
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


I wondered why Rose didn't leave the airport with us, but just didn't mind.

Ruby got off the plane with her two guards.

She dragged her luggage by herself even though they offered to do it for her.

All through the airport, she attracted gazing eyes, especially of boys. She knew she was that pretty, but she still felt subconscious when people stared at her.

She didn't walk far when she saw a formally dressed woman, holding an iPad with her name written on it in Cursive writing.

She followed the woman to a black limousine and she drove her to a fancy hotel, it was fancy for even Ruby's standards.

On her way, she found out the woman was called Zeina and she was the ambassador of that science fair for the Emirates.

She got to her room and gasped...

She yelled,"Rose?!!"

Rose looked at her, smiled and waved.

Ruby stormed to her and yelled,"What are you doing here?!"

"Mom and dad didn't want me to be away from you, so they got me a ticket."

Ruby groaned and said,"I was supposed to spend a month away from you and even then you had to ruin it."

Rose chuckled and said,"Trust me sis, I haven't ruined it yet."

Ruby knew she was in trouble and just walked away.

She couldn't relax in her room and decided to go to see the science museum, without anyone knowing.

She snuck out without even Zeina and called a taxi. The black Rolls Royce Phantom stopped and she got in.

The car drove her to the museum but didn't stop, she said,"Umm, you can drop me off."

The driver didn't respond, but rather raised the driver's seat- passenger's seat divider.

Ruby was confused as the driver continued, far past the museum.

The driver accelerated so much that Ruby was thrown into her seat. The driver ended a video call on the car's monitor and said in a sinister voice,"Rose says she hopes you'll enjoy the ride."

Of course it's her.

The car was picking up speed and she looked around and analyzed her surroundings.

Only the headrests of the driver's seat and front passenger's seats are removable.

But they are blocked...

The locker of the door is controllable.

If the child lock isn't on, I could open it from the inside.

But if I jumped out, the inertia will at least kill me.

But that's better than being tortured by Rose...

She opened the door and jumped out and rolled forward. She had to dive roll of the road so she wasn't squashed by a car.

Her left arm and right leg were in serious pain and her head was bleeding.

She had no other choice, she couldn't use a taxi again as she didn't know which ones her sister had under her control.

Ruby had to limp all the way back to the hotel and was very relieved when she got to her room. Her guards almost died when they saw her but she said she was fine.

The guards treated her wounds and called Zeina who had gone to search for her.

Her head was bandaged and ice was put on her arm and leg.

She knew Rose was only beginning and couldn't stand it, but then she got an idea...

Ms Emily Welshes moved her queen forward and said,"Checkmate."

Just then she got a call. She looked at her phone and groaned.

What does she want?

She answered and said,"Hello my little jewel, how can I help you?"

Ruby answered,"Well I just wanted to tell you, that I have agreed to date Mack Song."

Ms Welshes beamed and said excitedly,"Really? That's great news!"

Ruby continued,"On one condition."

"Anything, my little jewel."

"Get Rose out of my trip and if I see her for even one second, and I mean even at her departure flight, you can forget about merging our companies."

Ms Welshes almost threw the phone at the wall but calmed down and asked,"Why? Isn't she your sister?"

Ruby calmly said,"I have my reasons, so do we have a deal?"

"Of course, my little jewel."

"Good, love you mom."Ruby said, nonchalantly.

Ms Welshes had to take a puff from the cigarette she was holding to calm down...

Ruby smiled, her family had manipulated her enough, now it was her turn...

She knew what was going to happen next and waited for about ten minutes, then she got a call from Rose.

She answered and Rose immediately started spitting out curses and cuss words at Ruby, Ruby just muted the call and placed her phone down.

After a few seconds, she unmuted the call and listened, Rose said,"Fine, please, don't kick me out."

Ruby said,"Why? You kicked me out of my own home... mansion."

"Okay fine, I'm sorry."

"...nah, I'm not moved. You're going back home and if you get any ideas of hurting Tommy or his family...you can get started watching YouTube videos on seduction, because there is no way I'm giving Mack a chance."

Rose knew she had to give in so she said,"Fine sis, I'll go. But you know you can't threaten me forever, everyone who does, lives to regret it."

"I'll take my chances."Ruby said.

Rose chuckled and said,"Ruby, Ruby, you have no idea the enemy you just made..."

Rose hung up. Ruby couldn't fear Rose's threats...promises any less.

After that, Ruby had a video call with Mack, Lucille and me and we talked for a while...