
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


The nurse called the others and they crowded Lucille but she cried for her family.

I was sweeping the rhino dung when Lucy called me and told me Lucille was awake.

I dropped the broom and yelled,"Really?!"

She nodded.

I couldn't leave my post, especially since I was so important to the zoo. But Frannie, a friend of mine from school who also worked at the zoo said she'd cover up for me. I thanked her and ran away.

When I got there, Lucille was on her feet and hugged me and said,"I missed you uncle Tommy."

I hugged her back and said,"I missed you too Lucille."

Lucy walked out of the room and Lucille was discharged after a few tests.

Lucille was excited to go home and asked us to tell her everything that happened. We sat her down and began,"You were poisoned."

"Yeah, I know it's that lunch lady at school, she was acting weird."

"Which lunch lady?"I asked,"Is one of these people her?"

I showed her a couple of photos of targets. She pointed to one and said,"That one."

Then she's my next target...

Lucille asked,"So what else happened?"

Lucy said,"Well because of the poison, you had to be put in a medically induced coma, and lost both your kidneys...your father gave you his."

"Really?! Where is he by the way?"

I felt my heart sink as I continued,"We'll get to that, anyway, you're going to get three sisters."

I figured to give her the best news before the worst.

She cried tears of joy and yelled,"Really?!"

She hugged her mom and listened for kicks then yelled,"Aw! I guess that one doesn't like me very much."

"Lucille, now isn't the time for jokes."I said.

"Why? What happened?"

Lucy and I looked at each other then I said,"Lucille... Mark is dead."

She started hyperventilating with tears in her eyes and asked,"What?"

Lucy said,"Your father is dead Lucille."

Lucille screamed Mark's name and I tried to calm her down but she yelled for me to leave her alone then she ran to her room.

I called her but she didn't mind me. Lucy said,"Please be gentle with her, this is the second time she has lost her father."

I nodded.

I went to school the next day without Lucille, she didn't want to come out of her room and yet everytime I eavesdropped, I heard her crying.

I felt so sorry for her.

I walked into Rose's room and I saw a half naked guy rush to a closet.

I dropped my gifts for her and she came in her towel and said this was a bad time.

I felt she was hiding something from me, but I decided to play it cool, I had to trust her like I said I would.

Lucille continued school a few days later but she seemed distant. She had a lot to catch up on so I helped her.

I could tell she was trying her best, yet she was still not doing as well as she usually did.

I slid down the stairs when there was a knock on the door and I saw Lucille had beat me to it.

She took the envelope and dumped it in the trash after reading the letter. My inner cat once again got the best of me and I took it out.

It was an invitation for her to come and act in a new french movie but she was rejecting it.

I wasn't going to let her throw her life away like this so I walked into her room with the letter in my hand.

She looked at me then rolled her eyes. I walked to her and said,"Lucille, I'm not going to let you throw away an opportunity like this."

"That's why I didn't ask."She simply said.

I felt insulted but kept my cool then said,"Lucille please, you have to do this, you can't give up on all your dreams just because something bad happened..."

"Something bad?! This is a catastrophe! Do you know how it feels to lose your father?!"

"Yes, that's exactly why we became friends."

"Well I have felt it twice and that's one too many times for my taste."

"Lucille, fine, if you don't move on, I won't either."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, if you don't act this movie, I'll quit free running and gymnastics."

"Don't think that's going to make me change my mind."

"It's not? How about if I broke up with Rose? Will that change your mind?"

She looked at me with a frown, it was working. Then I said,"Or maybe should I run away again? That way, I wouldn't have to care even if you died."

"Fine! Fine, I'll act in the dumb movie, can you leave now?"

"Of course, your Majesty."I said, bowing.

She giggled and covered her mouth then I asked,"What? What's wrong?"

She then burst out laughing and I asked again then she pointed. I turned around and she laughed even more. I looked down then said,"Oh."

Then I zipped my fly and said,"Well how will you like it?"


I jumped on her and we got into a tickle fight.

What I did worked as her academics and character improved and Lucy thanked me on the day Lucille was leaving to act the movie.