
My little fairy guide through the Apocalypse

21 year old Liam foster was just an above average student when one day he met with a beautiful elf queen. The queen chose him as her contactor through a lottery and told him that his world is now entering the great Mana age. See if Liam can get strong enough to live in the great Mana age and also somehow win over the elf queen.

Daoistmango · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Setting of for Fostershire

Leon, Albert and I take the mini truck and set out for the nearest town, Fostershire. When we were viscount house, Fostertshire was the only town in Foster viscounty. Fostershire is to the south from our home and on the path to Long Lake city. Foster viscounty is surrounded by the Great Dangus mountain range which separates the central and southern republics from their northern counterparts. It's said Brighton kingdom failed because it was too divided for Duke Brighton to ensure total control. Between Fostershire and Long Lake city there's the Long Lake. So, Fostershire is pretty isolated. The only reason Fosters were viscounts was because of the mines. Fostershire was established with that mind and there are steel mills on the outer parts of Fostershire beside Long Lake.

Albert brought a decorative shield and an axe with him. Leon was never really good with guns but he's good at fencing so he brought a sword and a hunting rifle just to be safe. And I brought a crowbar and a desert eagle. I plan on being the rearguard and use magic more anyways. Albert drives and we sit on the back of the truck. On path to Fostershire we find stray zombies but not that many.

[Bro, why are there so few zombies around? Even if it's away from the town there should be more zombies,right?]

[I guess most people were in their house seeing the cataclysm and turned to zombie there. It could also be they are averse to the sun. Anyway you should use this opportunity to kill a zombie to unlock your core. Don't use guns now, the sound might attract other zombies. Untill we get a hang of our formation it's better to handle a single zombie at a time]

Albert stops the cars at a close distance from a zombie. It takes notice and comes to attack but Leon resolutly app. I guess the experience from morning made him strong-willed.

[Bro I got wind prime core. I also have Swordsman apprentice skill]

[Now we should have a proper tank, vanguard,mage/healer formation. If uncle Albert pulls aggro,you deal melee damage and I heal uncle Albert and use my gun or magic we should be able to clear zombies fast!!!]

[Bro, you seem to be enjoying yourself]

Leon speaks to me in a wry tone. Was I getting excited? Probably. I mean first hearing of apocalypse and system from Eleanora made me feel that way, it's only when dealing with Mery and Aunty Viola that the seriousness of the situation got to me. But I guess my mind has again started to see it as a game to cope with the situation.

[I'm sorry. I was being insensitive]

[Don't worry young master. But we should first coordination among ourselves before going to Fostershire to level up]

Hmm... It's as Albert said although fighting zombies in a formation though sounds good on paper,we have not practiced it. All the zombies around are spread around sparsely. We can't just find a zombie wave that we might fight in a city. Even if we go around the neighborhood to check each house for survivors, unlike in town finding survivors is unlikely here.

[Bro, why not we hunt the next zombies we come across using guns making as much noise as possible. The noise will attract both zombies and any survivors around here]

[Ok let's try it out. But we should do it around the road close to the truck. If situation gets out of hand we need to be able to escape quickly.]

After that we kept moving while looking for a suitable place to enact our plan. We find an abandoned vehicle on the road. The vehicle is rocking and there blood on the wind shield.

[Uncle Albert stop the truck beside the car and get ready for battle. We will fight here.]

As Albert stops the truck parallel to the car, I take my desert eagle and stoot through the window of the car. After 4 shots I get 2 message for exp gained. Albert comes out with his shield and Leon with his gun and sword. They take the front and rear putting me in the middle. Howls and rustles comes from around us. There seems to be at least half a kilometer to the nearest howling but I noticed it clearly and even approximated the distance easily to. I guess the stat increase may have a hand in my better hearing, don't know which one though. Or maybe mana sense gave me increased perception. Anyway I try to focus on how many moving target can I notice. 10...20...30...40...50 distinguishable sound and 40 of them are approaching here quickly,some of them might be humans running away from zombies though. I guess others could be the animals that have woken up early. They might not have mutated. I make a mental note to gather non mutated animals for us to rear. There Suddenly Leon nudges me.

[Bro, there's something in the bushes]

Damn, as I was focused on enemies far away I ignored what's close to me. I ready the pistol to target the bushes when a desperate female voice comes in my ears.

[Wait don't shoot]

Out comes a middle aged lady with a disheveled hair and panic striken face with a child in her tow. I put my gun down and ask the lady

[Are you escaping from the zombies,ma'am. How long you've been hiding here.]

[Me and my family were trying to get my two sons to the hospital. This morning all of us suddenly got unconscious and when we woke up we found both my sons' skin turning blue and there body giving off heat. On the way they turned feral and attacked us. My husband held them down letting us escape and then locked the car up. After that the car was shaking for a while and then it stopped.....My husband died...My sons killed their father]

The woman crouched and started crying. I guess now that panick has settled her emotions are flowing out. The little girl approached the lady and started patting her back. The girl probably doesn't understand what conspired and only consoling her mother cause she's crying...what a sweet child.

[Milady can you calm yourself and sit inside the truck. Many zombies are going to appear here soon. Or you can put the child inside and join us to fight.]

Albert speaks to the woman in a harsh tone. Well it's not a good time to grief as we are minutes away from a zombie wave. The lady stops crying and makes a shocked face.

[ Zombies are coming. Please let me an my child hide]

She wants to hide huh. I guess it's natural. Not everyone can be a fighter and if she stubbornly decided to join us without having and fighting experience or skill it'll just be a burden. We lock the lady in the truck and position ourselves again. I try to detect the footsteps again. The number increased to 70,I guess that's what truly makes mindless monsters so dangerous, on one scent of pray all starts to gather following their instinct. Some of them are gaining on others and those footsteps stopped approaching. Probably some escapees got caught up. But we can't move to help them now. As rustling came very close and bluish skin became visible. Albert,Leon and I get ready for battle.