
2)After 10 years (now)

Now I live my life with depression and I never saw Seb again. But its happened soon...

I was on the way to my favorite jewelry store to buy a new ring, and I was alone so I looked down and go my ways as always. There was this nice ring, rose gold and just perfect for me. So I grab it and went to the cashier to buy it, I looked down to the ring and dont noticed how I ran into someone. As soon I looked up I was like chained. Seb! I feel down and just saw how he friendly smile and say something, but I dont hear it i just hear my voice:"run, stand up and run how fast as you can!". I heard me screaming in the past. I just looked him in the eyes and wanted to die. He grab me and hug me. I was trembling and couldn't get out of the place. Until not an old lady, whom I am very grateful for, asked if everything was going well and if I knew the man. she slowly pulled me away from him and calmed me down. I caught myself and ran away. He ran after me and called my name. Than in one place were i never been before we stopped. "Wait! Vero its me Seb, i know i was an Ashole but listen me please out!", this is what i heared from behind. I was scared but than i turn and looked him in the eye angrily (... if looks could kill, he thought to judge his face). "I dont want to see you! YOU destroyed my childhood! But wait now its my turn to destroy your life i am now 17 and i know what i do", at this moment i wish i never say that. "I know and you have all the rights for it, but please-", He stoped. Then we just watch... unitly he ask me: "Want some eiscream?". I said ok and we went to his Car. I asked myself 'why the car?'. He just smile and say: " I want you too see something". i trust him... again... we drive and drive. it was almost night 🌙. "OK, what do you want me to see?", I ask and looked at him expectant. He smile and laught a little bit. But he don't answer. I watched him a little and saw him looking for something. Then we drove along a dense forest and drove into it. at some point he stopped the car and said: "we are there". I got out and followed him on the way to the trunk. It was empty. but still he needed something there. I came closer and looked at what he was doing. he sprayed a cloth with a strange smell. then he went in my direction and cleaned a window ... just when I wanted to ask him if I should help him, he grabbed me and pressed the cloth to my nose and mouth. Everything slowly faded.