
My life in HighSchool DXD!

I will add something later

Master_Atlest · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

How could such a thing exist!

________________Previously.... _________________

"Hey guys, I heard that the new transfer student is coming in today!" - Classmate 1 (Female)

"Oh yeah, I heard about that, I hope the new student is a pretty girl, maybe I can try my luck then" - Classmate 1 (Male)

"Haha dude, get real, even if it was a female donkey, it would think 5 times before it dates you!" - Classmate 2 (Male)

"Bahahaha!!!!" - Classmates

"Oh c'mon, I'm not that bad, am I?" - Classmate 1 (Male)

"Well, I hope that the new student is a really cute guy, after all our class is really lacking in that department." - Classmate 2 (Famale)

"Hey that is kind of mean, aren't in cute enough?" - Classmate 3 (Male)

"Aww of course you are ~boo~ *Peck(Muwah)*" - Classmate 2 (Female)

"Get a room you idiot and stop rubbing your relationship in my face!!" - Classmate 4 (Male)

"Hehe who remembers when Classmate 4 (Male) asked Koneko out" - Classmate 3 (Female)

"Shhh...don't bring it up, don't you see Koneko is right there" - Classmate 4 (Male) points to the middle of the classroom, where they could see a lone girl, with beautiful white hair sitting alone on her desk, her face always remaining stoic.

While they were in their worlds, the teacher, who is a male man with the height of 6ft 4inches and has dark blue hair and wears strangely shiny glasses which seem to glow.


He looked towards the door and spoke.

"You may enter now." - Teacher

All eyes were now at the door waiting for the new mystery to walk in, some hoping it was a girl, some hoping it was a guy, while the rest just didn't care which gender (if you get what I mean).


---------------General Pov--------------

The door to the classroom opened and with it came a boy who has a height of 4 foot 6 inches, he had white hair that seemed to glow a little bit, he has honey-coloured eyes, that show sweetness, it is extremely attractive, he was dressed in the standard kuoh academy's male uniform.

He walked to where the teacher pointed that, which was at the front of the class, next to the black board and just waited.

'I have never been to a Japanese school before.... what the heck am I supposed to do!!?' Toneri thought, clearly panicking

"What are you waiting for, introduce yourself" - Teacher

But unlike his expectations, Toneri just stood there completely lost on what to do.

"..." - Teacher

Toneri turned to look at him, with a questioning face.

"You just write your name on the blackboard behind you, and speak about yourself, alright?" - Teacher

'Ahhh so it is just like the animes, at least I did not make a fool of myself.' - Thought Toneri as he nodded at the teacher and turned his attention to the black board.

*Scribble noises on black board*

After completion he turned to face everyone,

'It has been so long since I have been to school, I was never good with people and crowds...I'll say this, hello everyone, I am Toneri and I came to this class for one reason and it is to find someone special!! Haha, they will see me as someone extremely cool.

"Hello everyone, my name is Toneri and as you can see, I am not well cultured in the cultures of this country, I hope to get along with everyone, please take care of me." - Toneri

'What the fuck just happened!!! That isn't what I planned to say, Alfred what happened!!' - screamed Toneri in his thoughts, while bowing in front of everyone in the class as a sign of respect.

>Young master, you were extremely nervous, that your brain made an alternative, to your plan, due to your embarrassment of saying such statements, basically your brain short circuit and rebooted itself, with a backup knowledge.

"Pick a seat" - Teacher

"Thank you." - Replied Toneri

'Well, whatever happens, happens I guess, now where is my baby.' - Thought Toneri

Walking albeit slowly, he scanned the room, searching for a little white-haired beauty.

'Ahh there she is!' - Thought Toneri, with visible excitement

Spotting her, was probably something he would never forget.

'Oh my god, why is she so beautiful, compared to the anime, this is a whole new level, her beautiful skin, her lovely yellow eyes, her soft yet firm white hair, she is too gorgeous, how can something this precious exist....' - Toneri's thoughts

His heart was beating, like there was no tomorrow, his breath quickened and if you look closely, you will some drops of sweat on the sides of his face, his cheeks, turning rosy as If hit by a massive fever, but this heart beating fast was not decreasing in speed, no in fact it was increasing in speed, it was pumping so rapidly that you would think it would break out his chest and explode.

Now you would think others would notice but they were too busy paying attention to the teacher and his hair for them to notice, after all there are now two people in class with white hair, some even wondered if he was the brother to Koneko, but Koneko herself being the race she is could, hear his heart beat racing, she could see the sweat forming on his face, especially his rosy cheeks, she saw it all, but kept a straight face as always, no one knows what she is thinking. (Not even me, the Author.)

Walking to the seat on the right of Koneko he sat there, setting his bag to the side of the desk, on the desk are some text books and a single note book, at the corner of the desk was a handless cup with pencils, ruler and pens inside.

Calming his senses, focused on surveying his situation.

'Ok so I am sitting next to Koneko my precious...but what do I do, I am so nervous, I thought this would be easier, but I can't help it, with my heart racing as it is, I can't think straight, just breathing the same air is already too much!!, shit! I have to say something to her.' - Thought Toneri

Toneri Shakely turned towards her direction, readying his hand for a hand shake, but when he raises his hand to set the motion, he knocked over the text book, that was on his desk.

'Fuck.' - Thought Toneri

Completely frozen on the spot, heart crying out for help and this could all be explained because it was generating heat because of how fast it was beating, the most overpowered character was in the worst situation at the moment.


While Toneri was frozen on the spot having and existential crisis of his own, Koneko picked up the text book he dropped and held it towards Toneri.

"Here." - Koneko

[warning all these thoughts below took lets than 2 seconds to be thought!]

'What the hell was that, it sounded like it came out her mouth, this shouldn't exist, what is this? Why is it so powerful, the amount of pressure from this source is abysmal, this is crazy, can something like this truly exist, it is more than angelic, I cannot believe this voice belongs to an actual person, maybe a God, I'm talking OG yes but a planetary residence? No not possible, why is her voice so...GODDAMN...BEAUTIFUL!!!, it is so delightful to listen to, it is calming, cool very super appealing, it's so alluring, I felt pleasure just from hearing it, I'm I blinded by love? What is this feeling, can I really, get someone like her to love me, I'm I good enough? Would she even look my way if I act cool? Why is this so hard, I'm panicking like I was on earth, why is this always happening, I'm feeling hypnotised by the way I feel, who is Koneko to me? I'm I in love with her? Is she the same as her anime counterpart?

What is wrong with me, this is not earth, I will not cower away, I am strong, powerful and glorious and most of all, I AM HANDSOME, I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON KONEKO, MY LOVE FOR HER IS NOT THAT SMALL.'

He took the text book from her soft, proclaim hand.

[warning all these thoughts below took lets than 2 seconds to be thought! End.]

Now Toneri wants to respond by saying 'Thanks, sorry about that, by the way I was wondering...since I'm new and all if you would show me around, when you are free of course.' That was what he wanted to say but-

"Thanks, my name is Toneri." - Toneri


"Hmm." - Koneko said with a slight nod

After taking the book off her and placing it on my desk, I turned to her again and carried on.

"E-erm *Cough* so what is your name?" - Toneri

Koneko, while still paying attention ahead she replied.

"Koneko." - Koneko

"Oh...em t-that is a r-really p-pretty name." - Toneri

"Hmm." - Koneko

"S-So you see, I'm new here, so...I d-don't r-really know my way around...and...i was wondering, if you would be so kind as to-" - Toneri

"Mr Toneri! do you have something you would like to share with the class?" - Teacher

Eruptively standing up from his chair, which was pushed back due to the force used when standing up, replied in a swift and calm motion.

"No sir, sorry for interrupting your lectures, it won't happen again." - Toneri

"Alright, you may sit down, just pay attention, ok? After all you are a bit behind in this class...anyways carrying on, blah blah blah...." - Teacher

Sitting back down Toneri decided to actually open his text book, rather than making a fool of himself some more.

'What the hell is this!?' - Toneri

'Alfred, tell me, do they actually teach 15-year-olds this?' - Toneri

>I am afraid so master, you see earth's intelligent compared to this world's intelligence is far apart, an example of this, is the trio of perverts, who can calculate a woman's body figure and size, in just a few glances, so essentially, they are by far smarter, than your world, young master.

'Well crap...i don't want to waste my time doing this, when Koneko is just right there, legit to the left of me, Alfred makes a solution to this problem, I need my time so I can sp- I mean observe Koneko' - Toneri

>Understood young master, now commencing operation how to spy on that hussy...Commencing...

'WHAT! What do you mean spy, ME? no *pssh* you must have confused me with someone else, like I told you, I am only to observe her, that is all....' - Toneri


'*Tch* whatever, explain to me how this would work.'

>Understood young master, because I am like a second brain to young master, I will learn what is in the text book and understand it, I will have partial control of the body with your permission of course, I will use young master's hand, in flipping the text book and using one part of young master's eye to study and understand what is written, after my understanding, I will pass it on to young master's brain.

'All right sounds good, Commence.' - Toneri

>Understood young master but, when completed/processing would you like the information all at once or one by one, do understand that there is no side effect or pain inflected.

'Then that is a dumb question Alfred, just dump the whole this on me.' - Toneri

>Now Commencing

Just like that his hands moved to flipping the pages in the text book slowly, head down facing the text in the book, but of course from time to time, Toneri's eyes would dart to take peeks at Koneko and as to not make it suspicious he would quickly straighten his eyes back to his text book, now Toneri thought he was being slick, but little did he know that Koneko could see his actions as clear as day and so like this class was over and it was time for lunch.

Packing their things, they prepared to leave for the cafeteria, but before anyone else could leave, Koneko was already out the door and not far behind her is Toneri, keeping up with her paste, when suddenly Koneko stopped and looked behind her.

"What do you want?" - Koneko

'Oh, my days, why is her voice so sexy.' - Toneri

"Erm, sorry, I was just hoping since you are my desk mate, maybe you could show me around?" - Toneri

Koneko thinking to her herself that the reason is plausible, so she agreed.

"Hmm, follow me then." - Koneko


20 minutes has past and Toneri spent all his time staring at her in a daze, he did not care about the academy, no- all his attention was on Koneko and her magnificence voice.

"That's all." - Koneko

"O-Oh yeah, thank you for showing me around Koneko, I hope we can hang out like this again." - Scratching the back of his head, with a nervous laughter (hA-Ha)

"Hmm." - Koneko

She nodded slight and left without another word.

'That was exhilarating, I have never felt this happy in my 2 lives!!!' - Toneri

Cheering and jumping, as if a little child had just gotten its favourite toy.

"Man, you really fell for her hard didn't you." - Classmate?? (??)

(A/N: great chapter me! I know, I know, I'm awesome, but why just tell me that? Why not drop a stone and tell me that too, hehe now that is how to tell and show, who said words don't matter!

Alright down to business, although I am not good at romance stories, I want to try, I don't care if you think it cringy or what not, what romance isn't cringy....me saying this is sad, since I have never had a girlfriend in all my 19 years of life, I know what I want, but it is very high standards, I don't care about looks-bullshit, I do care about looks, I'm not going to date some hairy as beast, HELL NO, but what I care about more than looks is personality, I can never truly fall for someone if their personality is absolutely garbage, I want bonds, good memories, happy times, sad times...and cute times, T_T why can't I have this? It's not like am ugly or anything, in fact many have told me that I am very handsome, I'm funny, a good cook, smart, serious when it comes to it and Hella responsible, but it not happening, I am sick of waiting for love ngl, I'm starting uni and my life would be preoccupied and I would not have time for it, that is why I need it now, I mean I'm still a fucking virgin, shit why am I telling you guys/girls this? Alright maybe never having one was kind of a lie...i mean I had one, but it led to my heart being so broken, HAHA MAYBE it wasn't even one, it was all the same, they lied to me, they betrayed me, they toyed with me, I mean I was ignorant at times, since I was new to the experience of a relationship but I tried really hard you know, but they toyed with my heart played games with me, I knew they weren't the one for me but I kept at it, I ended up broke/broken and alone, I don't like using people, I don't like being hurt in ways I don't understand. I want someone honest, someone reasonable, someone who is not completely selfish, maybe the reason we guys like yanderes, is because they will love us whole heartedly, why we love cold heart girls is because they would block all others from their hearts, apart from us...man I am having a really shitty day to be honest...my life is boring, I want something real, not fake, I mean we live in a society fuelled by one thing, one goal and that is money, even after love, money will still be there to make things worse, why do we work? = money, why do people commit crimes? = money which then leads to revenge, you see everything revolves around money, we don't have a choice but to follow that circle or life. It isn't a reality I want to be in, that is why fantasy is my escape from reality, maybe the reason I love academies so much is because in that place, I could have peace and quiet, no need for money talk, playing all the games I wanted, gaining all the experiences I want without rushing, never worrying about death or debts, I don't like aging, growing old, to be honest I am scared of death, what if we just cease to exist, what of heaven and hell isn't real, what if we just disappear into nothingness, I don't know about you but having to lose my memories and myself being while being reincarnated, is a scary thing, I want to do so many things, change the world, I want to love someone or something, I can't even get a pet cause mum said no "fuck am I right" she won't even let me stay at the dorms for uni, she wants me at home, doing all the chores while studying...i need a walk, maybe help....honestly I am starting to lose my emotions, I have been to the doctors a couple times and even went to some psychiatrists, they said I am going through some sort of depression, but I don't think that is the case, because if I wanted to I could fake emotions, so easily that it looks real, my life as it is, is just a living visage...yeah I know my problems aren't as much as other suffering, I should be happy being safe and everything, but what is life? Is it living safely because if that is the case why were we put into a dangerous environment during the A.C, why is there constant war, why do we have greed, we as humans want to monopolize everything, I read things about living a peaceful live, but they don't live it, because it would get boring, what is there to do? Sleep? Work this is not we or anyone wants, you tell yourself a lie saying those, you want something that you can get easily? Of course not, things you worked hard for, are much more important and precious, that is why there has to be bonds, special moments, that lead to a successful relationship...I barely have the experience, my lack of emotions is becoming worse, so reading novels, doing what I normally do, anime, manga, fanfics, those help me a bit, even writing some help me, I sometimes find myself asking, why am I alive? What are emotions. Funny thing is there is one emotion I can't fake and that is love...cringe you say but to me it is something I yearn for, maybe like an obsession, it is something you cannot fake, you cannot hide it, it messes with your senses, something divine like this and I see people messing with it, some say wait, you will find someone, some say that there are plenty of fishes in the sea, but I am sick of waiting and most of the fishes aren't the ones I am looking for, something real, isn't easy to find as fishes, maybe it might save me from where I am going....maybe I am sad that is why I am writing this, I feel like even if I see someone die right in front of me I wouldn't care, sometimes I see people crying or are shocked from things they see, and me well normally don't get it, why are they shocked? Why are they scared? Why do they cry, they are not in pain...i am losing my touch to reality...I can't talk about this with someone, because they would not understand, they would say I am faking it all, I am making an excuse, but seriously I am losing it...i am sad maybe its sadness I feel atm... if I lose it all without feeling it at all, then what was the point of my existence? Am I just another slave...i don't know, now I am just rambling on about things you probably don't care about, but I want to get this all off my chest...every time I write, I imagine it being me, I imagine the feelings at that moment in time, and try to replicate it, but it all comes out fake, you know lately I don't get surprised anymore...the shock I don't feel it and now I am losing my sense of fear, I used to be scared of spiders, but now...i feel nothing...horror movies nothing a knife pointed at me nothing, I don't even care if I died at any moment after all, we will die at some point right? But death itself is the only thing that scares me, losing all my emotions before feeling them for real also scares me...that is it.

I even started calling people humans, maybe that is the influence from animes and manga, but I still do, I am looking at them as if their existence is pointless, they cannot rely on their own powers, they must work together, they can't help but rely on tools and machines yet they have conflicts on baseless reasons, sometimes I even think, what are the possibilities of me feeling something if I killed someone? Maybe I would be scared, or maybe I would be happy, or even sad? Is everything so insignificant in my eyes? I am not less than a bug that I crush every day when I walk, what is the different because all species? Is it intelligence? Because what we are doing is essentially what ants are doing...having their leaders and building a kingdom a safe place, yet we feel superior to them, why? Is it because we are bigger, or is it something else?

Who would remember me if I died? Who would care? How long would they grief for me, or care for me when I am gone? Am I important? Do I waste space? Why do my eyes water when I write this? Yet I feel no pain no heart ache...maybe I hate myself, that I locked away my emotions? But what do I hate in myself? Is there another place for me to be in? Am I wasting my time? Who am I? And where do I belong?

On days that I don't have much to do or think, these questions spring up, sometimes, I just randomly fall into a state of depression such as this, looks like you guys/girls caught me at this time.

I hope you don't let this all bother you too much, I just wanted to get it off my chest is all, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I will post more soon.

If you are having similar issues as me please comment it all, I promise I will read it all and give my take on it, let's be like the ants and work together, after all we as humans, cannot stand to work alone.

Goodbye for now.)

(word count: 3971)

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Master_Atlestcreators' thoughts