
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


I widened my eyes and stood up.

Why didn't she warn me?!

The pilots then sent a message that there were enough parachutes for everyone and that we should jump out in an orderly manner.

The people were overreacting and I tried to calm them down and made sure they went out two by two.

When everyone including the pilots were out, I looked around to see if anyone was left then I saw Ruby walking around.

She didn't seem bothered that everyone had jumped out because of the vortex in our way.

I asked her to pick a parachute but she ignored me. I had had enough and held her then jumped out.

She screamed for me to let her go then I said,"Okay."

I dropped her and she screamed then yelled,"I didn't mean it you lunatic! Pick me up!"

I dived down and caught her then I asked,"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"She asked.

"You're being so cold to me."

We were in free fall, several hundred meters above the ground but she didn't respond. I said,"It's a long way down, I could easily drop you again."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"...Rose told me what you did."


"Rose told me about how you've been going round beating up people and doing vigilante justice."

"I'm actually legal."

"That doesn't mean you should risk your life like that, I know you were stabbed and almost died several times, I still care about you."

I suddenly hugged her then released the parachute and said,"I care about you too, that's why I'll protect you and everyone I love like I'm doing now. I don't care if my life is on the line just like Mark did."

"Mark had no other choice, you do and it's not a choice only you can make, we all need to make it together."

Just then, we landed in the thick jungle and I said,"I can't stop, but I can assure you that I'll always be safe."

She just turned and walked away.

I followed her through the forest but couldn't find her. Then a jaguar ran in the direction she went.

I yelled and ran after her but when I got to her, it was too late...the jaguar was already running away for its life.

She looked at me and said,"See? We can all take care of ourselves. We don't need you uselessly and stupidly risking your life when there are other alternatives."

I just smiled.

We reached a town soon and were able to get a ride to the nearest airport, where we continued our separate journeys.

I got to the studio and watched Lucille. The triplets had stayed home with dad.

The movie was about a woman(Lucy) whose daughter (Lucille) had been kidnapped and shipped for child labour.

It was the story of how she strived and went on to find her.

Lucy was able to come home after the movie premiered a month later, though I had to return much earlier.

I was taking the triplets and Lucille for a walk in the park when a woman came and said,"Aww, your daughter is so cute!"

I looked at Lucille then said,"Oh no, no, I'm only eighteen."

She dropped her jaw in disgust and said,"And you already have a daughter?! I guess the rules of morality don't apply to rich people."

Then she turned and walked away before I could explain.

Wow, she knows nothing about me.

I thought as I looked at Lucille, she shrugged her shoulders.

I was in the bathroom having a shower when I had this sudden urge to sing. Then I saw why Mark did it so I sang about the first thing that came to my mind; Rose.

I was singing when I heard laughing and clapping. I looked at Lucia who was clapping for me as if asking for an encore.

I smiled then continued singing, using the shower head as a microphone then Thomasina also waddled in, soon all three of them were watching me in awe.

I knew I sounded worse than Mark, but they loved it.

I heard Lucy call for them and I yelled that I was with them.

That night, Lucy was asleep with the triplets by her side when the door opened and someone walked in.

Then the person took three steps forward and four other people came from his back.

The first one said,"Be careful, she's dangerous."

They were getting closer then she stirred and the took a step back.

They pulled out their weapons.

Just then someone landed I front of her and said,"If you want to get to her, you'll have to go through me."

They started laughing at the little girl then she frowned. One of them laughed and ruffled her head then said,"Go back to bed little girl."

Lucille held his hand then twisted his fingers then elbowed him in the gut.

He yelled and thrusted his sword at her but she caught it and hit it with her other hand, so hard it broke.

Then she threw him over her shoulder and he stayed motionless.

The others looked at her and charged at the same time. She stretched her hand out for them to wait and they stopped, then she took a deep breath and yelled,"Mom! These people want to hurt me!"

Lucy woke up with a start and yelled,"Who?! Which people want to hurt my baby?!"

Lucille pointed at them and one gulped as Lucy looked at them with rage in her eyes.

A man flew into a table and knocked down all the expensive China then another swiped his sword at Lucy but she bent down backwards till her head was an inch above the ground then stood up when the man tried to step on her.

She elbowed the man and he was falling but she pulled him back then threw him over her shoulder onto two of the others...

Lucille was watching the people's agony and enjoying it. The guy she beat groaned then she kicked him in the chin and yelled,"Stay down!"

Lucy had finished the four of them off but an archer targeted her heart from the darkness, then released the arrow.