
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


The day of the photoshoot came on and the makeup artists prepped me for the paparazzi.

They combed my hair, powdered my cheeks, put cool clothes on me and gave me a super awesome pair of shoes.

I was on cloud nine as I walked behind the other models who were at least twice my age. I was confident, held my head up high and one of them gave me some tips on the best walk, poses and turns I could do for the best picture.

His name was Frank and he was really good looking, though Mark was better looking than him.

They started walking and I also went.

The first two went on and did their stuff, I was in the third pair.

I became nervous as it was my turn and waited for a few seconds, but Morgan, my partner prompted me to go.

I slow marched to the catwalk, wanting to puke but I regained my confidence the moment I saw Mark cheering for me.

He didn't seem to care that he was embarrassing himself, so I went on.

I walked exactly as Frank taught me and did some poses as the paparazzi were enchanted by my small size and cute demeanor.

I walked back and made a sigh of relief, I didn't mess up!

The shoes weren't the only important thing, the clothes were too. Aqua bolt had begun a clothing line called Mystique, alongside Sprint, it's shoes.

I walked to Mark in my designer clothes and said,"Thanks for the cheer."

"That's what I'll do everytime you have a riding competition."

"Please don't."

He chuckled and yelled,"Hey everyone! This is Tommy, my big brother! And he is super awesome!..."

"I don't know him, I don't."

Some press came for an interview and Mark said I should go.

"Wait, they're here for me?"

He nodded.

I walked away and a woman asked,"So Mr Tommy, how does it feel like to be the first model younger than eighteen to be employed by Aqua and Lightning flash combined?"

"It feels...cool."

They widened their eyes and began writing on notepads. They began flashing their cameras and bringing their microphones really close to my face and I began hyperventilating, the pressure was too much!

I began to feel faint, just then I heard cheering,"Woohoo! You get them Tommy! You're the best!"

I looked back to see Mark, jumping and cheering me on, I regained consciousness and smiled...

Thanks Mark.

I was able to stay cool and answer all their questions.

After the photoshoot was over, Mark took me to his huge office at the top of the sky scraper. I got a call from Olivia and we talked for about twenty minutes, I loved her company, she was so interesting to me.

Mark teased me again, as usual and I chased him around the office, as usual, and he did super awesome free running moves to stay three steps ahead of me, as usual.

I went home that day feeling pumped, and Mark took me to the park for the rest of the night, since we couldn't go the other day.

We had an awesome time, chasing frogs, catching fireflies, climbing trees and more, there wasn't much of a crowd so it was peaceful. We also star gazed, which we hadn't done in a while.

He carried me home when I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and slid down the stairs and met Mark at the dinner table, as usual, already in a tuxedo, having bathed.

He didn't begin eating till I had been served.

He left early and I went to bathe for my lessons to begin.

My first lesson was fencing and I did great, in fact, I rocked it! I was actually able to beat my instructor, using Lucille's strategy of using her small and nimble size to her advantage.

Mark came back early and went to his room. He changed his clothes and came out and my jaw dropped.

He was wearing denim trousers and a white t-shirt, I didn't know he had any other clothes other than fancy tuxedos.

He walked towards the door and I asked,"Where're you going?"

He looked at me and said,"It doesn't matter, I'll be back soon."

He doesn't want me to know, therefore, I must go.

"Can I come?"

He smiled and said,"Fine."

I jumped and ran after him.

We entered the car and he drove, but not to where I expected. He went to Queens and I was expecting some over expensive restaurant for him to meet a lady or something other than...

"A community center?"


He parked the car and opened the boot, to reveal two big boxes, I knew he could easily carry both at the same time but I wanted to be useful, so carried one.

It was heavier than I thought and I wondered what was in it then we went in. I saw several homeless people who looked excited to see Mark.

He went over to a counter and put the box down so I did too.

The people lined up and he opened the first box and took out a white bag. It was clear enough to catch a glance of what was in it.

He gave it to an old lady and another to her grandson and they left.

I saw a reusable plastic pack—probably full of food—and some water. I also saw something rectangular.

Was that money?

No, no, it can't be, it's too big a bunch.

Then what was it?

I asked Mark and he said,"It's money."

My little mind was blown.

There were like a hundred notes in each bag, he didn't seem happy that I was here, or that I made a big deal of it on the ride home...

"You were like Mother Teresa! You were donating more than all those other rich people have been doing."

"Thanks."He said, sarcastically.

I remembered he didn't like letting people know of his philanthropic works, because he didn't like to bluff, I decided to keep quiet.

We didn't go straight home. There were still a few bags which he gave to poor people on the street and they almost died when they looked in the bags.

The car parked in the underground garage and we got out. We walked into the house and surprisingly, he didn't change his clothes.

I was expecting him to run to his closet, wear a tuxedo and breathe a sigh of relief, but he just went to work on his laptop in the t-shirt and denims.

I went and lay on my bed, exhausted and was asleep in minutes, but my eyes darted open when I felt something sharp, caress my neck. I looked in that direction and someone jumped out the window.

I was scared and ran to Mark's room to tell him about it.

He seemed furious and immediately checked the camera feed, it was an unrecognisable person holding a knife.

My heart failed and Mark gently hugged my face so I wouldn't see it.

I lay with Mark but couldn't sleep, with every draft I sat up and looked around to ensure I was safe.

Mark didn't sleep either, though his eyes were closed.