
My life in Konosuba

This is adventure story of a normal high School boy reborn in KonoSuba world. I'm a newbie Author. Please give me an advice :) The cover photo is not mine. CCTTO

AbsoluteCode · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 5- First Quest Part 2

Chapter 5- First Quest Part 2

"…That was wonderful, Maria-san."

"I'm glad you like listening to this old woman's story."

Some time had passed since Maria-san told us about her story.

"No-no it was fascinating, I dream of that kind of adventure and please don't say you are old. After all, you are still a beautiful woman, in my opinion, Maria-san."

"Ahaha, You are making me embarrassed if you keep saying like that, Yunyun-chan."

While Yunyun and Maria-san were immersed in their chats, I was taking my time pondering my next course of action.

-As for me…

I sipped the tea and ate cookies prepared by Maria-san a while ago. I am not fond of sweets, but I can tell the cookie I ate just now was of high quality.

"How is it? Do you like the cookies?"

"Yes, it's my first time having it. It was very delicious, Maria-san."

Looking over I said my thanks to Maria-san. It appears that their chats were over. Maria-san is a gentle person, I'm glad that Yunyun found herself another person to get along with. Anyway, I wonder what kind of man Maria-san's husband is.

It seems that Yunyun and Maria-san were getting along well.

I am relieved that someone like Maria-san will accompany us in this quest. If I had not been reborn into this world, Yunyun would have taken this quest with Maria-san accompanying her.

I am relieved to know of this.

There is a reason I decided to accompany Yunyun-chan in this quest instead of going into my initial plan by registering myself as an adventurer. To begin with, I am afraid of being alone, and being reborn after I died suddenly makes me question myself. The world of Konosuba is dangerous. In the story, even the MC Kazuma Satou died countless times. The presence of Yunyun-chan eased my concerns. In addition, I am worried that Yunyun will take this quest alone. I still do not know how the leveling system of the world works, but I know that at the beginning of the story, Yunyun-chan, along with Megumin, had low levels and only had intermediate magic at her disposal. It is better to finish this quest quickly with the ability I have and prepare for my next course of action. Furthermore, this is a good opportunity to earn more Yunyun points. A path for my future romances.

Well, what kind do I say? I'm a genius.

"It's time."

After some time, Maria-san stood up and told us to follow her to see her husband's condition. We went upstairs and came to one of the rooms that appeared to master the bedrooms.

When the door opened, what greeted us was a simple spacious clean room, a few ornaments, and a bedroom with a person lying on it.

A tough-looking middle-aged man.

When we entered, following Maria-san, the uncle on the bed noticed the presence. He looked at us and greeted us casually.

"Oh! I heard voices downstairs. I assumed that there were some visitors. Welcome youngsters. You are here to visit me right? I know that this old man is quite famous, so do not hold back and shower me with praise. Ahahahah!"


Yunyun shrieks out from the loud voice.

"Stop messing around, they are here for the quest that I requested."

It seems that this tough-looking middle-aged man is gullible.

Yunyun shrinks her body behind me after getting startled by the scary uncle.

"Look! You are scaring Yunyun-chan."

After being reprimanded by his wife, he looked at us with an apologetic face and showed little surprise after noticing Yunyun-chan's eye color.

"Oh, now this is a surprise, an otherworldly-looking kid and a crimson girl being together, tantalizing indeed "

I am quite surprised by his remarks about us, but stepping forward, I introduce myself.

"Excuse us for the sudden intrusion, Maria-san's husband, Hello, or should I say, Good evening. My name is Hikimori Saiko, and this is my partner, Yunyun-chan. We are here hoping to help you solve your problem."

"Maria-san's husband, Ahahahah! I like it, but this old man got himself the name. Just called me Uncle Joe.' Everyone called me that. Ahahahah!"

I was speechless.

Looking at the uncle who laughs heartily makes me wonder if this person is okay.

Probably seeing my reaction, Maria-san who is now sitting on the corner of the bed playfully said:

"See this guy is alive and kicking. No need to be worried."

"But is that okay? It must be very painful and poisonous inside the body. We must do something to remove it quickly."

Yunyun who was nervous the entire time voiced her concern.

What a kind girl! I wuv her!

"Ahahahah! Do not worry, Crimson Demons Young Lady. I faced countless battles several times and survived after receiving several number of heavy damage. A mere poison doesn't pose any threat to me."


"It's okay Yunyun-chan. No need to worry. As his wife, I'm also worried but we need to calm down. That's why we need to find those rare herbs hopefully."

Maria-san said to Yunyun softly with eyes full of fondness.

Subsequently, Maria-san began examining the current state of Uncle Joe's body to ease our worry.

Uncle Joe has a top-tier job as a Crusader. With the high poison resistance that his body possessed, it managed to suppress the poison, but as a result, it numbed his entire body, making standing up difficult. That is why he ended up bedridden. Besides that, there was nothing that indicated that his life was endangered. It is better to remove the toxin inside him to ensure safety, as Yunyun-chan suggested.

"Yunyun-chan and Hikimori-kun, while I'm preparing for some things that will be needed for the trip, the two of you can wait in the living room. It's been a while since I traveled, I need to prepare myself."

I think it was time for me to take action, seeing Maria-san getting ready to prepare. I hurriedly stopped her and said,

"Wait a minute, Maria-san! Before that, there's something that I would like to try."

Hearing me say that Maria-san looked over at me with a doubtful expression.

Seeing them with their attention on me, now I feel embarrassed somehow.

However, this is now or never. I need to prove whether the ability I obtained has a hundred percent success rate.

Honestly, I am unsure of the limitations of my abilities. It states that it can return to its original state. But what 'exactly'….is the original state? It is quite vague in my opinion… but even so… I hope it can enable us to remove the toxin from Uncle Joe's body.

After that, I stated my intention and told them about the effects of my skills. However—

"Hmm, a peculiar skill, indeed. Never heard of this before, but if what you said is true? then, how about we give it a try?"

Uncle Joe said after pondering a little. Perhaps, being an adventurer for a long time made him accustomed to some unexpected things.


Maria-san still appeared worried and skeptical about my skills. As an Archmage, she was knowledgeable about all types of magic. However, I received my skills from the Goddess. It's one of a kind. Anyone who hears the effect will probably think of how overpowered this type of healing skill is and makes it hard to believe that such a skill exists.


"I believe in him, Maria-san!"

After a short silence, Yunyun suddenly said and appeared beside me.

A very supportive waifu.

I'm gonna marry her!

Seeing the confidence of Yunyun, Maria-san appeared a little embarrassed and said,

"Don't worry, Yunyun-chan, it's not like I don't trust Saiko-kun. I just, you know…"

"Haha! … waifeey, seriously, after a long time, your observation skills became so dull. Take a second look again and appraise the kid carefully…"

Even though he is not in a position to say something like that considers this person lying on the bed helplessly.

However, following her husband's reminder, Maria-san looked over and closely inspected me.

"What are you saying right now…Eh! W-What a vast amount of mana! Wait, Hikimori-kun didn't have a level yet, so how?"

Oh, another effect of my cheating ability, is +1000 intelligence. It is no wonder she reacted like that, but there is something I found weird…. No level?

"Umm. By the way, Maria-san. What do you mean? Saiko-kun didn't have a level yet?"

Yunyun-chan voiced my concern and appeared a little confused.

Hearing Yunyun's query, Maria-san looked a little guilty and said,

"Well actually, I kinda used a skill to appraise the two of you when we first met--…Wait! Yunyun-chan, Don't worry. Other than your level. I did not know about the rest. I apologized."

Seeing Yunyun embarrassed, Maria-san hurriedly explained herself and apologized.

I guess that appraising someone's status without consent is a violation of privacy. After all, from the point of view of a girl like Yunyun, such things are like peeking at their three sizes.

"So Saiko-san doesn't have a level yet? Then, that means…."

"Yeah, He doesn't possess a soul card."

Yunyun and Maria-san looked at me with unbelievable expressions.

Yep, a levelless guy with a vast amount of mana, such things, is hard to believe.

However, examining their reactions puts me in a dilemma. It is very hard for me to explain my situation to them, and I do not know where to start.


"Sigh… You guys still didn't get it?"

"Honey, what are you saying…"

"A guy with unusual skill with a unique naming style but doesn't have a soul card which indicates that this person appeared out of nowhere."

"Wait, that means…"

"Yeah, there's no doubt about it. This kid…"

Uncle Joe glanced at me and said,

"A Hero Candidates. Am I right, Saiko-kun?"

It is the first time Uncle Joe has called my name, which means that being a hero candidate is a big deal for them, huh?


Yunyun who was listening to the conversation the entire time suddenly made a weird shout.

Nice reaction!

"S-Saiko-san is..!"

With a surprised expression, Yunyun looked at me with her cute round eyes.

I found her reaction amusing, so I looked funnily at her.

Yunyun-chan, a red-faced averted her eyes after I stared a her.


"That's right, summoned by the Goddess with a sole mission which is to defeat the demon king. A hero Candidates."

While she was talking, Maria-san patted her head of Yunyun to calm her.

"Amazing… Back then, everyone in the magic academy was dreaming of being invited to a party by a hero candidate, So that means… I.."

After saying that Yunyun looked at me, excitedly, her eyes were glowing brightly.

"I'm sorry for not telling it to you sooner, Yunyun-chan. It is not like I am hiding it. It's just I'm still new to this and despite being a hero candidate, I'm still a newbie."

"No-no don't apologize, Saiko-san. I'm not angry. More like I'm very honored to be invited such an amazing person like Saiko-san."

Yunyun-chan hurriedly said while waving her hands.

"What are you saying, Yunyun-chan? You are beautiful, cute, and an Archmage for a young age. I'm looking forward to being a party member with you."

Yunyun-chan ends up blushing furiously after hearing my compliments.

I find her reaction adorable, so I tease her.

"Ahem! I find it amusing as the two of you flirting with each other, but it is not time for that. My butt became so numb after lying down for a long time. So Saiko-kun do your magic."

Being reminded by Uncle Joe stops us from messing around.

Yunyun pouted and pinched my side from embarrassment.

I smiled only during her actions.


I came to Uncle Joe while everyone was watching.

"Are you ready, Uncle Joe?"

"More than ready."

After receiving his confirmation, I took a breath and placed my hand on him.


After I utter my chant, the golden light bursts. It was so bright that it enveloped the entire room.


I'm back!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AbsoluteCodecreators' thoughts