
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


The man drove her to an airport and put her in a plane.

The plane landed at the Mexican border and she was smuggled into the country.

He took her to another airplane and they got to a place she didn't know.

He put her into a car and they drove to a huge city.

Then they stopped at a night club.

So that's what they do.

He took her inside and the manager, who was the first woman she had seen in like three days, payed him even a bigger bundle of money than what he payed Joe.

The woman took her to a room full of beds and said,"That would be your bed."

She looked at the woman who excitedly looked her up and down, then the woman said,"I'll get you some...proper clothes."

She sat down on her bed and later on, the woman brought something which was a few strands longer than a bikini.

She looked at the woman in horror and the woman said,"You better change before tonight."

There's no way I'm wearing that.

Soon, some other women who were dressed in similar clothes entered the room. Glaring at her with hatred and jealousy.

One of them came and said,"Hello, I'm Isabella."In Spanish.

Ruby replied in Spanish,"I'm Jessica."

"It's lunch time so you'd better get your share before it finishes."

Ruby just nodded and followed the woman down some stairs.

There was a man, serving a queue of woman, ranging from her age to mid twenties.

She asked Isabella how she got there and she replied,"I was walking home from school one day when someone just put a chloroform handkerchief on my face. I passed out and woke up here..."

She laughed and said,"... it's hard to believe, but I haven't stepped foot out of this place in ten years."

Ruby was shocked. She then wanted to rekindle the flame of hope in Isabella so she said,"Well I'm going to escape and get you and everyone out too."

She looked like she had seen a ghost and immediately covered Ruby's mouth then whispered,"Don't say that. No one escapes this place, trust me. There are guards and cameras everywhere and for those crazy enough to pull a stunt like that..."

She showed Ruby a scar on her back which looked like she had been cut with a hot knife.

Ruby was horrified.

She took her food, which was some rice and beans, but she was also examining her surroundings.

The place is locked up like a prison.

Guards at every door and wall...

Cameras at every corner, there is a low chance of me being able to escape...

Really low.


I got it!

But she needed to do something demeaning.

She looked at the clothes on her bed and took a deep breath.

That night, the club was on and men were drinking, smoking, getting high and having several women to please their burning desires.

Suddenly, all the music went off and all the men looked at the new girl.

They all stood up and went closer to her and the other women saw their money just walking away, they hated that new girl.

She modeled to one man and stroked his chin and seductively giggled. They were hooked.

One man demanded that he had her.

But another also wanted her.

They all did and the manager saw opportunity in this, she said,"Simple, the man who pays the most for her gets her."

One man placed five hundred dollars on the table, another one thousand, another a thousand and a half.

They kept bidding for the red head until they landed on one hundred thousand. It had jumped from ten thousand to that and no one could top that.

Ruby went forward to the man who had bought her and held his collar and directed him into a room.

He quickly began to remove his tuxedo but when he saw her sad countenance, he asked what the problem was.

She said,"I really like you."

He wanted her even more.

She continued,"But I want to spend more time with you. I want to go to your house."

"But my wife would be there."

"Oh, I thought you were a bad boy."

"W- wait, you can come to my house."

She knew how to manipulate people.

He was taking her out but the guards didn't allow, he yelled curses at them but they stood their ground. Then the manager arrived.

"Is there a problem?"She asked.

"Yes there is, these idiots wouldn't let me take the girl—I payed good money for—home."

"Of course not, none is allowed to leave."The manager said.

"Why not?!"

"Because... problems could arise if any left."

He was desperate and was determined as she touched him all over.

"Fine, I'll pay double."

"I'm sorry sir, but..."

"Quadruple, and she'll never leave my house."

The manager looked at Ruby, smiling, then said,"You have gotten yourself a deal, my friend."

The man took Ruby to his house and snuck her into a private room of his not even his wife knew about.

She sat comfortably on the bed and he started removing his shirt in a hurry.

She came closer to him and held his shoulders and sent her hands down his arms and back. He was on cloud nine.

Quite muscular for his stature...

Strong arms, but also tense and rigid.

Spine under a lot of tension from his upper body weight...

This will be easy...

She removed his shirt for him and threw it down then excused herself to go and change.

She looked at his phone which she had taken from his shirt and hacked into it. She sent a message to his wife, saying it was an emergency.

His wife was fast asleep as her phone rang.

Ruby then called the cops, telling them her exact location.

Then she came back to him, modeling.

He pulled her by the waist and she said,"Umm sir, I just wanted to ask you...why would a forty year old, want to be with a thirteen year old?"

He smirked and said,"Because I payed for you."

She placed her hand at the back of his neck and massaged his spine, feeling for the place with the most tension then she hit it, hard.

He yelped in pain and she roundhoused him then he fell flat.

She heard his wife calling for him from the outside and was about to call her when he held her in a tight headlock.

She couldn't breathe.

She quickly went down and her head hit his chin, then she threw him over her head.

She banged the door, screaming for help and his wife came and called,"Hello, who are you?"

"My name is Ruby Welshes and I was kidnapped and smuggled here to be forced to be a hooker, who your husband purchased!"

"My husband will never do that."

"Then come and see the video for yourself."

The woman was heartbroken that the girl had a video, she asked,"How old are you?"


Would Rodriguez do this?

"How do I open the door?"

"Feel the wall, there is a small square, push it to open it."

The man got up again and tried to attack her and she ran to a wall and wall flipped off it and landed behind him and before he could turn back, she twisted his neck to the extent that he fell unconscious.

The woman opened the door and burst into tears to see how the young girl was dressed and how evil her husband was.

She had him arrested and all the people in the club chain and freed all the girls and women.

Then she assured Ruby that she'd take care of her.