
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


The day of the dance came and I was wearing a white t-shirt with a blue leather jacket and denims. It took me a long while to pick these and I needed Mark's help.

I hated to say it but Rose looked stunning. She had her rose coloured hair curled and tied in a half ponytail. With an actual rose woven to tie her hair.

Her dress was a pink gown, with flowers woven into it. The skirt ended at her knees though the clear lace went all the way to the floor.

She came holding her date's muscular arms. He was of course really handsome, with hazel eyes and brown hair. But he wasn't much taller than her, she probably got him from a lower floor.

That shallow gold digger would probably look for a guy who isn't just stupid rich, but stupid hot.

He was wearing a black tuxedo and walked gracefully. The two of them attracted the eyes of everyone in the room, especially the boys.

I sat down and looked at the gate then my jaw dropped when Ruby walked in. She was wearing an African print skirt which went to the floor. It had a slit from the waist and she was wearing matching trousers on the inside.

She also wore a black shirt with a yellow petty coat.

I frowned when I saw the guy she was with. He was handsome and hunky and a lot taller than her.

He had ebony hair and enchanting blue eyes. With a face that sent the girls wild.

The boys also couldn't take their eyes off Ruby...

She got a date?!

What about me?!

Then again, I actually didn't actually ask her out.

I was boiling with jealousy as they went to take a seat.

Ruby went to take a slice of cake and my legs just motorized in the guy's direction. I went to him and said,"Hey Goliath!"

He looked at me, tilted his head and said,"Oh hi, pipsqueak."

I frowned then said,"Just know that Ruby is well out of your league, she's too good for you."

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"What? No, I'm just doing you a favour. By telling you you have no chance with her."

He chuckled and asked,"And you do?"

I widened my eyes and stuttered,"W- w- well um... maybe."

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, hot shot?"

"What are you talking about?"I asked.

"I'm challenging you, to a dance battle."

"What? No."

"Why? Are you too chicken to accept? Or you just can't dance?"

"I can dance!"

"Prove it."

I frowned and by now, a crowd had gathered. I just went to the dancefloor with him and space was made for us. I looked him in the eye then he began...

He did a camel walk then a juicin.

I retaliated with a rotational moon walk then continued moving backwards.

He did a worm three times then landed on his feet, ending it with an astronomia shuffle.

I fought fire with fire and did a spin shuffle.

We came closer together and faced each other. Then I removed my jacket and threw it into the crowd. A girl caught it and yelled,"I got it!!"

Then the other girls wrestled her just to get it from her grip.

I was no more playing...

He jumped backwards and did a headspin and flipped to land on his feet.

I did a helicopter and did a lil G then ended it with a baby freeze.

He did a lil Kev and out of nowhere, some boys came and backed him up with incredible synchronization, I wondered when they had the time to practice.

He kept spinning as they were doing Alfs.

Some boys came behind me too and I shrugged my shoulders then continued.

I did a b- aerial then landed on one foot and did three back butterfly kicks, landing on just that foot while the boys behind me were doing Smurfs.

He also did a double backflip and landed in the boys' behind him arms. They also threw him up and he did a crouched front barani.

The girls were going crazy by now and Rose nudged Ruby and said,"Now I see why you like that Tomboy, he can dance..."

Then Rose winked at her.

Ruby rolled her eyes and said,"Boys, typical."

Then she left.

Rose was conflicted between following her sister or watching the dance war, then groaned and followed Ruby...

I did four fouettés then flipped down and did a ten second one handed chair flair then ended with a monkey flip while the boys behind me were doing two steps.

Mack did a back handspring and ended doing an air flair for ten seconds while the boys behind him did bow and arrows.

We looked at each other, then slapped our hands together and shook them then I said,"Respect."

He said,"You really can dance, can't you?"

I smiled and said,"But the moment of truth, let's see who Ruby chooses."

We turned and...she was gone.