
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

My friend

(general pov)

[granny Léa] - so aizel now that we are a family you is what we have is not. [aizel] -uh I think we have to have it's love

[granny Leah] - not at all, we need the strength.

[aizel] - strength? [granny leah] - yes that's why from tomorrow i start training you. she said with a mischievous smile.

[aizel] -uh ok why can't it hurt to get strong.

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(pov aizel)

[aizel] -I take back what I said it can hurt a lot to train to get strong

[Granny Léa] -Hey don't slow down or you'll do twenty more push-ups.

It's been over a month since we started training and I must say her training is hellish 100 push-ups 100 abs and 10 km of jogging every day and the craziest thing is that she was doing it too with me a disconcerting ease

[aizel] -aaah it's finally over. [granny Léa] - it took you a long time, I even had time to bake a cake. [aizel] -you are a monster I said whispering

<<BAAM>> [aizel] -have it hurts. I said with tears in my eyes with a lump on my head. [Granny Léa] - you deserve it, okay go and wash up we are going to make an important outing at the today

[aizel] -really I'm going to get out at last. [granny Léa] - yes yes, go go to the bath


[aizel] - aaaah a good bath after workout feels good, but i always wonder why granny doesn't want me out of the house.

I trust her and all but I always feel like she's hiding something from me.

Not that I need to go out anyway cause granny teaches me everything I need to know

as we are in a country called equestria in the city of canterlot

led by princess celestia, granny told me she was captain of the royal guard, she was a great swordsman in her day.

which explains all this equipment. [granny leah] - good as your finished let's go.

when we went out i found the city really but really

[aizel] - beautiful, canterlot is really a very beautiful city but granny why are important today.

[granny leah] - because tomorrow is the summer sun festival where princess celestia will set the sun down and you have to find suitable clothes.

we walked in the city I felt the gaze of people on us or rather on me he looks at me all with eyes of fear and at the same time of concern

[aizel] -Granny why he looks at us all like that

[granny leah] - don't mind, let's go to my friend brigitte's library first. [aizel] -oook.

Arriving at the library we find tati brigitte on the counter. [Brigitte] -oh hello lea, hello aizel I hope the training is not too hard. [Aizel] -it's hell

[granny leah] - it's not that hard just him who's too weak, good alizel adults will argue goes kidding.

[aizel] - yeah yeah I'm going. I say, heading towards the library.


[aizel] - so now what am I doing? I might read a book by .. <<BAAM>> before I can finish my sentence someone is pushing me with their book.

[???] - Ouch my face, ah are you okay? I'm so sorry I was too wrapped up in the book.

[aizel] -no I should have looked around better. I said as I stood up, in front of it was a little purple unicorn with a dark blue mane with a purple streak in its hair.

[aizel] - wait I'll help you pick up your book…. What do you read detailed magic at your age

you are a nerd.

[???] - started at your age, I'm a big pony and I don't see the harm in being intellectual. she said frowning apparently annoyed at my remark

[???] - and if I'm a nerd you're a sharp blacky uh.

[aizel] - I didn't know the nerd was so bad at coming up with insults.

[???] - Stop calling me nerd. [Aizel] - ok ok excuse me i wanted to joke, my name is aizel, aizel rocks and you.

[Twilight Sparkle] -yes I'm sorry, my name is Twilight Sparkle nice to meet you,

so what are you doing here?


[aizel] I am accompanying my mami because she has to buy clothes for tomorrow's party

[Twilight Sparkle] - wait you're going to the summer sun party too, so why don't we go together. [Aizel] - yes why the more it can be fun.

and that's how twilight and i got to know each other, we got to know each other. I learned that she liked to read and studied a lot and that she is a big fan of princess celestia. when I told her I wanted to be a very great swordsman later and I told her about my hellish training with granny, she laughed when she heard me about that, the ones that upset me a bit but in the end we became good friends.

[granny leah] - aizel, aizel where are you? It's getting late, it's time to go home.

[aizel] - ah looks like they call me good it was twilight fun, goodbye.

[twilight] - yes bye next time.


[granny] - looks like you made a new friend today I'm happy for you.

[aizel] -granny could i go to the summer party with my twilight friend.

[granny] - yes if you want, my little foal is already starting to date a girl.

[aizel] -What are you saying Twilight is my friend, we're just friends. I say blushing

[granny] - Bwahahahaha Bwahahahaha Bwahahahaha. [aizel] - stop laughing like that

[aizel] - drop it and granny What are you talking about with Tati Brigitte.

[granny] - oh yes it's true in 4 months i will enroll you in the unicorn academy run by princess celestia. [aizel] -to go to school but for what? .

<<BAAM>> [granny] - to learn big clever, she said, slapping me on the head.

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Today is the day of the party I woke up early we did not set up the date I fixed with twilight but I forgot that I always had to Lord it's one less thing misfortune even on a feast day. But I can only wait until 8 p.m. because that's when the party starts. Now it's 7:00 p.m. and we come out of the house and head to the meeting place which was an attraction party.

[Twilight] - hey over here aizel i am here. [aizel] - hi twilight you are ready to stay up all night.

[twilight] - and how I wouldn't miss Princess Celestia's sunrise for the world.

[shining armor] - so you are my sister's new friend nice to meet you my name is shining armor and you must be lea rocks i am your most admirer ma'am can i get your autograph.

[granny] - yes of course you can have it as a kid, you saw her aizel your granny is famous.

[aizel] - yeah yeah good twilight let's enjoy the fun fair.


At 5:59 am we were all gathered in the common square to see the sunrise.

i saw princess celestia with a rainbow mane and she is also the only alicorn.

as she prepared for the sun to rise I saw her staring in my direction intently.

[aizel] - "" what do I have ""

When the clock hits 6:00 am the princess starts to raise the sun and I have to say it is really beautiful.

[twilight] -that's confirmed aizel I am going to learn magic and I will be like princess celestia. [aizel] -good luck, you have to pass the entrance exam to the academy she runs.

[twilight] - yeah i would do my best

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

thanks for all your support i was wondering if i should follow the cannon or not but i dont think i follow it i would do more realistic battles with blood and all

Jesse_Assoumoucreators' thoughts