
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


A man started his car and was about to drive off in his own driveway when a body fell over the windshield and rolled to the other side, smearing blood all-over it.

He stopped, startled and went to the window to see if everything was okay, when a person in a mask suddenly appeared, making him jump back.

He looked at the person as he slowly tilted his head and wondered where security was as the person started scratching the window with a knife.

The person then lowered himself and vanished beneath the window and the man's heart jumped when he saw what the scribbling said,"Phone..."

He picked up his phone and saw there was a new message from an unknown number while all his other recent messages had already been answered to reduce traffic.

He opened the message and it said,"Bring eight and a half million pounds in cash to Sarah's Diner. Come by midnight and don't be late, if you ever want to see your daughters again...

Another message popped up and opened automatically saying,"... and call the cops at your own risk, we'll see if they'll listen to you after they find out all the... interesting things you've been involved in, see you then..."

Luis held the briefcase while watching the minister embrace his three daughters, then left.

He placed the briefcase on a desk before Johan, who looked at it in delight.

Luis then said,"Eight and a half million, pound for pound, as you requested now leave that family alone."

Johan then said,"Of course, of course but come, have a drink with me, relax after all your hard work."

Luis removed his arm off of his shoulders then said,"I will only relax when I'm done."

"That's the attitude."He said with a grin, Luis just wanted the eight days to be over...


Ruby walked out of the Country Club with several men around her, ' protecting her against danger '.

She knew something was up but didn't know what, till I ran past all of them and into the club.

She looked back as I jumped the bouncers and broke through a window to go in and asked to go and speak to me, but they didn't want to allow her...

I got in and ran through the high-class crowd, asking for the location of the ranch, then I got there, but in the bleachers.

I saw it and yelled her name, right before she was dragged on the sandy ground, behind a horse.

I ran without thought and jumped from the third row seat, over the fence and drop kicked the rider off the horse when he was close enough, staying on it and calming it down.

The man slowly stood up and brought a gun out of nowhere, then I jumped off the horse in a b aerial, using the momentum to elbow the gun straight out of his grip.

He tried to attack but I dodged, knocked his legs off balance and kneed him in the nose as he was falling.

I then ran to Rose as she winced silently in pain.

I untied her as tears streamed down my cheeks and I lifted her between my arms, but all she asked was,"Where is my sister? Where's Ruby?"

I coaxed her cheek then said,"She's in safe hands..."

All the guards lay on the floor as Lucy tied them up and Ruby hugged Mack tightly, then looked back to see me carrying the injured Rose down the stairs, with a broken look on my face.

Ruby ran to us, immediately forgetting all the lies she had been told these past two weeks.

Everyone came closer as I whispered,"They tried to kill her..."

"Tommy..."Ruby said.

"They tried to kill her!"I yelled, my eyes red.

They all held me back then I just she'd silent and angry tears as Lucy said she'd take Rose to the hospital.

Ruby wanted to go with her but Mack said she should stay, we needed her knowledge on their kidnappers and reasons to why they were nice to her but not to Rose.

"All he said was that he'd serve justice to all those who ever hurt me."Ruby said.

"Could that have been why they did all this to Rose?"Mack asked.

"I don't know, all along I thought she had something to do with it, I thought she..."

"Let me guess, was the one that tried to hurt you? That kidnapped you? Ruby when on earth will you learn that not everyone stays the same, but they could change if you just gave them the chance! For the past three years, all Rose and even your father have tried to win your trust, to make up for all they've done to you but you just stubbornly just keep on dwelling on the past!"I yelled.

"Don't you dare talk to Ruby that way!"Mack roared.

"Why not?! Are you going to kill me?! Do what you wanted to do to her heartbroken father?! Do it and show your true colours!"

"Enough!"Ruby yelled,"Why can't you guys just stop acting like kids and get along for once?! The Chief of Police kidnapped my sister and me and tried to kill her and possibly my father and you are sitting here fighting over who has the greater good?! How could you be so immature?!"

She just got up and stormed off, despite Mack trying to make her stay.

He pointed at me and said,"The next time I hear you speaking to Ruby like that will truly be your last."

I smacked his finger off then said,"I'd like to see you try and keep that promise."

I then left.


Ruby's father ran and hugged her tightly then looked into her eyes and apologized for all that he'd done, and spoke of how worried he'd been, it was a very heartwarming moment.

He went to visit Rose afterwards and literally cried, seeing her in that state.

Never had I seen him that emotional, as emotional as I was.

Where was their mother, you may ask? She had left for China a few months back to take care of the company, but she still stayed in touch, until the doors opened and there she was, wet with tears, running to her daughters.

Their mother wanted the culprit to pay, but I remembered Ruby's and Rose's very words, so assured them I'd get the culprit apprehended and nothing more.