
My life not as a villian

In a novel world, Xu Feng, a reincarnated villain-in-the-making, uses a public humiliation to break off his engagement, not for the girl, but to deviate from his scripted fate. By avoiding the protagonist's path, he carves his own destiny, leaving behind the villain role and embracing a future of unexpected freedom.

VEDAK_431 · 都市
12 Chs

Not a villian

Beneath the shimmering chandeliers of the opulent hall, amidst the swirling silks and clinking champagne flutes, a scene unfolded, charged with unspoken desire and simmering tension. Xanar, the epitome of ethereal beauty, her raven hair cascading down her back like a river of moonlight, stood at the edge of the throng, a reluctant participant in the extravagant masquerade. Her obsidian dress clung to her curves, a stark contrast to the vibrant hues adorning the other socialites.

Across the throng, Xu Feng, heir to the illustrious Feng clan, approached her, his sapphire eyes gleaming with practiced charm. In his hand, he held a gilded box, containing an ancient artifact – a desperate attempt to win her favor. "Xanar," he murmured, his voice dripping with practiced sincerity, "on this auspicious occasion of your birthday, I offer you this token, a relic from the grand Yuan Era."

Xanar's lips curled into a disdainful smile. This was the hundredth time Xu Feng had employed his tired tactics, showering her with extravagant gifts in a pathetic attempt to woo her. "Mr. Feng," she replied, her voice laced with icy indifference, "your persistence is admirable, but misplaced. As I've stated before, I have no desire for your affections, nor your ostentatious offerings."

A hush fell over the crowd as Xanar's words echoed through the hall. Xu Feng, his pride stung, sputtered, "But Ms. Su, our families have an agreement..."

Before he could finish, a raucous laughter pierced the tense silence. A young man, clad in ostentatious finery, swaggered into the circle, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. "Engagement? A mere formality," he scoffed, his voice dripping with derision. "Surely, a beauty like Xanar deserves someone worthy, someone with true power, not just inherited wealth."

This was Wei Long, known for his brash demeanor and insatiable ambition. He, too, harbored a hidden desire for Xanar, but unlike Xu Feng, he relied on his martial prowess and cunning schemes to impress her.

The crowd gasped, their gazes flitting between the three protagonists. The air crackled with anticipation, a storm brewing beneath the opulent facade. Xanar, however, remained unfazed, her eyes narrowed in amusement. This was a game she knew well, a dance she had mastered.

With a sly smile, she turned to Wei Long, her voice a silken snare. "And what, pray tell, do you offer that Xu Feng does not?"

Wei Long's grin widened. "I offer power, Xanar," he declared, his voice laced with a seductive promise. "Power. With me by your side, you can achieve anything your heart desires."

"How dare you compare yourselves to the likes of her!" Xu Feng spat, his voice laced with venom. He turned to Wei Long, his gaze filled with icy disdain. "And you," he snarled, "just another street rat trying to scurry among the silks. This party is for those of blood and breeding, not gutter trash like you!"

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. It wasn't just the insult, but the sheer audacity of it. Xu Feng, known for his measured demeanour, had just thrown decorum out the window. The tension in the air thickened, a storm brewing amidst the glittering chandeliers.

Wei Long, however, remained unfazed. A slow smile stretched across his face, as cold and sharp as a newly forged blade. "Blood and breeding," he chuckled, his voice dripping with mocking amusement. "Tell me, Xu Feng, does your precious lineage shield you from the sting of failure? Does it stop you from being repeatedly rejected by the very woman you claim to love?"

His words pierced the gilded bubble surrounding Xu Feng, drawing a collective murmur of agreement from the crowd. The tables were turning, and the once confident heir was now on the defensive. His cheeks flushed a deep crimson, a stark contrast to the pale canvas of his anger.

Ignoring Xu Feng's sputtering retorts, Wei Long turned back to Xanar, his eyes burning with an intensity that made even the seasoned socialites blush. "You deserve more, Xanar," he said, his voice a low, seductive purr. "More than these empty displays of wealth and titles. I offer you power, the power to forge your own destiny, to bend the very fabric of this xuxia world to your will."

His words hung heavy in the air, carrying a weight far beyond their simple meaning. A flicker of interest sparked in Xanar's eyes, a hint of a challenge accepted. This unexpected turn of events had ignited a fire within her, a yearning for something beyond the stifling confines of societal expectations.

She looked at Xu Feng, his face contorted in a mixture of rage and hurt, and then back at Wei Long, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Xu Feng, face contorted with fury, snapped his fingers. Two burly guards, their faces stoic masks, materialized beside him. "Teach this gutter rat some manners," he snarled, gesturing towards Wei Long.

The guards, their movements practiced and precise, lunged towards Wei Long. But he didn't flinch. With lightning speed, he sidestepped the first guard's punch, delivering a swift elbow to his solar plexus. The guard crumpled, gasping for air. The second guard fared no better, Wei Long's leg sweeping him off his feet before he could even blink.

The crowd gasped, their murmurs escalating into a buzz of excitement. The tide was turning, and the once confident Xu Feng was starting to look like a fool.

A smirk played on Xanar's lips. This wasn't the damsel-in-distress scenario Xu Feng had envisioned. Instead, she was witnessing a power dynamic shift, and a thrill coursed through her.

Ignoring the stunned silence, Wei Long bowed before her, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Perhaps, Xanar," he said, his voice a smooth caress, "we can continue this conversation elsewhere, without interruptions."

Xanar's smile widened. "Intriguing," she replied, her voice a sultry purr. "Lead the way."

As they turned to leave, her gaze flickered towards Xu Feng, who stood frozen, his face a mask of disbelief and humiliation. With a flick of her wrist, she ripped the ornate contract binding their families, letting the pieces flutter to the ground like fallen leaves.

"Consider our engagement dissolved," she declared, her voice laced with ice. "I choose my own destiny, and it doesn't involve gilded cages or hollow promises."

The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, heavier than any jewel adorning the opulent hall. Shame burned in Xu Feng's eyes, his carefully constructed facade crumbling. He mumbled an apology, his voice barely audible, and scurried towards the exit, his guards trailing behind him like wounded pups.

As he disappeared into the night, a lone car pulling away

The car sped away from the opulent hall, its sleek silhouette disappearing into the night. Yet, within its confines, a different story unfolded from the public display. Xu Feng, instead of being consumed by shame and humiliation, sat with a hidden smile playing on his lips.

This wasn't a smile borne of defeat, but one of calculated victory. Behind the charade of anger and frustration lay a carefully laid plan, meticulously orchestrated like a master chess player maneuvering his pieces. Yes, he had been slapped in the face, figuratively and literally, but that was all within his design.

You see, Xu Feng harbored a secret. He wasn't just the arrogant heir apparent everyone perceived him to be. Years ago, in another life, he had faced a very different reality. Battling cancer, his life had ended, only for him to wake up in this xuxia world, inhabiting the body of the very antagonist – the young master Xu Feng, fated to be humiliated and defeated by the protagonist.

But Xu Feng refused to accept his preordained role. He studied the xuxia novels, his knowledge of the genre becoming his greatest weapon. He manipulated events, orchestrated scenarios, all leading to this very moment – the public break-up with Xanar.

This wasn't just about escaping an unwanted engagement. It was the pivotal point, the deviation from the scripted villain's path. The slap in the face, the rejection, it was all fuel for his grander scheme.

In the xuxia world, the humiliated villain typically exacts revenge, wreaking havoc on the protagonist's life. But Xu Feng had no interest in playing that role. He had glimpsed the consequences, the inevitable downfall. Instead, he chose a different path – one of liberation.

By removing himself from Xanar's life, he had also disentangled himself from the main character's goals. He was free to carve his own destiny, unbound by the shackles of the preordained story.

As the moonlight bathed the car in a soft glow, Xu Feng's smile widened. He had defied the script, his victory hidden in plain sight. The xuxia world was still his stage, but now, he was no longer playing the villain. He was the author, penning his own story.