
My little change of event

This story is based on real life experiences

Mary_Idowu · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 2: out with Carl

I woke up early the next morning with a ringing tone I felt so angry only to notice my heartthrob actually called I thought he was actually joking about getting me a new top guess it was my lucky day I left home to meet Carl at a nearby Carafe shockingly everything Carl ever wore is branded we ordered food and I tried my best not to look like a food monger he kept telling me to eat to my heart content I had no other choice we left the carafe to be shocked by Carl he took me to one of the best boutique in town how rich is he I kept wondering he got me an even prettier top and begged me to try something else he also tipped me and I don't even know this handsome stranger

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