
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


Rose was opening her locker when someone closed it shut. She looked at the Andettes and asked,"What do you want?"

Andy said,"We don't like your sister, and thus, we don't like you, we just wanted you to know."

Rose chuckled and said in a carefree manner,"This means war."

They laughed at her threat and lived to regret it.

The next day Sandy didn't come to school and Mandy and Andy understood why.

How could anyone do something like this to us?

On everyone's phone was the school blog and the headline was ' The Andettes Are Rather The Brandettes '.

There was a video of Andy buying fake and cheap designer clothes from a second hand store and a whole story behind it, for Sandy, there was a video of her as a child, searching through a donation bin in a community center and a story behind it, and the last was Mandy, who was buying a replica of another girl's clothes and a story behind it.

Everyone in their floor was laughing at the two of them and posting and sharing the videos all over social media.

The two of them went to cry in the girls' bathroom then they got a message from Rose, saying,' This is only the beginning '...

The Andettes left the school that week and never came back, they had already hit rock bottom, they couldn't have some new girl dig even deeper for them to fall through.

I saw the blog post and was surprised.

Who would do something like this?

I know they were mean, but they didn't deserve this...

I found out Ruby was as good in basketball as her sister so she also trained me.

One time, I was at her mansion training when we saw a silver limozine park on the road outside the mansion. Ruby was just as oblivious to it as I was and went to spy on them.

Out came three posh dressed couples with their three daughters, the Andettes. They requested for Ruby's parents and they came down with Rose and they three couples did something unexpected...

They fell on their knees and begged Rose to leave their families alone.

She was still bothering them?

She played with her hair, enjoying the torture the families were feeling and she said,"I will back off, but for a price...a million dollars from each of you."

They looked shocked and at her parents for help but instead they said,"You heard our rose bud, three million dollars."

They stood up and left, luckily they came prepared. They presented the briefcases to Ruby's parents and I was just as shocked as Ruby was.

Ruby's mother said,"It was nice doing business with you."

One of their fathers said,"You'll hear from my lawyer."

Ruby's father tilted his head to the side and said,"One?"

He chuckled and his wife continued,"I literally own a law enforcement firm."

The man looked intimidated and her father continued,"And I have democratic immunity in America and seventy- two other countries."

They stared at them in horror and left.

They then started playing with her and calling her their little money magnet, I couldn't believe these people!

Just then Rose screamed Ruby's name and Ruby went to her.

Rose emptied the briefcases on the floor and said,"I want you to count all this money, note by note and don't think of rounding up, the butler will watch you."

Then she flung her rose coloured hair into the air and left.

Ruby squatted and started counting. I couldn't just stand there so I went to help her.

I heard the doorbell and went to check who it was.

It was an old couple this time...

That girl is diabolical!

The old man tilted his head and asked,"Who are you?"

I wanted to ask the same question till Ruby ran to them and hugged them, yelling,"Grandma! Grandpa!"

They hugged her too and said,"Our little jewel! We missed you so much, has your family been treating you well?"

I made an evil grin.

They are finally going to get what's coming to them.

She said something which made my jaw drop,"Yes, they've taken great care of me."

They didn't seem to believe her but ruffled her hair and asked,"Who's this?"

"He's Tommy Hawkins, my close friend."

Did she just call me her friend?

"Tommy Hawkins? Brother of Mark Hawkins? It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine."I said.

The grandpa smiled and walked away. He frowned when he saw the butler quickly skittering to warn the family of his and his wife's presence and the money scattered on the floor.

He looked at Ruby and said,"Ruby, I'm going to make sure they never so much as give you an insult."

Then he walked away.

Ruby and I repacked the money into the brief cases then something weird happened. Ruby's parents ran to her and enveloped her in a tight hug and said,"So, our little jewel, how was school today?"

These hypocrites are now asking?

She came four hours ago.

Rose on the other hand didn't pretend, she held Ruby's chin tightly and said,"Don't think you're getting any superstar treatment from me because of those old hags' presence."

Then Ruby pulled her head back and they frowned at each other.

l was invited to dinner and sat at table.

Their grandparents sat down and their grandmother said,"So, Ruby, has everything been good in the mansion?"

This was her opportunity to get back at them and I smiled evilly.

Ruby saw Rose glaring at her from the other side of the table and said,"Yes, everything has been wonderful grandma."

I was jaw dropped as Rose smiled like an angel, I could literally see the horns on her head.

I knew Ruby was doing this to avoid trouble but I couldn't let them keep treating her like this and I lost it,"No! Everything isn't wonderful, they've been giving her useless tasks like counting the three million dollars you saw in the first room, scrubbing the stairs, painting the whole pool pink, doing laundry and more! And this is just what I've seen!"

Their grandfather banged his palms on the table and roared,"How dare you treat my granddaughter like that?!"

Rose also banged the table and yelled,"So I'm not your granddaughter?!"

He yelled back,"You surely don't act like it, now sit down!"

She reluctantly did and I was shocked...

He just commanded Rose...

And she did it?

Woah this is awesome!

Her mother also yelled,"Father, Rose has more right as your granddaughter than this pest you brought here!"

He frowned and yelled,"I only had to bring her back because you lied to me for five years that I had only one grandchild! How could you do something like that to your own child?!"

She was speechless and he said,"If I hear even one more bad review about you, so help me, I will take the company from you and give it all to my true granddaughter, Ruby."

He turned to me and said,"Thank you for telling me the truth son, I can see you really care about my little jewel."

From across the table I could see Rose glaring at Ruby and me and I was happy I had gotten to her, I stuck my tongue out at her.