
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


Amane was walking and talking to himself...or to Luis, through the wireless communication device in his ear, he seemed slightly cringe as he walked along the darkening streets.

Luis then told him to stop walking and turn around so he went down and tied his shoelaces, checked his wallet and acted like he had left something then turned around.

After walking round in circles for a few minutes, Luis said he should run towards the east, and meet him in the middle of the junction ahead of the closest street.

Amane saw the reason he had to run, then took to his heels and some random people in the crowd also began running, causing a stir.

He was about to cross the street when he heard a sudden noise as a car horn was blown...then he side flipped onto the hood of the car, ran to the top of it and did a back butterfly kick into the air, then landed right through the open roof of a speeding convertible.

Amane looked around then saw Luis casually holding the steering wheel then asked,"How did you..."

"I put a tracker on your Bluetooth device, besides, I never miss a shot...almost never."He answered.

He then made a sharp turn to the side as motorcycles followed in pursuit.

He drove beneath a tunnel and drove out the other side as men came rolling out with their mangled motorcycles skidding on the floor.

He then said,"Split second decision, airport or regular old port?"


"Regular old port it is..."

Luis turned left on a highway and drove to the pier and Amane cussed as the car flew over the ocean waters and perfectly landed on the side of a cargo ship, then Amane yelled,"What then h*ll is wrong with you?!"

Luis without looking at him, scoffed, then took a sip of his coffee, with a smirk.

They got out of the vehicle and Amane asked,"Where's this ship going?"

"San Francisco, we could take a plane from there."

Amane was about to speak out his skepticism when Luis turned him to face the ocean and said,"We aren't done yet..."


The speedboats men stopped the ship, claiming to be cops and were of course let in.

Numbering in about a baker's dozen, they got onto the boat and said,"We're looking for this man, he's a wanted criminal across seven US states and five other countries, including Cuba, Amane Bushida by name and we have reason to believe he has an unknown accomplice."

The crewmen began frantically searching for them and Luis said they should split up, Amane thought that a stupid idea to be suggested by someone as experienced as himself and Luis replied,"They want you, not me, so skedaddle."

He pushed Amane forward and the young man ran through the corridors, and hid behind a door when a crewman saw him and was about to call for help when Amane held him in a sleeper hold till he passed out.

Amane slowly dropped the man then heard a ruckus behind him an saw two men grinning, before three others joined in...

"Oh sh*t!"He yelled and ran.

The men ran after him into a cabin, when he kicked one of them in the belly and gave him an RKO, then did a back safety roll as one tried to grapple him before grabbing a stick and hitting the man hard in the ribs, the the side of the head and back.

He spun the stick as the three remaining charged at him...

Luis casually sat on a chair with his legs on a table when a crewman came and realized he wasn't in uniform and asked,"Who are you?!"

"Luis is the name."

"...you must be that man's accomplice!"

"Took ya long enough."He said, looking away.

The man frantically tried to get his walkie talkie out when a vase was smashed over his head and he fell backwards, then Luis, who was still sitting down, three meters away, put a toothpick between his teeth...

Amane bashed a man in the side of the head with the stick and it broke, but the man simply spat something out and looked back at him, then a glass was exploded open as Amane flew through.

He fell and rolled to his knees as the three huge men ran to him then dodged a metal fledged blow, hit the person with a right elbow, then kneed him in the chest and kicked the person in front of him before backflipping with the momentum an smashing the first man's head into the floor.

The second man broke two bottles and darted at him then shoved one at his chest, which he jumped from and diced under, before giving the man an overhead handstand kick.

The moment he landed, he was speared back first, into a railing by the stick breaker.

After yelling in pain, he elbowed the man in the back of the head several times, but he didn't seem to feel it as he slowly pushed Amane closer over the edge of the ship, then Amane fell backwards with the man and grabbed the railing just in time as he fell into the milky blue waters below.

Amane slowly pulled himself back and saw five men watching him from above...


Amane had beaten the five crewmen, but like cockroaches, more appeared.

Exhausted, he couldn't do anything as they roughened him up as the remaining eight fighters were coming to finish him off.

One of the men was about to punch him again when he got hit in the back with a steel chair, then again with the edge of it.

Another man got poked in the belly with the front of the chair, before it was smashed into his chin and opened and clamped onto the head of one of them, before Luis kneed the chair into the man's neck and threw him down, then the chair as well.

He then kicked Amane to get up and as he slowly stood up, he slowly breathed, looking at the eight men who remained, grinning that the champ was down.

Amane slowly got to his feet as one of them suggested they beat him together and fought themselves with the winner getting all the wins and they agreed, walking towards the black and blue, Luis slightly raised a hand and said,"I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

"What are you talking about?"One of the men asked.

"Six hundred and two..."He spontaneously said.


"Amane earlier on tonight beat fifteen men in the ring and ten men on the ship, crewmen and you guys included, in addition to his five hundred and seventy seven wins over the years, that sums it up to six hundred and two wins and three defeats, far surpassing his father's record, do you really want to go against your boss?"

One of them frowned and brought out a crowbar then said,"For the title, yes."

Luis pushed Amane, who was barely standing, to the floor and said,"Then you'll have to get past me first..."

Three men were thrown into the ocean, alongside a crowbar then Luis caught a man's fist, twisted it and back kicked another, then smirked as he got punched in the side of the cheek, the men pounced on him when they heard a yell,"Leave him alone!"

They turned back to see Amane standing upright and dominant over them as he spoke,"Let him go or I'll make sure I get every single man, woman and training child in this entire rig to hunt you five fools and your families down like the animals you are, the way you hunted me down...now go take a bath."

The men looked at him, till one received a punch which threw him backwards, crashing over the ledge and into the ocean, then Amane turned to the others with fury in his hazel eyes as he asked,"Who's next?"

Four men willingly jumped into the ocean, then Amane helped Luis to his feet and Luis said,"Took you long enough."

"You knew, didn't you?"

Luis shrugged as he asked,"Let me get this straight, the whole reason you dragged me away from your niece, halfway across the continent and put my life in danger after danger, is so I could get my title as boss?"

"What can I say? I love it when a plan gets together."

"Okay, you are officially insane."

"Runs in the family."Luis said with his hands pocketed...