
My Little Fox

Audrey lived her life as simple as possible in Delv city. Staying with her aunts after the loss of her parents and coping with the normal everyday problem. But when she accidentally wanders into trouble which led her to meet a strange man, her everyday life made a 180 degree turn. leaving Delv city for a big country, entangling with people of high status, joining the most dangerous Syndicate organization as a Spy and battling with people with fearful abilities all while trying to save the man who led her to it all. My Little Fox is a novel about the Fox girl and the grey-eyed devil and their captivating and dangerous life.

Innocent_Psycho_24 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 12: Departure

Cove University, Country V. The most popular university in the capital, Cove city. It's lauded for its students being able to obtain respectable jobs on College recommendations. A prominent university that lacks no educational material or facility. It was in no way inferior to the rest. If anything, SSU would be just as well her pick due to the friendly aura there but...

Cove City. That man said he's there. It wouldn't be a bad idea. Fate presented her with an opportunity. it wouldn't just be some naive girl exploring an unknown city. She'd be a scholar student and she can tour the city in the meantime and possibly, search for him. She became drowned in her thoughts. August White, He said. From mere observation, it was obvious he came from a different class. Even the fat guy she met before him was acting haughty. But August spoke few words to him and he was groveling like a loyal dog. Finding someone like August wouldn't exactly be child's play. Not to mention, Cove City was enormous. It would be hard to find anyone anywhere. Still, Choosing Cove City would cost her nothing. August is the bonus.

She smiled at the thought. She imagined the scrunched up face he would make if she called him a mere 'bonus' in his presence. She giggled at the thought. What a funny guy. She hoped she would meet other interesting people soon. "Thank you principal Gregory", She greeted and made to leave his office. "Miss Audrey, Wait." Audrey's steps halted. "I just have something to say". Audrey tilted her head but stayed silent.

"It's nothing serious. Just that the school halls will empty without it's number 1 trouble maker. The city isn't a place for the weak. You must remain strong and please, as much as you can, stay out of trouble."

Audrey pouted in complaint " Principal Gregory, I wasn't THAT much trouble. And I'm really strong and fast too. I'm not weak"

He sighed loudly. "I'm fully aware of that. I'm also aware of the fact that you're nickname within these walls is

'Trouble Magnet'. Audrey was silent. She scratched the back of her head feeling like she'd just been called out. Her classmates and a few other students gave her that nickname. She always found a way to inadvertently, get to the centre of every incident, especially ones that involve physical confrontations. As she grew, so did her speed, agility and also, strength, which she didn't notice until a while later. As such, A few people got hurt once in a while when she couldn't control her strength.

The principal sighed again. A beast that's feral even caged. How wild would it be once it got out? Nevertheless.

"Take care of yourself Miss Audrey Snow. I wish you luck in all your endeavors. Make sure to drop by this dump to say hi Every once in a while". A sense of loss welled up in Audrey's heart. It finally dawned on her that she wouldn't see this place for a very long time. "Yes Sir, Thank you. You too, I hope you remain a benevolent principal for years to come", She gave a small bow.

"Ha, Are you trying to kill me? I'll be out of here in a few years. How many more delinquents do you think I can handle? I'm getting Old, you know." He burst into a fit of laughter. Audrey felt relaxed. Its true. Though, he still looked agile, the principal was in his late 50s. She took one last look at the office. She had ended up here countless times but she only now wanted to take one last, long look. It was a small room. A wooden office desk, filled with files and booklets, placed on the far end of the office where the principal sat. Two couches placed forward on opposite sides for receiving visitor. A ceiling fan rotating in the centre above their heads and a mini refrigerator at the corner. That was the arrangement of the small space known as the principal's office. She took a deep breath and bid him goodbye.

The sun went down, Graduation day came to a close and everyone waved goodbye. She collected some contacts from a few friends. The common practice was that everyone had a phone number even though most don't have a phone. That way, they exchange numbers with the hope of being able to contact each other once privileged to have a phone. Therefore, People don't change their sim cards and phone numbers. It was a pretty decent idea practicing among students and friends. Despite how old-timey it sounds, they all had phone books for writing numbers. Her two friends, Rick and also thanked her for the college recommendations she had passed to them through principal Greg and promised to meet each other again in the future.

scheduled to leave in a little more than two months which doesn't give them much time to dilly-dally. She had to get everything she needed ready by then. She was going to be staying in the dorms of another country entirely, without her aunts there do she needed a whole lot of things. Good thing her aunts had saved up a lot to send her to college. Originally, it wasn't enough yet but now, it was more than sufficient.

Two months passed by quickly, And before she knew it, Audrey was at the airport ready to leave. They had to travel for hours to another city from Delv to get to an airport. Country M, Where Delv city is located, had only two airports. Both at opposite ends of the country. For those who live in far away cities, Long hours of bus riding was an inescapable sacrifice.


Audrey arrived at the Airport, 30 minuted before her 10AM flight with her Aunts. She got through the checkpoint and went through all the usual processes to get her luggage on board. She could see other planes coming and going out of the airport. Scores of people going to and fro with their suitcases and luggages.

She and her Aunts said their goodbyes in tears. She promised to use the 'once a year' return visit the university had arranged for the foreign students. Aunt Matty and Wanda gifted her a smart phone she would open once she arrived safely in Country V. She thanked them for everything and promised to make them proud and they advised her to study hard and have fun as well without getting into too much trouble. Audrey knew it was time to go. She was filled with grief but the grief was quickly replaced by excitement as she took a step onto the escalator. That was a first for her. She tried not to show her naivety too much but it was the first time she's seen steps that move. what's next? Luggage-Carrying Robots?

She watched as her Aunts got farther away from her slowly. She gave a final wave goodbye to the people who raised her and soon, She was on a plane headed to Country V. With the help of the hostess, She secured her remaining luggage, quickly found her seat number and buckled up in her seat without having to be told. It was her first time on a plane and she sometimes get motion sickness. Turbulence wasn't something she was looking forward to. She also wanted to remain vigilant throughout the travel since she was alone.

Soon, the plane began to move. She peeked out the window. The clouds were slowly going behind her as the plane hit the runway. She braced herself in her seat as the plane accelerated. A gasp escaped her lips when the plane ascended. She could only breath normally once it had stabilized. The person on speaker said something but she couldn't bother to listen. She had more important things to care about like her erratic heartbeat.

"First time on a plane?", A sturdy looking man sat beside her. He could tell she hadn't been on a plane much. "Yes", She answered Truthfully. "You'll get used to it. Get some rest. It'll be a long flight", He said and put his eye masks on. Audrey took another look out the window. The view was breath taking. The plane soared among the clouds like a big metal bird The city and its people looked microscopic. It made the world look small in her eyes. She felt like she could just walk to Cove City. She laid her head back and enjoyed the view. Maybe it was because it would take five hours to get to Cove City or because She didn't get much sleep the previous night because of the journey, but few minutes after that, Audrey was fast asleep. All the anxiety, excitement and probably fear had knocked her out. So much for being vigilant.

Meanwhile her Aunts stood there in the airport in complete silence. They watched the plane take off and they sighed.

"There she goes", Aunt Matty said with a smile.

"Yeah. She all grown up", Aunty Wanda commented.


Aunty Matty: How long?

Aunt Wanda: Well, a year before she comes visit again

Aunt Matty: That's not what I meant.

Aunt Wanda: 🤨

Aunt Matty: How long do you think..... Before she does something crazy.

Aunt Wanda:🤷 Errr... Two weeks? Three?

Aunt Matty: 😒 Give her SOME credit, Wanda.

Aunt Wanda: I can't. I raised her🧐


Aunt Matty & Wanda: 🙁🤭😹😹😹😹 Let's Go Home👭🧘