!!

Audrey got to the market and did her shopping in a hurry. She had wasted a lot of time on those kids from before and she needed to get her work done before her aunt's get back home. Her aunts were people who aren't too enthusiastic about going out. It took a lot of time and effort to make them agree to take her to the beach. She couldn't afford any mistakes. One small slip up and beach day is toast!

Audrey quickly finished all the chores few minutes before her Aunts got back. Aunt Matilda and Wanda walked into their spotless home with a weird look on their faces. they saw the neatly arranged utensils, clothes and pillow. Not a speck of dust or cobweb anywhere. the house was completely clean!

The two old ladies looked at each other, both trying to convey a message. A basic message that could be translated as ' she's not letting us off today, better pack the picnic bags'

At that time, the two of them saw their not-so-little angel skip over to give them a big welcome hug. She wasn't backing down on this one. " Aunt Matty, aunt Wanda, welcome back home. I'll get you breakfast in a bit. I've already cleaned up so there's nothing more to worry about for today" after saying that, Audrey went into the kitchen to serve her aunts breakfast. Aunt Matilda wanted to say something but Audrey had already dashed into the kitchen.

Audrey came out of the kitchen few minutes later with a tray of food in her hand. She placed it in front of her Aunts and urged them to eat. The two ate slowly, quietly observing the anxious girl in front of them. Audrey however, stared at them so intensely that Aunt Wanda accidentally swallowed her food without chewing. she began to choke but Audrey entered 'flash mode' again, as aunt Matty like to call it because of how fast she would react to things when she was excited and she wasn't even using her gift.😅

Audrey gave her Aunt a cup of water and she gulped it down quickly and banged the cup on the table before she yelled " OH ALL RIGHT! You win, I can't take it anymore.", she said so with a crumpled face. Aunty Matty only sighed as she had wished they could win the silent war between them and their little angel. Audrey on the other hand, jumped up and yelled "Woohoo BEACH DAY!!". Aunt Wanda shook her head, ' there's no stopping her when she gets like this' she thought. She was right. Audrey had made up her mind that she would make sure her aunts had no reason to back out of the promise they made her. she was going to that beach!

The two Aunts got ready quickly. rather... Audrey made them move faster. it was already 10am when they got back home and she wanted to get to the beach early so she could spend enough time. she at least knew how to swim even though she would love to surf but she didn't know how to, the one time she tried it, she fell right into the water as soon as a small wave passed by.

She put on the outfit she had prepared for that occasion. it was a sleeveless black crop top matched with teal green shorts, the same color as the rim of her glasses. the top had the word "Perfection" written on it in colour white. the shorts had some white flower patterns. her outfit was simple and carefree with a hint of ... how do I put it... ' a day at the beach'.

she put on some lipgloss and her red sneakers and she was ready for the beach. she looked in the mirror and was satisfied with what she saw. Her Aunts were also on simple clothes. Aunty Matty simple wore a pink floral gown with a sun hat, letting her brown hair which had strands of white, fall smoothly down her back, and a purse while Aunt Wanda wore a blue short sleeve shirt and grey knickers, her Jet black hair arranged in a bun with a Vani pack strapped to her waist as she carried a picnic bag filled with a bunch of snacks and drinks for them to enjoy later. one could easily tell who was calm and who was more of a wild one among the two. Audrey grabbed her kimono and they all head out on foot to enjoy a fun day at the beach.

They were headed to Delv Island beach. As little a place as delv is, it's situated in between major countries. therefore it is considered as a rest stop for people travelling across countries, usually rich guys. one of those rich people saw the usefulness of having a recreation and relaxing place for travellers and turned one of the islands into a hotel and beach resort. the money needed to even spend a day in those hotels could buy almost all of Delv city (not that's there's much to buy) which is why it isn't used by Delv citizens. Going to the beach however, though it's also quite costly, it's not as costly as the hotel rooms. an average worker living in Delv could cover the expense with about 2 or 3 months of his salary. Audrey's aunts had, however, been saving up for quite some time In order to ensure they had enough for the outing as they wanted Audrey to have at least one unforgettable experience in Delv city.

They took a ferry to cross onto the island. few meters away, Audrey could already see people swimming and surfing on the waves. she could also see people chatting on the sandy beach and just having fun without any shoes on. she was immediately excited and anticipated when she would take off her shoes and feel the sand on her bare feet. she smiled at that thought without knowing what lies ahead.


Hey there lovely readers. sorry about the slow update. turns out I have been a bit busy. But the next few chapters will follow soon after. what do you think will happen on their fun day at the beach? all I can say is that it'll be eventful. hehehe.

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