
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


I looked at all the animals around me and was killed by cuteness. I looked at Mark and hugged him, he got me a job at the zoo.

The manager said I could start the next week and I was ready.

I told Lucille first as she was living with us, then I told Rose who was over the moon to hear the news.

The next day, at school, I was writing an important test when I started thinking about Ash, her kids and husband, then thoughts of the dolphins I was going to take care of filled the void.

On my first day on the job, I was just to throw fish to the dolphins...specifically, the killer whales.

One came to the bank and squealed then flipped over. I could tell it was doing tricks for the food so I threw a fish up and it jumped out of the water and caught it.

I laughed when it landed on its back then the water poured on me, then it squealed again as if it was laughing at me then I—as my custom was—laughed harder.

I named it Hilary, because it was so hilarious.

The next one on the other hand, wasn't so outspoken. It was timid and I could tell it was new, I named it Chylei, because it was so shy.

The last one was agressive so I was told to stay away from it and obeyed.

I went to the giraffes next and saw a calf, it made my heart melt.

The final animals I had to feed gave me a chill up my spine and I shivered as I walked into the emerald tree boa terrarium.

I released the mice and took to my heels, forgetting to close the door behind me.

The snake saw an opportunity and slithered down a branch then shot out the doorway but crashed into a glass when I immediately closed the door.

Phew, that was close.

Mark took me home when my shift was over.

A few days later, Ms Lucy came to take Lucille back home but Mark said he had to tell her something important. She then yelled,"Lucille! You know what to do."

Ms Lucy followed Mark into his room and he locked the door, she said,"If you're going to ask me to marry you, my answer is not yet."

Mark sighed and said,"It's not that. I had a conversation with Tommy last week and it got me thinking...Lucy, there's something I have to tell you, I can't have kids."

Ms Lucy looked at him and said,"Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not, I have low sperm count, it makes it almost impossible to have children. I figured I had to tell you if I wanted to marry you."

Ms Lucy walked closer to him then cupped his cheek and said,"Mark, there's nothing which can kill my love for you, even infertility."

"But you wouldn't be able to get the several kids you always wanted."

"Lucille and Tommy will be enough for me."

Mark smiled as she kissed his lips... passion was in the air.

I was sitting down, anxiously looking at Lucille and frowning at her as she played dress up video games on her tablet.

I stood up to release some ammonia and deamonized amino acid concentrated liquid waste...aka pee, when she also stood up.

I said,"I'm going to the bathroom."

"So am I."

Oh she's good.

"Okay."I said.

I walked into my room then locked the door and ran to the window. I was about to jump out when I saw her on the window sill, grinning.

How on earth did she get here so fast?!

She opened her mouth wide and inhaled deeply and was about to scream for her mom when I said,"Okay, okay, I'll go back."

She smiled widely as I walked back to the door, defeated.

I walked out and before I got to run to Mark's room door and eavesdrop, they walked out.

Ms Lucy took Lucille home and Mark helped me with my homework. He asked me about work that day and I told him everything, of course starting from,"I had a blast!..."

Rose returned the next day and the two of us went to the zoo together. I told her all I knew about the animals and I could tell she was impressed.

"It's your second day and you already know all this?"

"I watch a lot of documentaries."

"So do I."

Tiana, who was cleaning the zebra enclosure yelled for me to get back to work and I immediately did that.

I could see Rose watching my every move so I did my best to look cool in front of her but ended up catching the attention of other girls who she jealously shooed away.

Rose was enchanted by me, how I cared for the animals, how they already liked me and my other inner qualities, she didn't care the least about my good looks or muscular physique.

When my shift was over, I walked her back to the encampment and Mark drove me home.