
My life in HighSchool DXD!

I will add something later

Master_Atlest · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Body made of KI!!!


"Because I am going to need an explanation from you!" - Lady


"what do you mean huh? You just magic cloths from thin air, your skin is as pale as a ghost, and your eyes are sparkling not to mention you have a number tattooed on your collar bone!" - Lady

"what? that doesn't concern you, I don't have to say anything!?"

"well a 14 year old sleeping in the park, isn't something that society can accept either so tell me!" - Lady

"Wait did someone else see me?"

"No, don't worry" - Lady

"*Phew* Wait that is not the issue here!"

"What is then?" - Lady

"I don't even know who you are and you want me to explain myself!"

"Oh, is that all? Well I am Angel Samuel, wait didn't I say this already?" - Lady

"I wasn't even paying attention then..."

"F-fine, you don't even know me!"

"Then tell me!" - Lady

"No, and goodbye!!!"


---------------Mc Pov--------------

So, it turns out I have been kidnapped by this strange woman and honestly I know this is the DXD world but do they really give all adult women giant boobs? No why am I even questioning it. *UmU* *UmU*

"What are you nodding your head up and down for, hurry up and eat" - Angel

"I already told you I do not need to eat"

Who knows maybe she has already poisoned it, maybe a sleeping tablet that is tasteless or is it liquid, I don't even know if I am immune to poison especially of this world, who knows it might be a magic poison.



"ok, ok no need for the coppers."

"What are coppers? Isn't that an ore?" - Angel

"never mind"

The reason I am still here is, because she got me hooked to a net, if I leave she will call the police which will then result in people from either the vampire faction or yokai faction coming to take me, which would be very bad.

So here I am playing nice and getting adopted by this angel woman, don't even ask me how it all happened because even I myself the victim have no idea, I still don't trust her, I can sense it, no- I know for sure she is evil, my senses are never wrong.

(A/N: his senses are usually wrong)

"So you will be going to Khou high when you turn 15, I have already sorted all the papers and your ID situations, :son:" - angel

"who are you calling son you boobs for brain, Hmph!"

"you know what, I have been trying to be nice because you are some homeless kid I found on the streets, but ever since I have invited you to my house and fed you, all you do is insult me even in that tiny little head of yours, now it is my turn to assess some dominance here, READY YOUR BUTT!"

Alright new things I have learnt "D-do n-not p-piss h-her o-off." And just like that I passed out.


It's been 2 weeks since I have arrived in this world and have been living with this woman, she calls me son just to piss me off, man I swear one day I will hammer some sense into her.

Well that is not important right now as I am training my abilities in a forest, oh how did I find a forest, well simple I used my eyes to look around, have you ever heard of these things called eyes?


"....So screaming is not the only thing need to unlock my potential."

I thought all I need was some KI and some screams and I would somehow do it...oh well, I have been training my KI and not my Tenseigan, why? Because KI is the energy needed to use the Tenseigan and without control I would be a walking explosion of stupidity.

Oh yes, my skin colour has changed due to Ki being life energy, which fed my skin and health and due to me being made out of KI made my skin colour brown-white? I don't even know the colour mixture, it's like yellow brown and white and slashed into one which makes me.

"Hehehehe, it works, IT WORKS!!"

I am happy it worked, it was so hard to understand and try to manipulate the way it was done in dragon ball z and I am talking about flying and I have done it, I do not even require the aura since I am made up of KI, I do not even need to breath but I do to breath in KI, even though I have an infinite amount of it.

>Well done Young Master Toneri.

"Thank you Alfred"

"By the way, what are your functions Alfred"

>Well Young Master Toneri, you can think of me as another brain, with enough information I can provide you with any calculations or strategies if need, and you can even place important information in me, you can also make commands, so for example a move called KI wave, you can name it and set the instructions of what is supposed to happen, and set it to activate when you say either "wave" or "Ki wave" the name does not really matter but that is how I function Young master.

Oh snap this is really useful, it is way too hard imagining the moves that I will use, I mean think about it, you want to fire a spell, but you have to imagine it as well and that takes a second or more, so with this, I will be instantly casting it.

"alright Alfred time for your first mission."

>ooohuuu, I will not let you down Young Master

'Good then gather all information regarding the tenseigan's Jutsus.'

>Done, here are the information:

[[Amber Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Amber Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]





[[Amethyst Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Amethyst Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Bermuda Triangle|Bermuda Triangle]]

[[Blocking Technique Negation Seal|Blocking Technique Negation Seal]]

[[Chibaku Tensei: Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Chibaku Tensei: Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Compromised Freedom: Heavenly Contribution|Compromised Freedom: Heavenly Contribution]]

[[Compromised Freedom: Subjugation of the Populace|Compromised Freedom: Subjugation of the Populace]]

[[Diamond Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Diamond Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Diamond Wheel Reincarnation Explosion Rosary|Diamond Wheel Reincarnation Explosion Rosary]]

[[Dimension Walking Technique|Dimension Walking Technique]]

[[Eighty Gods Amber Assault|Eighty Gods Amber Assault]]

[[Emerald Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Emerald Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Four Noble Paths|Four Noble Paths]]

[[Garnet Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Garnet Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Genjutsu: Tenseigan|Genjutsu: Tenseigan]]

[[Gentle Step Thousand Auspicious Omens|Gentle Step Thousand Auspicious Omens]]


[[Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Good Game No Rematch: Rage Fang Fist|Good Game No Rematch: Rage Fang Fist]]

[[Ichibō Senri|Ichibō Senri]]

[[Inner Doors Technique|Inner Doors Technique]]

[[Inner Path|Inner Path]]

[[Inner Path: Grand Law of Dharma Technique|Inner Path: Grand Law of Dharma Technique]]

[[Insatiable Primordial Singularity|Insatiable Primordial Singularity]]

[[Jade Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Jade Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]


[[Localised Rasenshuriken|Localised Rasenshuriken]]

[[Localised Reincarnation Explosion|Localised Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Middle Way|Middle Way]]

[[Mugen Shuriken|Mugen Shuriken]]

[[Muki Tenseigan|Muki Tenseigan]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Amatsu Hakyoku|Muki Tenseigan: Amatsu Hakyoku]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Hell Flame Crater|Muki Tenseigan: Hell Flame Crater]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Kushinadahime|Muki Tenseigan: Kushinadahime]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Massive Disease Corruption of Surroundings|Muki Tenseigan: Massive Disease Corruption of Surroundings]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Shinku Tensei Kyūbu|Muki Tenseigan: Shinku Tensei Kyūbu]]


[[Onyx Wheel Rasenshuriken|Onyx Wheel Rasenshuriken]]

[[Orthoclase Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Orthoclase Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Peridot Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Peridot Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Prayer Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Prayer Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Puppet Reincarnation|Puppet Reincarnation]]

[[Realm: Living Ghost|Realm: Living Ghost]]

[[Realm: Three Planes|Realm: Three Planes]]

[[Regional Reincarnation Explosion|Regional Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Reincarnation Wheel Explosion|Reincarnation Wheel Explosion]]

[[Rikudo Art: Six Paths Unification of Aggregates|Rikudo Art: Six Paths Unification of Aggregates]]


[[Ruby Wheel Localized Reincarnation Explosion|Ruby Wheel Localized Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Ruby Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Ruby Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Sapphire Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Sapphire Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Seven Pillars Secret Technique: Ama-no-Saka-hoko|Seven Pillars Secret Technique: Ama-no-Saka-hoko]]

[[Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion|Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Six Paths Guru Mode|Six Paths Guru Mode]]

[[Six Realms Technique|Six Realms Technique]]

[[Six Realms of Bliss|Six Realms of Bliss]]

[[Summoning Tenseigan|Summoning Tenseigan]]


[[Tenseigan Astral Projection Technique|Tenseigan Astral Projection Technique]]

[[Tenseigan Chakra Arms|Tenseigan Chakra Arms]]

[[Tenseigan Chakra Mode|Tenseigan Chakra Mode]]

[[Tenseigan Disruption Beam|Tenseigan Disruption Beam]]

[[Tenseigan: Scattering Chakra Rosary|Tenseigan: Scattering Chakra Rosary]]

[[The Twelve Nidānas|The Twelve Nidānas]]

[[Three Bodies Technique|Three Bodies Technique]]

[[Truth Seeking Gyaku|Truth Seeking Gyaku]]

[[Truth-Seeking Armor|Truth-Seeking Armor]]



[[Yang Release: Four-fold Mirror Return|Yang Release: Four-fold Mirror Return]]

[[Zero State Quantum Break|Zero State Quantum Break]]

"Ohh, you work fast!"

>I am to please, Young master

Well I better head back before Angel's head rolls of her neck.


Oh that little trick, it's just me teleporting, sadly it only works on places I have been, but it is fast, like no second at all, just Ziosh and I am there and Ziosh and I'm gone.

I have noticed to somethings about me that is different, I think due to being made out of Ki my personality changed, normally I was a guy who is calm and ignores people, but now I am always lively and jumpy, I have too much energy and I always take the mick out of people, some could say I have got a rude mouth.

But it's not like they can do anything anyways, before I forget I can also change my height and weight, curtesy of being made out of KI, the bigger I get, the more Ki I am made out off and the more I hold, after all I have Infinite Ki, now the best part is that I don't even bleed, in fact I don't have organs or anything like that, which is awesome! I can release Ki outside my body too, but let's not do that for now, I mean if someone looks at me with magic vision they won't sense anything unless they use Ki of course, but if I release then I am announcing my presences, which I do not need yet, as I have to get koneko first.

"I'm home!"

"Oh, I was about to call the coppers. I thought you ran away." - Angel

"Oh, c'mon enough with the coppers, I won't run, but I will never see you as my mother either"

"H-how c-can y-you s-say t-that *Sniff*" - Angel

"Oh, stop being a baby, see this is why I cannot see you as a mother, but I can see you as my older sister"

"R-really?" - Angel

"Yeah bwo."

She then ran from where ever she was and pulled me into suffocation, Tch why is her Boobs so big....I JUST WANT KENOKOOOOOOOO!!!!

(A/N: short? yes. why? because it is 4:54am and my brain will make so much errors that will make the whole fan fic stupid. so I hope you enjoy this short chapter, words 1,861)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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