
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


Mr Nelson was playing with the triplets and calling them baby names. Lucy was at the door, watching him with tears in her eyes.

Mr Nelson said,"You three are really the cutest I've ever seen, apart from you, you remind me too much of your father...I guess he'll see you soon."

Lucy snapped and ran and yelled,"Don't you dare touch her!"

Just then, there was a bang and the bullet went right between Markella and Thomasina.

Lucy stopped and looked at Mr Nelson's brother who shook his head.

Lucy went back and Mr Nelson kept playing with them.

Another time, Mr Nelson had put his son with the triplets and they were playing.

There was also a guard holding a knife to Lucille's neck so Lucy couldn't react.

Just then, Mr Nelson changed his countenance to one of disgust and said,"No negro is going to play with my son."

Just then, he picked the knife from the guard and picked Markella who immediately started crying. He then said,"Oh don't worry ugly, you're going to see your father for the first time."

Lucy lost it then ran and held a toy train then threw it at the guard.

There was then a bang.

Lucy had dodged the bullet by the skin of her teeth and immediately took the tray from below the food and used it to shield herself from the bullets that came her way.

Mr Nelson was about to kill Markella then Lucy threw the tray with all the power she could activate. It took a curved path and Mr Nelson's brother thought it was coming to him, then it curved and Lucy appeared from behind it and kicked him a meter backwards.

The tray went on to hit the head of the distracted Clark Nelson and she ran and dive rolled to catch her daughter and put her with the others.

Then as there was a bang she picked up the tray and shielded herself. Then she looked at Lucille and Lucille nodded then headbutted the guard holding her and threw him over her shoulder.

Mr Nelson's brother aimed the gun at Lucille then the tray hit his shoulder and he yelled, then Lucy spin kicked him in the face and punched him in the belly.

He dropped the gun and she kicked it away then he looked at her and said,"You're going to regret that."

She also said,"You're going to regret killing Tommy."

He said,"Don't worry, I'm going to kill you too."

He brought out his second gun but she hit his arm with her arm to knock him off target, then elbowed him in the chest, hard.

Once he was coughing and thus, weakened, Lucy yelled for Lucille to take the triplets and run away.

Lucille ran to their crib then Mr Nelson got on his knees and yelled,"Don't touch them or I will personally kill you!"

Lucille kicked him in the chin and yelled,"Stay down!"

Then she ran away with them, returned and put Mr Nelson's son down, then ran away again.

Lucy held Mr Nelson's brother's gun and they struggled for it then there was a bang and he yelled as the bullet hit his foot.

Lucy headbutted him, snatched the gun, then kicked him back, then she ran away.

Lucy got out of the mansion and was looking for Lucille but couldn't find her. Then she saw her and wanted to go and get her but a crowd gathered around her, all wanting autographs.

She tried to push through but the human shield was impenetrable, she called for Lucille and she turned around but didn't see her.

The crowd blocked her long enough for Mr Nelson's brother to catch up, limping.

There was a bang then the crowd went haywire and cleared.

Lucy ran to get Lucille then ran with them into the subway, mostly because he couldn't follow them down the stairs due to his injury.

They entered the train and didn't care where they were going, Lucy was just happy her family was safe. She called Rose to tell her Mr Nelson might have her as his next target and Rose then called her sister, since she was sure Mr Nelson might target her too.

Lucy got out of the train and walked out of the subway with Lucille and the triplets after giving a blind drummer a huge tip.

She sent them to a restaurant and wanted to buy them some food but realized her credit card was frozen...


She had to use some of the money she had left but a handsome man payed for her.

She looked at him and thanked him then walked to her table.

She gave the triplets some breast milk in the bathroom after eating then walked out and realized that man from earlier was waiting for her.

She just walked with Lucia to the table and waited for Lucille to finish.

She left the restaurant and it was pelting down with rain. She made sure the triplets were safe and dry in the crib then realized a car was following them.

She stopped moving then the car stopped beside them and rolled down the window, she saw it was that same man.

He smiled and asked,"Need a ride?"

"I'm fine, thank you."Lucy said.

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't ruin her makeup in the rain."

"Well sadly for you, I don't wear makeup."

"Are you sure you want Lucille to catch a cold?"

Lucille looked at her with expectance, Lucy didn't want to go with the man as she would have dragged him into her own troubles but for Lucille's sake, she did.